
ASP.NET - 3rd Party Libraries - Anyone know of a good side-by-side comparison?

I'm looking to invest in a 3rd party suite of asp.net controls and I've been searching, without much luck, for a nice tabular view that presents the various vendors offerings in an easy to compare side-by-side manner. Does anyone know of such a link? Thanks, Steve. PS: In particular I am considering the DevExpress and ComponentArt off...

Strong name a 3rd party Interop DLL

Hello! I have a 3rd party library I need to use. this library however, is not signed, so I used Signer to strong name it. One of its dependencies is an Interop library (also provided by the 3rd party) which I cannot sign since it seems to have unmanaged code. At runtime, when the 3rd party code needs to load the Interop library it fails ...

Developing GWT apps - 3rd party tools for logging etc

Hi, I am developing a enterprise GWT app. FRom the many videos and web articles I have read on developing with GWT, I came across one that mentioned 3 3rd party libs that are highly recommended to use. My problem is that I cannot remember what they were or where I saw them! The most I can recall is that I think one was gwt-log where you...

How to reference 3rd party assemblies in OSS project?

Hi, Good practice is to include into source repository all 3rd party assemblies required by sources to compile. Then reference such assembies from within repository. The problem is, sometimes license of referenced assembly directly prohibits such action, eg: "You can not publish the software for others to copy" - this covers any kind of...

Is compiling in debug mode possible despite a third party library having no debug-build lib?

I have an application I'm working on that uses two third party libraries, each with pre-compiled libs and dlls, one of which provides necessary .lib files for both debug and release builds (A[d].lib) and the other which provides only .lib files for release builds (B.lib). Compiling in Release mode (using MSVC9) works fine, however attemp...

Persisting 3rd party objects with JPA

Hi everyone, In my current project I am using a 3rd party library which has no JPA annotations. Can I persist objects from that library using JPA and external mappings? Can you recommend a good example? So far I only found information on external XML-Mappings and JPA in the JSR220 spec which mostly states the structure of the mappings....

Any testing suggestions on replace a 3rd-party production?

It's a complex 3rd-party DLL. Phase 1 for My project already finished. I need find a good way to integrate testing with both my DLLs and 3rd-party DLL. Now I need to replace the 3rd-party DLL with some of my my small DLLs step by step. All the interface member are same names. How to disable some of the 3rd-party DLL reference and ena...

C++: implicit conversion between 3rd party types

There are two classes: A and B. There are algorithms for converting from type A to type B and back. We cannot touch the source code of them. Can I write an implicit conversion between the two types? Example code which should work: B CalculateSomething(double x) { A a(x); a.DoSomethingComplicated(); return a; } ...

Are there any 3rd Party libraries for image processing in C#?

Just wondering if there's anything out there to help make my project a lot easier to deal with. I'm working on a program that uses the Wiimote and infrared pen (mapped to the mouse) to manipulate images in real time and I'd much rather not have to use all my time figuring out how to make the program resize and rotate images efficiently w...

How to use 3rd party libraries in glassfish?

I need to connect to a MongoDB instance from my EJB3 application, running on glassfish 3.0.1. The Mongo project provides a set of drivers, and I'm able to use them in a standalone Java application. How would I use them in a JEE application? Or maybe better phrasing: how would I make a 3rd party library available to my application when i...

Java: how to use 3rd-party library?

The code shows compilation with the -cp trigger but not running. Apparently, it cannot find the HashMultimap. Classpath problem? $ javac -cp google-collect-1.0.jar MultiThing.java $ java -cp google-collect-1.0.jar MultiThing Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MultiThing Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundExcept...

Java: 3rd libraries Fast from some package management thing?

Frustrated in finding the .jar -balls like google collections or "package org.apache.commons.io;". Is there some utility to get them fast like the style-"apt-get source app"? "get-java-jar-ball-3rd source apache commons"? ...

Difficulty running OpenSURF code in Netbeans IDE 6.8

I am trying to run the OpenSURF code(used for point matching) obtained from the following website: http://www.chrisevansdev.com/computer-vision-opensurf.html This codebase uses OpenCV library(which is already installed on my computer) and I have included its path in the Environemtal variables. However, when I try to build the OpenSURF ...

TFS Build Server Cannot find Assembly Reference

I looked at this post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547468/assembly-references-wont-resolve-properly-on-our-build-server but it didn't help the issue. I am (extremely) new to TFS, and just installed 2010 on a VM. I imported a project and got everything working-ish. I went to create a new build through team explorer, and set it up...

iPhone: ASIFormDataRequest Returns NULL from PHP Server

Hi, I have PHP script link, which responds YES or NO when we set post userName and emailID. I have used ASI framework. When I try to connect with the following code, I get a null return. NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://abc.com/abctest/registration.php"]; ASIFormDataRequest *request = [[ASIFormDataRequest alloc] initWithU...

Data Quality Check - SQL Server

I am trying to find a good mechanism where I can check whether the data being entered by a group of people is grammatically correct, has correct spellings, etc, etc. I also would like to compute words per minute and accuracy. Is there any process to do this so that I do not have to re-invent the wheel? Thanks in advance. ...

Managing Many Variants of 3rd-Party API Keys in ASP.NET

I have a site that leverages both Google Analytics and Google Maps. Both of these services have API keys that need to be managed in our site's code. For Google Analytics, we have two accounts, a live account and staging account to test tracking prior to lunch. For Google Maps we actually need a unique API key for every single host name. ...

WinForms XML editor control

Does anyone know of a good XML editor library/control to use in a WinForms project? ...

Is it possible to "intercept" a 3rd party library's "WriteFile" operation

This is likely a long shot, but I thought I'd ask anyway. I'm using a document management system's API. They provide a "WriteFile" method to save a given document to disk. However, the library does not have a way to simply read a document into memory. My only option, it seems, is to write to disk, then read it back in again. I'm won...

A Scripting language for XNA

I've written a game engine, which i want to integrate scripting into. However, i've looked at the available choices, which seem to be the following: Xnua Jint Managed Scripting The problems with those are (respectively): Built for XNA 1 -- there's an XNA 3.1 port but it's under the Apache license which i'm not sure is compatible wi...