
Looking for real-time web server analytics package

I am the programmer for the Education department at a county hospital. I would like to be able to see some real-time stats on an IIS6 web server that is only accessible in-house. I'm looking for something similar to what 1and1.com provides for their customers (if you're familiar with what they offer). I have a Classic ASP/VBScript based...

How do I Create an Expression Tree by Parsing Xml in C#?

Hi, I am looking to create an expression tree by parsing xml using C#. The xml would be like the following: <Expression> <If> <Condition> <GreaterThan> <X> <Y> </GreaterThan> </Condition> <Expression /> <If> <Else> <Expression /> </Else> <Expression> or another example... <Expression> <Add> <X> ...

WindowsIdentity Token in Legacy ASP

I've created a .Net library at work that is used by all of our developers. The security part of it uses Microsoft AzMan for the security backend. In order to create a security (AzMan) ClientContext I have to pass it a token value (as a uint). This is all fine an dandy until I needed to make a COM wrapper for our common library so some of...

How to use enterprise library logging in a .NET custom action

I have some library code which is used from my application and is also used by a .NET custom action in a Visual Studio installer project. The library code in turn uses the Enterprise Library logging block to do its logging. How can I get configuration information to the Enterprise Library in the context of my custom action running insi...

Communicating with Exchange in .NET

I would like to use Exchange e-mail groups as an authentication scheme for an internal app. IE, if a user is in a certain mailing group, they are allowed in. Any pointers on where to look for information with talking with Exchange from .NET? EDIT: Exchange 2003. ...

Which is the best API/Library to use when accessing a WebCam in .Net?

Which is the best API to use when accessing a WebCam in .Net? (I know they can be webcam specific, I am willing to buy a new webcam if it means better results). I want to write a desktop application that will take video from a webcam and store it in MPEG4 formats (DivX, Xvid, etc...). I would also like to access bitmap stills from the...

Are uncommon .NET languages just toys?

All you need to learn if you want to become a professional .NET developer is C# and VB.NET. However, there are several uncommon .NET languages in development, which includes F#, Delphi.NET, Boo, IronPython, IronRuby, Nemerle, A#, and about two dozen others. I've seen a few job postings for F# programmers, and I worked for a company whic...

Will code in a Finally statement fire if I return a value in a Try block?

I'm reviewing some code for a friend and say that he was using a return statement inside of a try-finally block. Does the code in the Finally section still fire even though the rest of the try block doesn't? Example: public bool someMethod() { try { return true; throw new Exception("test"); // doesn't seem to get executed ...

How do you access a custom .net dll in vbscript?

I wrote a dll in .NET and I want to access it in vbscript. I don't want to add it to the assembly directory. Is there a way to point too the dll and create an instance of it? ...

How to set background color based on bool property in WPF

I want to set the backgroun color for a GridViewColumn that is databound inside of a listview in WPF. I'm not sure how to ask this question being fairly new to WPF, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered all of you. I want to change the background color of the whole row, based on a bool flag in my databound object. In this case, I have, we...

AddWithValue without DBType causing queries to run slowly

I've been using cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue, and not specifying a DBType (int, varchar,...) to run queries. After looking at SQL Profiler, it seems that queries run with this method run a lot slower than when you specify the data type. To give you an idea of how much slower it is, here's an example. The query is a simple lookup on a...

System.EngineExecutionException on a return from a WCF service

This one has us all baffled at work. We have two services running on .net 3.5 SP1 that hits up sharepoint, and return Lists of model objects that are pretty similar. One of them works fine, the other throws an EngineExecutionException on the return. I know that is sort of vague, but everything executes fine right up until that point. Wh...

'Error serializing body'. Problem calling Fedex webservice through .NET 3.5

I'm using Fedex's web services and getting an annoying error right up front before I can actually get anywhere. There was an error in serializing body of message addressValidationRequest1: 'Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1). error CS0030: Cannot convert type 'FedEx.InterOp.AddressValidationServiceReference.ParsedElement[]'...

What happened to 'nice' generated class names in .NET for web services?

I am using .NET 3.5 to call a FedEx web service. In Fedex's sample code (VS2005) it has things like: AddressValidationService addressValidationService = new AddressValidationService(); AddressValidationReply reply = addressValidationService.addressValidation(request); This is nice. I like that. I'm calling a method on a 'Service'. b...

DVD Menu Creation in .NET

Does anyone know of a good component for .NET that will allow me to create a menu and .iso for a DVD? For each DVD I have several video files and photos that I'd like to turn into a DVD automatically. ...

Will .NET take over C/C++ any time?

This is a subjective question. I worked in Visual Basic 6.0 before coming into the .NET space. One thing I see that there are a lot of things, for which there is a need to deal with the Win32 API. As a Visual Basic 6.0 developer, there were a lot of limitations. .NET fixes some of the old problems however the need to rely on Win32 has...

WPF designer won't load when binding datasource from entity framework

EDIT: I have submitted a bug report and Microsoft have acknowledge that it is a bug. There is currently no ETA on when it will be fixed. Bug Report: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=386982 Official Feedback: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vswpfdesigner/thread/ca3cac55-c1de...

Which are the good open source libraries for Collective Intelligence in .net/java?

Or any open source project which utilize collective intelligence extensively?. ...

Debugger Visualizer not working? Have i incorrectly registered it?

Hi folks, I have created a debugger visualizer in VS2008. There are two classes i've made, in the same .dll :- BinaryDataDebuggerVisualizer ImageDebuggerVisualizer The image one works fine (eg. the magnify glass appears in debug mode) but not for the byte[] one (BinaryDataDV). What my visualizer does is display the binary data as ...

How to Intercept connection requests?

Hello, I'm working on an app that needs to intercept when a program tries to connect to an specified IP address and redirects it to another IP. Is this possible? I'm using .net for this. thanks! ...