
Is there any way to get rid of the long list of usings at the top of my .cs files?

Simple question - As I get more and more namespaces in my solution, the list of using statements at the top of my files grows longer and longer. This is especially the case in my unit tests where for each component that might be called I need to include the using for the interface, the IoC container, and the concrete type. With upward ...

Error consuming Web Service from Winform App - "Cannot execute a program..."

I have a winform app that calls a web service to check for updates. This works in dev and it also works everywhere else I've tried it, just not on the installed copy on my machine (which happens to be the same in dev). The error is: Cannot execute a program. The command being executed was "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727...

What are the best practices for using Assembly Attributes?

I have a solution with multiple project. I am trying to optimize AssemblyInfo.cs files by linking one solution wide assembly info file. What are the best practices for doing this? Which attributes should be in solution wide file and which are project/assembly specific? Edit: If you are interested there is a follow up question What are...

How to spread tcplistener incoming connections over threads in .NET?

When using the Net.Sockets.TcpListener, what is the best way to handle incoming connections (.AcceptSocket) in seperate threads? The idea is to start a new thread when a new incoming connection is accepted, while the tcplistener then stays available for further incoming connections (and for every new incoming connection a new thread is ...

Performing validation on a databound object after the property has been updated

I have a basic form with controls that are databound to an object implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. I would like to add some validation to a couple of properties but dont want to go through implementing IDataErrorInfo for the sake of validating a couple of properties. I have created the functions that perform the valid...

How to implement the Edit -> Copy menu in c#/.net

Hi, How do I implement a Copy menu item in a Windows application written in C#/.NET 2.0? I want to let the user to mark some text in a control and then select the Copy menu item from an Edit menu in the menubar of the application and then do a Paste in for example Excel. What makes my head spin is how to first determine which child f...

How to Convert ISO 8601 Duration to TimeSpan in VB.Net?

Is there a standard library method that converts a string that has duration in the standard ISO 8601 Duration (also used in XSD for its duration type) format into the .NET TimeSpan object? For example, P0DT1H0M0S which represents a duration of one hour, is converted into New TimeSpan(0,1,0,0,0). A Reverse converter does exist which wor...

What's the best way to save and retrieve binary files with Oracle 10g?

I'm about to implement a feature in our application that allows the user to 'upload' a PDF or Microsoft PowerPoint document, which the application will then make available to other users in a viewer (so they don't get to 'download' it in the 'Save as..' sense). I already know how to save and retrieve arbitrary binary information in data...

Has anyone used the Hessian binary remoting protocol to bridge applications using Java and .NET?

Hessian is a custom binary serialization protocol, (which is open-source - I think), that forms the basis for a binary cross platform remoting framework. I'd like to know if anyone here has used it, and if so, what sort of performance can we expect from a solution that bridges a Java app on one side with a C# app on the other. (Let us co...

How do I get an auto-scrolling text display on .NET forms - e.g. for credits

Need to show a credits screen where I want to acknowledge the many contributors to my application. Want it to be an automatically scrolling box, much like the credits roll at the end of the film. ...

BufferedImage in IKVM

What is the best and/or easiest way to replace the missing BufferedImage functionality for a Java project I am converting to .NET with IKVM? I'm basically getting "cli.System.NotImplementedException: BufferedImage" exceptions when running the application, which otherwise runs fine. ...

WCF Datacontract free serialization (3.5 SP1)

Has anybody got this to actually work? Documentation is non existent on how to enable this feature and I get missing attribute exceptions despite having a 3.5 SP1 project. ...

Add Custom TextboxCell to a DataGridView control that contains a button to open the FileDialog

I would like to add a DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell to a DataGridViewCell control, but as well as being able to type in the text cell as normal it must also contain a '...' button that once clicks brings up the OpenFileDialog window to allow the user to select a file. Once selected, the text cell will be populated with the full file path....

Split out ints from string

Let's say I have a web page that currently accepts a single ID value via a url parameter: http://example.com/maypage.aspx?ID=1234 I want to change it to accept a list of ids, like this: http://example.com/mypage.aspx?IDs=1234,4321,6789 So it's available to my code as a string via context.Request.QueryString["IDs"]. What's the ...

VS2005 C# Programmatically change connection string contained in app.config

Would like to programmically change the connecton string for a database which utilizes the membership provider of asp.net within a windows application. The system.configuration namespace allows changes to the user settings, however, we would like to adjust a application setting? Does one need to write a class with utilizes XML to modify ...

Is it safe for structs to implement interfaces?

I seem to remember reading something about how it is bad for structs to implement interfaces in CLR via C#, but I can't seem to find anything about it. Is it bad? Are there unintended consequences of doing so? public interface Foo { Bar GetBar(); } public struct Fubar : Foo { public Bar GetBar() { return new Bar(); } } ...

MidpointRounding enumeration

Is there a way I can configure the MidPointRounding enumeration default setting in a config file (I.e. web.config or app.config) I have a considerable source code base, and I need to configure at the application scope how rounding will occur, whether used in Math.Round or decimal type rounding... I would like to do this in order to get...

Analyzer for Russian language in Lucene and Lucene.Net

Lucene has quite poor support for Russian language. RussianAnalyzer (part of lucene-contrib) is of very low quality. RussianStemmer module for Snowball is even worse. It does not recognize Russian text in Unicode strings, apparently assuming that some bizarre mix of Unicode and KOI8-R must be used instead. Do you know any better solut...

Flickering during updates to Controls in WinForms (e.g. DataGridView)

In my application I have a DataGridView control that displays data for the selected object. When I select a different object (in a combobox above), I need to update the grid. Unfortunately different objects have completely different data, even different columns, so I need to clear all the existing data and columns, create new columns and...

Giving class unique ID on instantiation: .Net

I would like to give a class a unique ID every time a new one is instantiated. For example with a class named Foo i would like to be able to do the following dim a as New Foo() dim b as New Foo() and a would get a unique id and b would get a unique ID. The ids only have to be unique over run time so i would just like to use an integ...