
Examples for coding against the PayPal API in .NET 2.0+?

Can anyone point me to a good introduction to coding against the paypal API? ...

Why Does Path.Combine not properly concatenate filenames that start with Path.DirectorySeparatorChar

In the Immediate Window ? System.IO.Path.Combine(@"C:\test",@"test") "C:\\test\\test" ? System.IO.Path.Combine(@"C:\test",@"\test") "\\test" It seems that they should both be the same. The old FileSystemObject.BuildPath() didn't work this way... ...

Looking for experiences working with Qt

I had an idea for a plug-in for my favorite program runner Launchy, however after downloading the source code I found that it makes heavy use of the Qt library. The bulk of my experience is in C# and PHP and until that moment I had never really even heard of this library. Which leads me to ask, does anyone have any impressions of it ...

Prompt for Database Connection String

I would like to offer a database connection prompt to the user. I can build my own, but it would be nice if I can use something that somebody else has already built (maybe something built into Windows or a free library available on the Internet). Anybody know how to do this in .Net? EDIT: I found this and thought it was interesting: Sho...

What are the disadvantages of Typed DataSets

I come from a world that favors building your own rather than rely on libraries and frameworks built by others. After escaping this world I have found the joy, and ease, of using such tools as Typed DataSets within Visual Studio. So besides the loss of flexibility what else do you lose? Are there performance factors (disregarding the pro...

Centralizing/controlling arbitrary builds of .NET projects and solutions.

Over the years I have created and tweaked a set of NAnt scripts to perform complete project builds. The main script takes a single application end point (a web application project for example) and does a complete, from source control, build of it. The scripts are preconfigured with the necessary information regarding build output locat...

NHibernate or LINQ to SQL

If starting a new project what would you use for your ORM NHibernate or LINQ and why. What are the pros and cons of each. edit: LINQ to SQL not just LINQ (thanks @Jon Limjap) ...

Is it possible to determine which process starts my .Net application?

I am developing console application in .Net and I want to change a behavior a little based on information that application was started from cmd.exe or from explorer.exe. Is it possible? ...

Why is the 'Resource Pool' not supported on the current platform?

What could be the possible causes for the following exception? System.PlatformNotSupportedException: 'ResourcePool' is not supported on the current platform. at System.EnterpriseServices.Platform.Assert(Boolean fSuccess, String function) at System.EnterpriseServices.Platform.Assert(Version platform, String function) at System.E...

Is WindowsFormsHost fit for purpose (.net WPF hosting WinForms)?

A GUI driven application needs to host some prebuilt WinForms based components. These components provide high performance interactive views using a mixture of GDI+ and DirectX. The views handle control input and display custom graphical renderings. The components are tested in a WinForms harness by the supplier. Can a commericial applic...

How to specify accepted certificates for Client Authentication in .NET SslStream

I am attempting to use the .Net System.Security.SslStream class to process the server side of a SSL/TLS stream with client authentication. To perform the handshake, I am using this code: SslStream sslStream = new SslStream(innerStream, false, RemoteCertificateValidation, LocalCertificateSelectionCallback); sslStream.AuthenticateAsServe...

HTML to Image .tiff File

Is there a way to convert a HTML string into a Image .tiff file? I am using C# .NET 3.5. The requirement is to give the user an option to fact a confirmation. The confirmation is created with XML and a XSLT typically it is e-mailed. Is there a way I can take the HTML string generated by the transformation HTML string and convert th...

Locate and add project reference for .Net assembly containing a given type?

I'm working with a large (270+ project) VS.Net solution. Yes, I know this is pushing the friendship with VS but it's inherited and blah blah. Anyway, to speed up the solution load and compile time I've removed all projects that I'm not currently working on... which in turn has removed those project references from the projects I want t...

How would you implement the IEnumerator interface?

I have a class that map objects to objects, but unlike dictionary it maps them both ways. I am now trying to implement a custom IEnumerator interface that iterates through the values. public class Mapper<K,T> : IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerator<T> { C5.TreeDictionary<K,T> KToTMap = new TreeDictionary<K,T>(); C5.HashDictionary<T,K> TT...

Does anyone know a library for working with quantity/unit of measure pairs?

I would like to be able to do such things as var m1 = new UnitOfMeasureQuantityPair(123.00, UnitOfMeasure.Pounds); var m2 = new UnitOfMeasureQuantityPair(123.00, UnitOfMeasure.Liters); m1.ToKilograms(); m2.ToPounds(new Density(7.0, DensityType.PoundsPerGallon); If there isn't something like this already, anybody interested in doing i...

How to implement Repository pattern withe LinqToEntities?

How to implement Repository pattern withe LinqToEntities how to implement the interface ...

How should I handle a situation where I need to store several unrelated types but provide specific types on demand?

I'm working on an editor for files that are used by an important internal testing tool we use. The tool itself is large, complicated, and refactoring or rewriting would take more resources than we are able to devote to it for the forseeable future, so my hands are tied when it comes to large modifications. I must use a .NET language. ...

Problem rolling out ADO.Net Data Service application to IIS

I am adding a ADO.Net Data Service lookup feature to an existing web page. Everything works great when running from visual studio, but when I roll it out to IIS, I get the following error: Request ErrorThe server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details. I get this even when trying to display t...

Exposing .net methods as Excel functions?

I have a set of calculation methods sitting in a .Net DLL. I would like to make those methods available to Excel (2003+) users so they can use them in their spreadsheets. For example, my .net method: public double CalculateSomethingReallyComplex(double a, double b) {...} I would like enable them to call this method just by typing a ...

Best .NET Podcasts

What are the best .NET podcasts out there? Related question: What good technology podcasts are out there ...