
How do I go about building a Dashboard App using MOSS '07

How is it different from normal ASP.net development? Anyone has valuable cool links/videos/tutorials for what I am trying to do? I am a newbie at sharepoint stuff..but I am pretty comfortable with ASP.net. EDIT: The application is more like a Teamsite/Dashboard app. ...

C# - Lambda syntax for looping over DataGridView.Rows

What is the correct lambda syntax in C# for looping over each DataGridViewRow of a DataGridView? And as an example lets say the function makes the row .Visible = false based on some value in the Cells[0]. ...

I keep hearing there are tons of bug trackers, but not so many build in .net

Hi, Yes there are tons of bug trackor applications to buy, but being a .net shop, and always leaning towards purchasing .net build products, I don't see that many options when it comes to bug trackers. From the top of my head I can only think of 2, axosoft and gemini. What else is out there? Am I alone here or do most other .net shop...

Are there any .NET tools available to mux / demux MP4 streams?

Are there any .NET-specific tools out there that can parse / access the elementary data streams in an MP4 file? Thanks, -Greg ...

Show XML file in WinForms app with IE-like coloring and collapsing nodes

I would like to show an XML file in my .NET 2.0 WinForms app just like IE does (where you can collapse the nodes, and everything is nicely colored). Is there a built-in way to do this? ...

Using Secure String and Keeping it Secure

So the .NET framework provides the SecureString class for storing strings in a secure fashion. But to read the information and work with it you have to return it to a standard string. See this implementation example. As you can see from the example using the pointer we return an unencrypted string. How to do we now manage that "insec...

Get result columns from a StoredProc without exec it, using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo

I want to get a list of result sets and columns that i can expect from a SP. I have been able to get at the parameters, script... but i don't know where to get at the result sets and column names. using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mydbconn"].C...

Set screen resolution in .Net

Does anybody know if there is any library of managed wrappers that allows me to set screen resolution so that I don't have to do the p/invoke stuff myself? ...

How do I make a universal type conversion method.

What I want to do is: bool Convert( out Object output, Object source) { // find type of output. // convert source to that type if possible // store result in output. return success } Is it possible? Obviously, there is a brute force massive "if" construct that could work, but that would require writing an if block for e...

Using IDisposable to unsubscribe events

I have a class that handles events from a WinForms control. Based on what the user is doing, I am deferencing one instance of the class and creating a new one to handle the same event. I need to unsubscribe the old instance from the event first - easy enough. I'd like to do this in a non-proprietary manner if possible, and it seems like ...

MS Access + IIS + Impersonation = 'Unspecified Error'?

I have an ASP .NET (2.0) app that connects to an Access database over a network share using impersonation and basic authentication in IIS. Everything was working fine up until today, when I started getting weird 'Unspecified Error' error messages. I ended up doing an IIS reset to resolve the problem, but I'm trying to figure out why it m...

Big difference in execution time of stored proc between Managment Studio and TableAdapter.

How could a stored procdure run in 10 seconds via Management Studio, but take 15 minutes via a TableAdapter for the same inputs? It is repeatable, meaning I have run it at least three times in each environment, and Management Studio is consistently about 100 times faster. I'm using .net 2.0 and SQL Server 2000 In SQL Server Management...

MVC Framework for ASP.net 3.0?

Hello, I am currently stuck with ASP.net 3.0, which means that I cannot use ASP.net MVC and ADO.net EF. While I can replace EF with Subsonic or ActiveRecord, I wonder what you guys recommend for MVC? I am interested in nice URLs and separation between View and Controller, two things that I always found hard with Webforms. For now, I wi...

Null Reference Exception

This code generates and Null Reference exception. Exception comes at the line where the parameter array is initialized. What can be the problem? I don't know howto follow the stack-trace and work any logic over it. thanks in advance. DAL dal = new DAL(); string SQL = @"INSERT INTO Assets ([AssetName],[AssetType],[Model],[De...

Does A Program that is written with the Microsoft .NET framework compile/execute native code?

Newb question: Does a Program that is written with the Microsoft .NET framework compile/execute native code? I don't mean if there is a way not to have to install the .net framework on a machine. Simply put: does a .net application run on another layer like Java (i.e. bytecode). ...

Returning null value from generic method

So i have this method: internal K GetValue<T, K>(T source, string col) where T : IBaseObject { string table = GetObjectTableName(source.GetType()); DataTable dt = _mbx.Tables[table]; DataRow[] rows = dt.Select("ID = " + source.ID); if (rows.Length == 0) return K; return (K) rows[0][col]; ...

Are AppDomains are created for every request?

In ASP.NET 3.5 (with IIS6), are AppDomains are created for every request? I know that all applications have their own AppDomain under w3wp.exe, but how exactly does the whole AppDomain work? I was arguing today with a colleague who was trying to convince me that if an ASP.NET application has a static object (or Singleton class), that th...

How to read a text file reversely with iterator in C#

I need to process a large file, around 400K lines and 200 M. But some time I have to process from bottom up. How can I use iterator (yield return) here? Basically I don't like to load everything in memory. I know it is more efficient to use iterator in .NET. Thanks! ...

Google's V8 Javascript Engine in .Net?

Has anyone been able to do this? ...

In which namespace the range attribute belongs to in NUnit2.4.8

In which namespace the range attribute belongs to in NUnit2.4.8 ...