
Detecting COMCTL32 version in .NET

How do I determine which version of comctl32.dll is being used by a C# .NET application? The answers I've seen to this question usually involve getting version info from the physical file in Windows\System, but that isn't necessarily the version that's actually in use due to side-by-side considerations. ...

Anyone know of a list of delegates already built into the framework?

I find myself writing delegates occasionally for really simple functions (take no arguments and return void for example) and am wondering if anyone knows someplace that has compiled a list of all the predefined delegates already available in the .NET framework so I can reuse them? To be clear I am looking for something like this: void...

Auto-updating in Corporate Environments (C#)

I have a three-tier application which is installed in corporate environments. With every server version update, all clients have to be updated, too. Currently, I provide an MSI package which is automatically deployed via Active Directory, however my customers (mostly with 20-300 users each) seem to hate the MSI solution because it is C...

How do I best localize an entire app to many different languages?

I'm using Visual Studio (2005 and up). I am looking into trying out making an application where the user can change language for all menues, input formats and such. How would I go on doing this, as I suppose that there is some complete feature within .Net that can help me with this? I need to take the following into account (and fill me...

What's so bad about VB.NET?

Having spent time on Reddit and (gasp) Digg, I hear a lot of trash-talk on .NET and MS products, and a lot of interesting talk about other languages. As a (second gasp) Project Manager at a small software company utilizing VB/.NET extensively, I'm not sure what's so bad about it. Can someone tell me where it falls short, what would b...

Whose Data Access Layer do you use for .NET?

We have grown our own DAL library, but are researching using a third party DAL - to relieve the maintenance overhead. I know that Microsoft and some others have written simple DALs - although Microsoft's doesn't seem to play well with Oracle databases. Any other suggestions? Or are we stuck with what we have? ...

Get external IP address over remoting in C#

I need to find out the external IP of the computer a C# application is running on. In the application I have a connection (via .NET remoting) to a server. Is there a good way to get the address of the client on the server side? (I have edited the question, to be a little more clear. I'm apologize to all kind people who did their best ...

Unescaping angle-brackets through System.Xml.XmlWriter

Hi, I'm writing a string containing some XML via System.Xml.XmlWriter. I'm stuck using WriteString(), and from the documentation: WriteString does the following: The characters &, <, and > are replaced with &amp;, &lt;, and &gt;, respectively. I'd like this to stop, but I can't seem to find any XmlWriterSettings properties to c...

Unhandled Exception Logging for Winforms

Is there anything like elmah for Winforms? I'm looking for a standard way to process unhandled exceptions and grab a screenshot and other environment information before packaging that up for support. ...

IMAP4 server for .NET

Are there any free (non-GPL) libraries for .NET that provide IMAP4 server side functionality? E.g. handles the socket level and message handshaking so that an IMAP4 client (such as outlook) can retrieve, read, edit and/or delete messages. I am not trying to connect to an IMAP4 server, I'd like the assistance to implement one. ...

Are there any advantages compiling for .NET Framework 3.5 instead of 2.0?

Are there any advantages compiling for .NET Framework 3.5 instead of 2.0? For example less memory consumption, faster startup, better performance... Personally I don't think so however, I may have missed something. Edit: Of course there are more features in the 3.5 framework, but these are not the focus of this question. Edit2: There...

Virtualizing treelistview?

Does anyone know of a good way to display hierarchical data with columns? It has to be virtualizing, as it must be able to handle several million records. It should also be multi-select, most treeview controls are not. Winforms preferred, but will ElementHost WPF if necessary. ...

What is the best way to improve performance of NHibernate?

I have an application that uses NHibernate as its ORM and sometimes it experiences performance issues due to how the data is being accessed by it. What kind of things can be done to improve the performance of NHibernate? (Please limit to one recommendation per answer) ...

Why doesn't BackColor work for TabControls in .NET?

If you use the standard tab control in .NET for your tab pages and you try to change the look and feel a little bit then you are able to change the back color of the tab pages but not for the tab control. The property is available, you could set it but it has no effect. If you change the back color of the pages and not of the tab control...

A checklist for fixing .NET applications to SQL Server timeout problems and improve execution time

A checklist for improving execution time between .NET code and SQL Server. Anything from the basic to weird solutions is appreciated. Code: Change default timeout in command and connection by avgbody. Use stored procedure calls instead of inline sql statement by avgbody. Look for blocking/locking using Activity monitor by Jay Shepher...

Which should I implement first, PayPal or Google Checkout, on my eCommerce website?

Paypal and Google Checkout will take some time to implement so I'm wanting to know if anyone in the community has installed them and has a recommendation on which to do first. We use the .Net environment. Verdict - Start with Google Checkout. Great customer support, Great multi-language libraries, Simple, fast web interfa...

How might I display a web page in a window with a transparent background using C#?

How can I show a web page in a transparent window and have the white part of the web page also transparent. ...

What is "Client-only Framework subset" in Visual Studio 2008?

What does "Client-only Framework subset" in Visual Studio 2008 do? ...

Can a LINQ to SQL IsDiscriminator column NOT inherit?

I'm designing my database and LINQ To SQL ASP.NET web application. Imagine I have two types of pages: normal and root. Some pages are roots. Some pages are not. I have a Page database table and a RootPage database table: Page ---- PK PageId HtmlTitle PageHeading MetaDescription IsRoot R...

How to save code snippets (vb/c#/.net/sql) to sql server

I want to create a code/knowledge base where I can save my vb.net/c#.net/sqlserver code snippets for use later. I've tried setting the ValidateRequest property to false in my page directive, and encoding the value with HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (c#.net), but I still get errors. thoughts? ...