
Best WPF open source projects

Hi, I have programmed with WPF for more than a year. When I started there weren't so many examples and guidelines to follow, now the situation is much more better. I would like to ask you some help in listing the best WPF (open) source code examples or projects that you suggest to study in order to learn more about project structure, be...

Any BDD success stories out there?

Having written a small article on BDD, I got questions from people asking whether there are any cases of large-scale use of BDD (and specifically NBehave). So my question goes to the community: do you have a project that used BDD successfully? If so, what benefits did you get, and what could have been better? Would you do BDD again? Wo...

VB.NET FileSystemWatcher Multiple Change Events

Hi. I have the following code: Imports System.IO Public Class Blah Public Sub New() InitializeComponent() Dim watcher As New FileSystemWatcher("C:\") watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = True AddHandler watcher.Changed, AddressOf watcher_Changed End Sub Private Sub watcher_Changed(ByVal sender...

Getting the .NET framework setting for <compilation debug="true">

In my web.config I have the standard element; <compilation debug="true" defaultLanguage="c#"> I know I could use [Conditional("DEBUG")] on methods, or use some pre-compiler if statement like #if DEBUG, but what I am looking for is the built-in .NET framework setting that lets me know if the setting for debug in the compilation section...

What can cause the .net runtime to attempt to use the wrong version of an assembly

I have an application which references the assembly "Microsoft.Xna.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6d5c3888ef60e27d". I have created an installer project that installs this assembly in the GAC (by running the XNA redist installer). However, when this assembly is first used, I receive an exception during JITin...

Dynamic CSS rebrand and overriding in .Net

I've been tasked with putting a mechanism in place to change the css colours in a .Net site dynamically. The purpose is to ensure that when our internal application sites are built and deployed to our UAT servers that the UI of the site is identifiably different from the live versions without changing the code base. One option is to go ...

Programatically configure individual WCF operations with different WCF configurations.

Hi, I am just getting started with WCF and would like to set up a distributable networked system as follows: (but am not sure if it is possible.) I have a .net client that has business logic. It will need various data from various sources so I would like to add a 'server' that contains an in-memory cache but also WCF capabilities to se...

Need help in resolving error in predicates for And operator in LINQ

Hi, I got into problem of predicate And operator. Code is : SQLDBDataContext sqlDS = new SQLDBDataContext(); Expression<Func<User,bool>> pred = null; //delcare the predicate to start with. if (Request["Name"] != null && ! Request["Name"].Equals(string.Empty)) { pred = c => ( c.ContactFirst.Contains(Request["Name"]) || c.ContactLa...

Generic List - moving an item within the list

So I have a generic list, and an oldIndex and a newIndex value. I want to move the item at oldIndex, to newIndex...as simply as possible. Any suggestions? Note The item should be end up between the items at (newIndex - 1) and newIndex before it was removed. ...

Where is the ASP.NET MVC AJAX documentation?

Does anyone know where you can find online documentation for the AJAX used in ASP.NET MVC Framework Beta? I can't seem to find it. I've been looking at the quickstarts for some information and googling for it but seems to be very difficult to find. It seems somewhat limited as it is now. Do people use this or do it in combination with o...

Databinding in C# and .NET

I am pretty new to C# and .NET and I'm strugling a little with the whole concept of databinding. What I am asking for is a quick rundown of the concept, or even better, point me towards sources on the net (preferred) or in print that can help me get my head around the idea. EDIT: I do my development in vs2008 and we are using winforms ...

Upgrading a WinForms app to WPF

I have a side project that I wrote a few years ago in WinForms. To better help me learn WPF, I would like to rewrite it in WPF. Ideally, I would like to just modify the current project that I have and rewrite the UI in WPF instead of creating a new project. I'm having some problems doing that. I did the following (using Visual Studio 20...

[C#] How to overlap two controls

Hi! I have a Circle and a Line control. Circle control's OnPaint draws a circle and Line control's one draws a line. These two controls are contained in another control (DrawingControl). I need to put a Line over a Circle, but Circle's background deletes the Line. I tried enabling transparency and overriding Circle's OnPaintBackground me...

How to make this class generic? (.NET C#)

My class has the following core: class SmartDbConnection { private readonly IDbConnection Connection; public SmartDbConnection(string ConnectionString) { if(ConnectionString.Contains("MultipleActiveResultSets=true")) { Connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString); } } } I don't want it to have "SqlConnection" hardcod...

IDisposable Winform

What is the best practice for implementing IDisposable on a Winform? I have a dialog which extends System.Windows.Forms.Form The generated designer.cs already contains an implementation of the virtual Dispose(bool) method My form has a field added manually which implements IDisposable Ideally I would be able to hook into the Dispos(b...

Can you install Office 2007 PIA's without office

First of all, my question is not quite the same as http://stackoverflow.com/questions/370407/is-office-2007-pia-deployment-possible-without-office-2007 I am not looking to use the PIA's yet. The IT engineers would ideally like to deploy the 2007 PIA's to everyone's computers before they upgrade Office 2007. This way there is fewer thi...

DataTable internal index is corrupted

I am working with a .NET WinForms app in C#, running against the 3.5 .NET framework. In this app, I am setting the .Expression member of a DataColumn in a DataTable, like so: DataColumn column = dtData.Columns["TestColumn"]; column.Expression = ["some expression"]; The 2nd line, where I actually set Expression, will sometimes result i...

Testing if NetworkStream is closed

Hi there! I have a class, that wrapps a Stream instance, so I can use it for wrapping FileStreams and NetworkStreams. Now, I want to test if the stream is still delivering any data, in other words, I want to test the NetworkStream if it is still connected or the FileStream if it reached its end. Is there any function whose return value...

C#: Generic sorted container that can return the sorted position of a newly added object?

I need a generic container that keeps its elements sorted and can be asked where (at which position) it would insert a new element, without actually inserting it. Does such a container exist in the .NET libraries? The best illustration is an example (container sorts characters by ASCII value, let's assume unicode does not exist): sorte...

.NET server based PDF generation

I'd like to dynamically generate content and then render to a PDF file. This processing would take place on a remote hosting server so using virtual printers etc is out. Does any have a recommendation for a .NET library (pref C#) that would work? I know that I could generate a bunch of PS code and package it myself but I'd prefer somet...