
DataSet.Select and DateTime

How can I use .NET DataSet.Select method to search records that match a DateTime? What format should I use to enter my dates in? ...

Execute JavaScript from within a C# assembly

I'd like to execute JavaScript code from within a C# assembly and have the results of the JavaScript code returned to the calling C# code. It's easier to define things that I'm not trying to do: I'm not trying to call a JavaScript function on a web page from my code behind. I'm not trying to load a WebBrowser control. I don't want to ...

WCF problem passing complex types

I have a service contract that defines a method with a parameter of type System.Object (xs:anyType in the WSDL). I want to be able to pass simple types as well as complex types in this parameter. Simple types work fine, but when I try to pass a complex type that is defined in my WSDL, I get this error: Element 'http://tempuri.org/:val...

What is the best data access paradigm for scalability?

There are so many different options coming out of microsoft for data access. Which one is the best for scalable apps? Linq Should we be using Linq? It certainly seems easy but if you know your SQL does it really help. Also I hear that you can't run Async queries in ASP.NET using Linq. Therefore I wonder if it is really scalable? Are th...

View/edit ID3 data for MP3 files

What's a quick and easy way to view and edit ID3 tags (artist, album, etc.) using C#? ...

Best Practice for Creating Data Tables Without Controls in ASP.net

So, I am kinda new to ASP.net development still, and I already don't like the stock ASP.net controls for displaying my database query results in table format. (I.e. I would much rather handle the HTML myself and so would the designer!) So my question is: What is the best and most secure practice for doing this without using ASP.net cont...

How to parse a query string into a NameValueCollection in .NET

I would like to parse a string such as "p1=6&p2=7&p3=8" into a NameValueCollection. What is the most elegant way of doing this when you don't have access to the Page.Request object? ...

CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN error when setting the Clipboard from .NET

Why does the following code sometimes causes an Exception with the contents "CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN": Clipboard.SetText(str); This usually occurs the first time the Clipboard is used in the application and not after that. ...

Working with USB devices in .NET

Using .Net (C#), how can you work with USB devices? How can you detect USB events (connections/disconnections) and how do you communicate with devices (read/write). Is there a native .Net solution to do this? ...

Anyone know of a scratch like program construction UI framework?

I quite like the drag and drop pluggable programming blocks in scratch ( http://scratch.mit.edu/ ) I'd like to be able to get users to create their own mini scripts using the same kind of technique... just wondering if anyone knows of anything similar I could utilise in .NET? ideally in WPF. ...

Any recommendation on tools for doing translations / localization in .NET?

We have made use of Passolo for a number of years, but it's kind of clunky and overpriced. It's got to be able to handle winforms and WPF.... Are there any open source alternatives? ...

Error 0x8007F303 occurs during printing of reports from MOSS using SRS viewer web part

When attempting to print using the SSRS Viewer Web Part in SharePoint I get the following error. An error occured during printing. (0x8007F303) The settings we are using in this box (production) are exactly the same as the settings in testing where this works perfectly fine. Anyone have any good ideas or faced this before? ...

Using Java JAR file in .NET

What options/methods/software are available to convert a JAR file to a managed .NET assembly? Please provide all commercial and non-commercial methods in the answer. These don't include solutions which require Java to be installed on the host machine. ...

How do you test cookies in MVC .net?

http://weblogs.asp.net/stephenwalther/archive/2008/06/30/asp-net-mvc-tip-12-faking-the-controller-context.aspx This post shows how to test setting a cookie and then seeing it in ViewData. What I what to do is see if the correct cookies were written (values and name). Any reply, blog post or article will be greatly appreciated. ...

A snippet to monitor the last INSERT/UPDATE in an Oracle DB from C#?

I'm looking for a simple, sample snippet of C# code to monitor an Oracle database and basically check for its last update. It could be either command line (great for future integration with Nagios) or GUI. I've did some prototypes but the code tend to get lengthy as I'm still kind of learning the language. Any suggestion/comment would b...

Is there an easy way in .NET to get "st", "nd", "rd" and "th" endings for numbers?

Hi, I am wondering if there is a method or format string I'm missing in .NET to convert the following: 1 to 1st 2 to 2nd 3 to 3rd 4 to 4th 11 to 11th 101 to 101st 111 to 111th This link has a bad example of the basic principle involved in writing your own function, but I am more curious if there is an inbuilt capacity...

Rhino Mocks: How do I return numbers from a sequence

I have an Enumerable array int meas[] = new double[] {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18}; On each successive call to the mock's method that I'm testing I want to return a value from that array. using(_mocks.Record()) { Expect.Call(mocked_class.GetValue()).Return(meas); } using(_mocks.Playback()) { foreach(var i in meas) Assert.AreEqual(i,...

Is there a way to programmatically minimize a window in .NET

What I'm doing is I have a full-screen form, with no title bar, and consequently lacks the minimize/maximize/close buttons found in the upper-right hand corner. I'm wanting to replace that functionality with a keyboard short-cut and a context menu item, but I can't seem to find an event to trigger to minimize the form. ...

How can I get a more compact serialization of an image?

I am serializing a JPEG Image in c#.net. I am simply converting it into a byte steam and sending it through web service. I observed that serialized byte stream is 30 times more than that of the size of actual image. Can any one suggest me a better approach to serialize and stay relative to the size of the actual image? ...

Any way to programatically wrap a .NET WebService with a SoapExtension?

Basically, I'm trying to tap into the Soap pipeline in .NET 2.0 - I want to do what a SoapExtension can do if you provide a custom SoapExtensionAttribute... but to do it for every SOAP call without having to add the extension attribute to dozens of WebMethods. What I'm looking for is any extension point that lets me hook in as: void ...