
.NET WebBrowser control javascript problem

Does anybody know if there is some sort of bug or issue with the webBrowser activex control in .NET applications, in this case the embedded browser loads a web page that depends on javascript to play music previews. It works once but if you navigate to a new page in the system it stops working. Viewing the same site in just a normal IE ...

Nested Frames (WPF) - How to make outer frame's nav bar ignore inner frame?

My application has a frame that is loaded/navigated when certain top-level buttons are clicked. The problem is, one of the hosted pages has a frame of it's own, and is messing with the outer frame's navigation bar (clicking back and forward navigates the inner frame, as well as the outer frame). Is there any way to have the outer frame...

I have a problem with IComparable and the collection sort method.

Okay so I have a scenario similar to the below code, I have a parent class that implements IComparable and a child class. class Parent : IComparable<Parent> class Child : Parent Child a = new Child(); Child b = new Child(); a.CompareTo(b); Now the above works fine, i can compare two of the child objects to each other no problem L...

Why do people use Velocity and/or NVelocity?

Over the past year I have heard alot about Velocity and NVelocity. Reading their documentation and doing searches on the net hasn't given me the answers I was looking for. In what situation would I use this library in my development? What problem does it solve that didn't already have a solution? ...

How should I deserialize this string data?

My application receives strings that represent objects. I have to parse the strings to get the property values for the object I'm creating. Each object will have to know the specifics about how many attributes there are, what each attribute means, etc. However, I want to avoid having each class know about how to parse the string. I'd...

In .NET, is the call stack inextricably tied to a thread?

Is it at all possible in the middle of a function execution to set a pointer to the current stack (to be picked up later) and then release the current thread (without unwinding the call stack) and give it back to the thread pool? And then, have another thread pick up where that thread left off? I know it would mean that someone calling...

WPF, Winforms, or something else?

We're about to embark on development of a new product. Our current product is a conventional client-server winform app written using VB.NET. Is WPF ready for a business application? From what I've seen, it seems like it's harder to develop a user interface with WPF than it is with Winforms. But I suppose speed comes with experience. ...

Global vs Singleton in .NET

I have a very common situation here. And for years I haven't found if what i am doing is RIGHT by industry standards.Consider an application which connects to the database, but where the connection string instead of being stored in some file/setting is being passed as a command line parameter at startup OR the database is browsed to at t...

System.Net.Mail.MailMessage questions

I am putting some email functionality into one of my asp.net projects: I need to send an email to a list of subscribers, list varies from a few dozen to a few hundred subscribers - (down the road there could be thousands). When I have a few dozen emails, I do this: Mailmsg.Bcc.Add(New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("[email protected]")) ...

Google Maps API/Geocoding - Can I retrieve a response by just passing a ZIP code?

Greetings: I have put together a RESTful web service in .NET 3.5 that takes a phone number and does a reverse lookup to retrieve the ZIP code of that location. I am now creating an *.aspx page that will present the output of a request to the Google Maps API. This output will be a polygon on a map that will be that US ZIP code. I'm wonde...

Launching and controlling a new application instance via COM

I'm using C#.NET to launch and control a Delphi-written executable. The Delphi application has a COM interface. I've imported the Delphi executable -- we'll call it DelphiApp.exe -- into Visual Studio as a resource. The following C# code works -- if no other instance of DelphiApp.exe is running: DelphiApp.DelphiAppClass da = new Delp...

Time as a determining value

Hello, I have a section of code that is being used to determine if a certain event should happen. The code looks like this. If (Date.Now.Ticks Mod 100) < 4 Then Return True Else Return False End If The idea here is that this event should happen 4 time out of 100, or 4%. However, in prod...

What are the DotNet 2.0 or 3.5, IE, XSL and XSL-FO capabilities?

Hi, I am total noob with XSL and XSL-FO and I am looking for some advice on the possibilities and limitations with DotNet 2.0 and 3.5 when using XSL for formatting XML Data For reporting purposes. Here is what I was looking to do. 1)Get data from a SQL 2005 DB based on some business rules 2) Output to xml from SQL directly or create...

How can I make my checkedlistbox vertically scrollable when MultiColumn is set to true ?

I've got a Checkedlistbox, which is 3 rows high, and large enough to display about 5 elements. As long as I've got less than 15 elements, everything runs fine. However, if I add a sixteenth element, the checkedlistbox displays an horizontal scrollbar which takes 2 item rows, which means all the Items are now on only one row. Worse, if ...

ASP.Net -- How to effectively use design patterns without over-engineering!

I'd appreciate people's thoughts on a dilemma I've been struggling with ever since ASP.Net came out. In classic ASP, the layers of code were minimal. The ASP page contained HTML and script combined. The COM components contained business logic and DAO infrastrcuture. The asp pages themselves were messy, but everything was in one place...

Updating a databound ComboBox

I am having virtually the same problem as this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/433281/c-update-combobox-bound-to-generic-list However, I am trying to change the displayed strings; not add, remove, or sort. I have tried the BindingList solution provided in the referenced question, but it has not helped. I can see the combobox's Dat...

Are there OO models to generate SQL?

I have been wondering whether there is any code out there that enables representing SQL in the form of some object tree that can be assembled, modified and then finally rendered to valid SQL? Off the top of my head it could look something like that... var stmnt = new Statement(); stmnt .AddMaster("Customer") .Show("Firstname, "Last...

Accessing hardware from within Internet Explorer

Is it possible to access hardware devices (web-cams, magnetic card readers, etc.) from within Internet explorer? If yes, what technologies are used? And are there any .Net examples. In my case, I need to access a magnetic card reader that would be attached to the client computer. The web-app would need to be able to access the reader ...

DirectX or OpenGL

If you were writing the next 3d graphics intensive application in C# (like a 3d modelling and animation software), which one would be a better choice? If we consider C# as platform independent, then OpenGL seems tempting, but what about the performance, etc? Since the used language is C#, the performance is pretty crucial to consider. ...

What type of OO data structure should I use for this string data?

Let's say my program is always passed a string of characters that represents a data table in Wiki syntax. Something like: {||Client:||ABC|-|Contact:||Joe Smith|-|Current revision:||1.0||} I don't want each one of my specific Wiki table objects (e.g., ClientContactTable, CustomerOrderTable, etc.) to know how to parse out | and - and...