
Publishing Website fails for some pages

I have a strange problem when I publish my website. I inherited this project and the problem started before I arrived so I don't know what conditions lead to the creation of the problem. Basically, 3 folders below the website project fail to publish properly. When the PrecompiledWeb is transferred to the host these three folders have to...

Looking for better End-to-End Comms with Flex, .NET and DBMS

We're reviewing some of our practices at work - and the specific thing we're looking at right now is the best method for doing Comms with Flex based clients, and .NET web services. Our typical approach is to first model the interactions based on requirements, mock up some XML messages and sanity check them, turn those into XSDs, and fi...

Castle Windsor: How do you add a call to a factory facility not in xml?

I know how to tell Castle Windsor to resolve a reference from a factory's method using XML, but can I do it programmatically via the Container.AddComponent() interface? If not is there any other way to do it from code? EDIT: There seems to be some confusion so let me clarify, I am looking for a way to do the following in code: <facil...

Rhino Mocks, TypeMock, Moq, or NMock? Which one do you use and why?

Which one do you use (if you use the listed ones) and what do you love and even hate about it? ...

How to eliminate flicker in Windows.Forms custom control when scrolling?

I want to create a custom control in C#. But every time I have to fully redraw my control, it flickers, even if I use double buffering (drawing to an Image first, and blitting that). How do I eliminate flicker when I have to fully redraw? ...

Convert WAV to WMA using .NET

What is the best solution for converting WAV files to WMA (and vice versa) in C#? I have actually implemented this once already using the Windows Media Encoder SDK, but having to distribute Windows Media Encoder with my application is cumbersome to say the least. The Windows Media Format SDK has large sections of the API marked as deprec...

.Net NNTP implementation

Is there a good .Net implementation of the NNTP protocol? ...

What is the best way to make a .net client consume service from a Java server ?

I have a user interface in .net which needs to receive data from a server, on a request/reply/update model. The only constraint is to use Java only on the server box. What is the best approach to achieve this ? Is it by creating a Webservice in Java and then accessing it in .net, or should I create Java proxies and convert them in .net ...

Does the exe you get out of obfuscation programs vary in speed?

There are a number of obfuscation programs out there for .Net and I've tried one, my exe seems much slower when obfuscated. Do all obfuscation programs have the same effect or have I chosen a bad one? I'm hoping some are better than others, if you know of a fast one let me know. Cheers ...

.net: System.Web.Mail vs System.Net.Mail

I am considering converting a project that I've inherited from .net 1.1 to .net 2.0. The main warning I'm concerned about is that it wants me to switch from System.Web.Mail to using System.Net.Mail. I'm not ready to re-write all the components using the obsolete System.Web.Mail, so I'm curious to hear if any community members have had ...

What are differences between AssemblyVersion, AssemblyFileVersion and AssemblyInformationalVersion?

There are three assembly version attributes. What are differences? Is it ok if I use AssemblyVersion and ignore the rest? MSDN says: AssemblyVersion: Specifies the version of the assembly being attributed. AssemblyFileVersion: Instructs a compiler to use a specific version number for the Win32 file version resource. The Wi...

Parsing exact dates in C# shouldn't force you to create an IFormatProvider

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but parsing a yyyy/MM/dd (or other specific formats) dates in C# should be as easy as DateTime.ParseExact(theDate, "yyyy/MM/dd"); but no, C# forces you to create an IFormatProvider. Is there an app.config friendly way of setting this so I don't need to do this each time? DateTime.ParseExact(t...

Define an interface in C++ that needs to be implemented in C# and C++

I have an interface that I have defined in C++ which now needs to be implemented in C#. What is the best way to go about this? I don't want to use COM at all in my interface definition. The way I have solved this right now is to to have two interface definitions, one in C++ and one in C#. I then expose the C# interfaces as a COM server. ...

Private Accessor class ignores generic constraint

These days, i came across a problem with Team System Unit Testing. I found that the automatically created accessor class ignores generic constraints - at least in the following case: Assume you have the following class: namespace MyLibrary { public class MyClass { public Nullable<T> MyMethod<T>(string s) where T : struct { ret...

.NET WCF faults generating incorrect SOAP 1.1 faultcode values

I am experimenting with using the FaultException and FaultException to determine the best usage pattern in our applications. We need to support WCF as well as non-WCF service consumers/clients, including SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 clients. FYI: using FaultExceptions with wsHttpBinding results in SOAP 1.2 semantics whereas using FaultExceptio...

How to publish wmi classes in .net?

I've created a seperate assembly with a class that is intended to be published through wmi. Then I've created a windows forms app that references that assembly and attempts to publish the class. When I try to publish the class, I get an exception of type System.Management.Instrumentation.WmiProviderInstallationException. The messag...

Is there a good .net library for 3-way comparison of HTML that can be used for merge?

In order to merge independant HTML changes, I'm looking for recomendations for a 3-way comparison / merge library for HTML. The common 3-way text merge algorithms perform poorly because they do not understand the tree like structure of HTML and XML. Of course, such a library must understand the looser syntax of HTML, i.e. tags are not ...

Is there a tool for finding unreferenced functions (dead, obsolete code) in a C# app?

I want to delete foo() if foo() isn't called from anywhere. ...

Output parameters not readable when used with a DataReader

When using a DataReader object to access data from a database (such as SQL Server) through stored procedures, any output parameter added to the Command object before executing are not being filled after reading. I can read row data just fine, as well as all input parameters, but not output ones. [This question is actually just for anyo...

What is the deployment rate of the .NET framework?

I've been looking for this information for my commercial desktop product, with no avail. Specifically, what I'm look for, is deployment statistics of the .NET framework for end-users (both granny "I'm just browsing the internet" XP, and high-end users, if possible), and in the commercial/business sector. Edit: Other than the data point...