
Java Swing custom shapes (2D Graphics)

I need to draw custom shapes. Now when a user clicks on several points on the panel I create a shape using a polygon. public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { polygon.addPoint(e.getX(), e.getY()); repaint(); } But I don't know if this is the best way to draw custom shapes. It should be possible to edi...

Graphics library used by Windows Vista Freecell and Solitaire

What graphics library is used to create the graphics in the Solitaire and Freecell games included with Windows Vista (e.g. XNA, GDI, WPF)? A good answer would include the name of the library and evidence. I looked at solitaire.exe with dependency walker and it shows many calls to gdi32.dll and gdiplus.dll, but also a call to Direct3DCr...

How to create a 2D map in Java?

I would like to have a mapping which maps two string into one string. For example: map["MainServer","Status"] return "active". What is the best way to do it in Java. Should I use HashMap which include another HashMap as its elements? ...

Roadmap to Android development

Hello, I've done a little research, and am interested in developing for Android. I've never programmed before, and have no idea how to go from zero experience to developing for a mobile device. My interest is in eventually making some sort of 2d game. Is there a lesson plan for starting from the ground up? I would think one would ...

How to determine visibility in 2D

Hello, I'm developing an AI sandbox and I would like to calculate what every living entity can see. The rule is to simply hide what's behind the edges of the shapes from the point of view of the entity. The image clarifies everything: I need it either as an input to the artificial intelligence either graphically, to show it for a spe...

Detecting one point's location compared to two other points.

EDIT I'm looking for the actual one or two liner that does what the answer with a lot of upvote suggest. I've got a little problem to solve in a very real software and I'm looking for an easy way to solve it. I've got two fixed points on screen (they're fixed, but I don't know beforehand their position) that are not at the same locati...

2d trajectory planning of a spaceship with physics.

I'm implementing a 2D game with ships in space. In order to do it, I'm using LÖVE, which wraps Box2D with Lua. But I believe that my question can be answered by anyone with a greater understanding of physics than myself - so pseudo code is accepted as a response. My problem is that I don't know how to move my spaceships properly on a 2...

Is there any algorithm for determining 3d position in such case? (images below)

So first of all I have such image (and ofcourse I have all points coordinates in 2d so I can regenerate lines and check where they cross each other) But hey, I have another Image of same lines (I know thay are same) and new coords of my points like on this image So... now Having points (coords) on first image, How can I determin ...

What language should I learn to make 2D turn-based video games?

I want to make 2 dimensional turn-based games for the PC. Something like early Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger. Is C++ the only plausible option? I keep getting told that C++ is the language of choice for games, but is this the case even for 2D, turn-based games? Are any other languages good for this sort of thing? I'm really big on c...

Are there any 2D game tutorials for WPF?

Hello, I'm looking for an inspiration what to add to my 2D game and so far I've found only two games (with sources) in WPF. Are 2D games in WPF so rare? Do you know about some samples? Thank you! ...

Automatically Generate a FlowChart in Python

Dear All, I would like to automatically generate a flowchart similar to this one ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:%281%29_2008-04-07_Information_Management-_Help_Desk.jpg ) with Python. Do you have any advice regarding the library I should use to draw boxes, arrows (with the shortest path), text and some colors. Many thanks in ad...

How to achieve a palette effect on iPhone using OpenGL

I'm porting a 2d retro game to iPhone that has the following properties: targets OpenGL ES 1.1 entire screen is filled with tiles (textured triangle strip tile textured using a single 256x256 RGBA texture image the texture is passed to OpenGL once at the start of the game only 4 displayed colours are used one of the displayed colours i...

Getting started with particle system in 2d

I would like to get started with particle systems in 2d. But I really don't know where to get started. ...

OpenGL Video RAM Limits

I have been trying to make a Cross-platform 2D Online Game, and my maps are made of tiles. My tileset, which I render the tiles from, is quite huge. I wanted to know how can I disable hardware rendering, or at least making it more capable. Hence, I wanted to know what are the basic limits of the video ram, as far as I know, Direct3D has ...

A Null Reference Exception

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object." using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; namespace XNAdev { class Sprite { //The size of the Sprite pu...

How to render a 2d side-scroller game

I do not really understand the way I'm suppose to render a side-scroller? How do I know what to render when my character move? What kind of positionning should I use for the characters? I hope my question is clear ...

MPI datatype for 2 d array

I need to pass an array of integer arrays (basically a 2 d array )to all the processors from root.I am using MPI in C programs. How to declare MPI datatype for 2 d array.and how to send the message (should i use broadcast or scatter) ...

2D Platformer Collision Problems With Both Axes

I'm working on a little 2D platformer/fighting game with C++ and SDL, and I'm having quite a bit of trouble with the collision detection. The levels are made up of an array of tiles, and I use a for loop to go through each one (I know it may not be the best way to do it, and I may need help with that too). For each side of the character...

What is the difference between System.Drawing.Point and System.Windows.Point?

What's the difference between System.Drawing.Point and the System.Windows.Point? In what context should which one be used? I'm working with WPF. ...

How to calculate both positive and negative angle between two lines?

There is a very handy set of 2d geometry utilities here. The angleBetweenLines has a problem, though. The result is always positive. I need to detect both positive and negative angles, so if one line is 15 degrees "above" or "below" the other line, the shape obviously looks different. The configuration I have is that one line remains s...