
Can I force windows to challenge a user for authentication?

Here is the scenario: There is a file on the network I'd like my program to have access to. They haven't authenticated on the network when they run my software, so accessing the file fails. If I have the user open up explorer and manually navigate to the network path, they get asked by windows for their credentials, and from then on, w...

Programmatic Navigation through a Context Menu in .NET WinForms Framework 2.0

I have a Windows Forms application, written in VB.NET framework 2.0. I have a grid that has an associated context menu with the following structure : MenuItem1 MenuItem2 --> SubMenuItem1 SubMenuItem2 --> SubSubMenuItem1 MenuItem3 ... I wish to display the context menu when a part...

What is the meaning of this attribute in .NET

What is the meaning of this attribute? <System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethod(ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, True)> _ ...

What is the draw order (OnPaint / OnPaintBackground event) in child-parent controls?

Using C# .NET Compact Framework I am creating a GUI control that contains and controls children that are also custom controls (i.e. System.Windows.Forms.UserControl). Both, children and parent have custom drawing routines (OnPaint). To better understand and optimize the drawing routines I would like to clarify the draw order under .NET. ...

.NET Remoting performance degradation when returning custom datasets

Hello, During development of client-server system using .NET Remoting (.NET 2.0) for communications I found extremely weird behavior if my remoting objects return custom datasets. For some reason it takes from 0.5 to 4 seconds for remoting infrastructure to process an empty dataset instance on the client side, if I'm using TCP channel w...

Best c# generics class for replacing DataTable as collection?

I'm trying to bring a legacy C# .NET 1.1 application into the modern era. We use DataTables for our collections of what could have been business objects. Given that most of the code thinks it is talking to the interface of a DataRow, what generic collection would make for the least painful transition? ...

Help Getting Back Into Programming Career & With My .NET Demo

Hello, I am looking for some advice. I graduated with a BS in Computer Science from Boston University in 2002. I learned C/C++ well in college and learned Java more loosely. I also took a databases course using SQL, and have some experience with PERL and Python. I worked for 6 months as a civilian for the Navy programming C/C++. I quit...

Trustworthy developers writing about both Java and .NET?

Let me first of all say that I'm NOT interested in a flame war about what is better: .NET or Java... PLEASE don't post if you want to tell me how killer .NET is or how Microsoft is the evil empire so there is no way that a developer with a soul could write .NET or whatever. We've all heard it far too much before. What I'm interested is ...

What extra steps do you take when creating MSI installers for Vista?

I have a very simple Setup project that copies three dlls into the GAC. That's all it has to do. It works fine in XP, but on a Vista machine, it errors out stating that it cannot write to the file and to check permissions. I'm sure this has to do with some impersonation nonsense in Vista, but I'm not sure how to address it. Has anyone e...

Advice on seperating projects in .NET

Hi All I’m looking for some advice on separating projects in .NET. I’m building a large windows form app (80 tables) and I’ve only got a couple of projects. They’re becoming quite big. I noticed the problem when I saw the list of references the other day. This is the first time I’ve create an application this big, so the naming of proje...

C#'s edge over VB

What in C#.NET makes it more suitable for some projects than VB.NET? Performance?, Capabilities?, Libraries/Components?, Reputation?, Reliability? Maintainability?, Ease? Basically anything C# can do, that is impossible using VB, or vice versa. Things you just have to consider when choosing C#/VB for a project. ...

Free IDE for Delphi Prism

Hi, I've the Delphi Prism command line compiler... is there a free IDE that I can use? Must have intellisense etc just a plain editor no drag-drop required. ...

How to force a redraw of my application's entry in the taskbar?

I have a Windows form application written in C#. I update the title of the form frequently, but there's a substantial lag between the title changing and the title dislayed in the taskbar being updated. What's a clean way to force an update / redraw of the task bar's entry for my program? Failing that, how can I force a redraw of the...

How to connect to a Oracle Database from Web Services Published on IIS

The situation is this: 1. Oracle database 10g on one server. Configured to accept connections. 2. Web service on different server (IIS), connecting to the database. This doesn't work. 3. Same web services running on the VS 2005 web server, work without a problem and can connect to the database. The problem: Do not know what is the issu...

A list of common SqlException numbers?

What are the most common/useful SqlException numbers? I don't need the entire sysmessages table, just the typical or common errors you're likely to see in a data access layer so I can do sometihng like: switch (exception.Number) { case (2): case(53): _error = DataAccessErrorType.NetworkAdd...

How do I refer to APP_Data from another project

I have the following project solution: There is a ASP.NET MVC Web Application where I have a SQL database (mdf file) in the App_Data directory. There is a class library where I have some migrations from migratordotnet. In my build file I have to specify where the SQL database is so it can run the migrations. For the moment on the mig...

C# .NET Convert a JPEG Image into a Bitmap structure

Hello everyone, I have a JPEG "image" (actually a BLOB in a database) which I want to import/convert into a "Bitmap" structure in memory. The reason is that I use a third party library which is unable to work with JPEG images and I need to pass an uncompressed bitmap (as a pointer). All I found so far are ways to convert between differe...

C#/.Net 2.0: Problem with the Repeater control and Checkboxes when inside a User Control!

I have a repeater control with a check box, if I check the box then my delete functionality will delete an item in the underlying table. When I test the delete functionality on an aspx page with a code behind page, everything works fine. Hooray! However, when I take the repeater and put it into a User Control, the delete functionality ...

What object mapper solution would you recommend for .NET?

There are many ORM solutions out there, so in your experiences what seems to be the best choice? NHibernate or Subsonic, Genome,DLinq, LLBLGen - there seems to be a plethora of options, so pros and cons please people. ...

How do I know you have logged in a Sharepoint WebPage?

We use Sharepoint as CMS for our webpages at work. I know how to create controls that can be only visible if you have logged in in SharePoint with: <Sharepoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl ID="SPSecurityTrimmedControl1" runat="server" PermissionsString="AddAndCustomizePages"><br /> <Sharepoint:CssLink ID="CssLink1" runat="server"/><br /> <...