
What is your favourite 3rd party WinForms.Net graphing tool, and why?

By graphing I mean bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, that sort of thing. I've used a couple over the years, but what is your favourite and why? One tool per answer please (to make the voting easier :o) ...

Is it bad to load many managed DLL's without using any types in them?

Background: At my company we are developing a bunch applications that are using the same core dll's. These dll's are using Spring.net's IoC-container to wire things up (auto-wiring). All applications are using the same spring configuration file, and this configuration file points to many classes in many different dll's. But not all appli...

What attributes help runtime .Net performance?

I am looking for attributes I can use to ensure the best runtime performance for my .Net application by giving hints to the loader, JIT compiler or ngen. For example we have DebuggableAttribute which should be set to not debug and not disable optimization for optimal performance. [Debuggable(false, false)] Are there any others I shou...

Whats the best way to store and retrive postal addresses using a sql server database and the .NET framework?

I'm looking for a common pattern that will store and access global addresses in database. Components or other technologies can be used. The following criteria must be adheard to... Every line of the address is saved for every country Postal codes are tested with a regular expression before being saved Country of original is saved in ...

Mono's DateTime Serialization

if you uses Mono Remoting on Linux, what's your work-around for DateTime marshalling incompatibility between Mono and .NET Remoting? i'm using WinForms on Windows using .NET 2.0 runtime, using Remoting on Linux using Mono. i cannot yet use Mono runtime on both ends as Mono's DataGridView isn't yet working. [UPDATE] i used Mono 1.9 wh...

Exposing nested arrays to COM from .NET

I have a method in .NET (C#) which returns string[][]. When using RegAsm or TlbExp (from the .NET 2.0 SDK) to create a COM type library for the containing assembly, I get the following warning: WARNING: There is no marshaling support for nested arrays. This warning results in the method in question not being exported into the gener...

How to conduct blackbox testing on an AJAX application?

What's the best, crossplatform way to perform blackbox tests on AJAX web applications? Ideally, the solution should have the following attributes: Able to integrate into a continuous integration build loop Cross platform so I you can run it on Windows laptops and Linux continuous integration servers Easy way to script the interactions...

Do you use the Inductive User Interface pattern in Windows Forms?

And if you do, can you give some background information on the implementation and the reasons for implementing this pattern? The pattern is described in more detail in these articles: Microsoft Inductive User Interface Guidelines IUIs and Web-Style Navigation in Windows Forms, Part 1 & Part 2 ...

Exclude certain pages from using a HTTPModule

Is there a good way to exclude certain pages from using a HTTP module? I have an application that uses a custom HTTP module to validate a session. The HTTPModule is set up like this in web config: <system.web> <!-- ... --> <httpModules> <add name="SessionValidationModule" type="SessionValidationModule, SomeNamespace" /> ...

Help in creating Zip files from .Net and reading them from Java

I'm trying to create a Zip file from .Net that can be read from Java code. I've used SharpZipLib to create the Zip file but also if the file generated is valid according to the CheckZip function of the #ZipLib library and can be successfully uncompressed via WinZip or WinRar I always get an error when trying to uncompress it using the J...

Creating a custom menu in .NET WinForms

Using .NET 2.0 with WinForms, I'd like to create a custom, multi-columned menu (similiar to the word 2007 look&feel, but without the ribbon). My approach was creating a control, and using a left/right docked toolstrip, I have constructed a similar look&feel of a menu. However, there are a few shortcomings of this solution, such as the...

Should you obfuscate a commercial .Net application?

I was thinking about obfuscating a commercial .Net application. But is it really worth the effort to select, buy and use such a tool? Are the obfuscated binaries really safe from reverse engineering? ...

Suspend Process in C#

How do I suspend a whole process (like the Process Explorer does when I click Suspend) in C#. I'm starting the Process with Process.Start, and on a certain event, I want to suspend the process to be able to do some investigation on a "snapshot" of it. ...

Which operating systems come with .net?

I'm trying to evaluate .net as an implementation platform for my next software project. Which operating system releases come with a .net runtime pre-installed? And which come with it as an add on (I'm thinking mono here)? ...

Disable selection of rows in a datagridview

I want to disable the selection of certain rows in a datagridview. It must be possible to remove the select property for one or more datagridview rows in a datagridview shown in a winform. The goal is that the user can't select certain rows. (depending on a condition) Thankx, ...

Is there a custom FxCop rule that will detect unused PUBLIC methods?

I just tried FxCop. It does detect unused private methods, but not unused public. Is there a custom rule that I can download, plug-in that will detect public methods that aren't called from within the same assembly? ...

One method for creating several objects or several methods for creating single objects?

If I have the following: Public Class Product Public Id As Integer Public Name As String Public AvailableColours As List(Of Colour) Public AvailableSizes As List(Of Size) End Class and I want to get a list of products from the database and display them on a page along with their available sizes and colours, should I ...

How do you set up your .NET development tree?

How do you set up your .NET development tree? I use a structure like this: -projectname --config (where I put the configuration files) --doc (where I put all the document concerning the project: e-mails, documentation) --tools (all the tools I use: Nunit, Moq) --lib (all the libraries used by the solution: ninject or autofac) --s...

DataGridView.HitTestInfo equivalent in Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid?

Does anyone know if the Infragistics UltraGrid control provides functionality similar to that of DataGridView.HitTestInfo? ...

Enterprise Design Patterns for .NET

I was told that this book is a standard when it comes to enterprise design patterns (sort of like the GoF book). Is there a book that covers exactly what this book does only with .NET? ...