Hi there, my company's software product has a feature that allows users to generate forms from Word templates. The program auto fills some fields from the SQL database and the user can fill in other data that they desire. So we have a .dotx template that holds the design of the form, and then the user gets the .docx file to fill out whe...
I've got a new question after answer on this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2816294/pass-parameter-from-page-to-activex
How to add property to property map without class explorer ?
Need to add the property for object and class explorer doesn't works because of Nemerle doesn't supports it yet.
code :
<object id="Bacs...
I'm beginning to wonder if this is impossible, but I thought I'd ask in case there's a clever way to get around the problems I'm having.
I have a Qt application that uses an ActiveX control. The control is held by a QAxWidget, and the QAxWidget itself is contained within another QWidget (I needed to add additional signals/slots to the ...
I am using the following function to save text to a file (on IE-8 w/ActiveX).
function saveFile(strFullPath, strContent)
var fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
var flOutput = fso.CreateTextFile( strFullPath, true ); //true for overwrite
flOutput.Write( strContent );
The code...
I've created a MAPI Wrapper in VB6 and compiled it as an ActiveX.exe so I can use it in my VB.NET project. The project is a windows service that takes data from a webservice passes data to activex.exe and it creates public folder records in exchange 2003.
I was wondering if anyone know how I could pass a collection to my activex.exe?
I have an ActiveX control (created using C#) that I am adding to a form in Visual FoxPro using late binding. It works without problems when I register the control.
I want to use reg free COM and created necessary manifest files. Now it load and displays in an inactive state until I double click or programatically activate it. I don't t...
i was created a nonvisual vcl component in delphi and I'm trying to make it usable for other environment like visual studio, and i think the best way is create an activex control. but the problem is i haven't any experience about creating activex in delphi. i found some resource by google about creating activex in delphi but most of them...
Hi All --
Do you know about any helpful C#/VB.NET sample projects on developing ActiveX Documents(?) to be hosted by MS Word 2000-2010?
I mean a C#/VB.NET sample project having ActiveX Document project/solution sources, which can be compiled, built and registered, and then ActiveX Document instance inserted inline several times into an...
I'm learning how to create an VB6 Active X EXE. (I need to add the ability for a number of VB6 apps to "phone home" to a server and I'd like centralize this but don't want to do it with a DLL because I'd like to only need Firewall permission for one program (the "phone home ActiveX EXE).
I've found a few tutorials but I'm looking for a...
I have an ActiveX component developed in C#. I'm referencing a dll which comes with other native dlls and it is loading them on the fly expecting them to be in the same folder (probably using Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location but not sure, I don't have control over them). There is also one ini file which is also expected to be in ...
Is this even possible?
I'm embedding Flash inside an IE frame in my application and would like to check if Flash and what version of it is installed.
The application needs to run without admin privileges.
Bonus question: Can I also check if ActiveX controls are enabled in the IE settings?
I want to call an ActiveX DLL or OLE2 object from ABAP.
I already know the syntax of how to instantiate the object & execute the methods:
data: my_object type ole2_object.
create object my_object <ole2object>.
call method of my_object <objectmethod>.
But given a particular application, how do I know if this is supported, what the...
I have a page that hosts CAB file like the one below
<object id="SOmeID" class="Class1" codebase="..\CAB\Client.cab#version=2,0,0,2" classid="clsid:SomeIDComeshere" VIEWASTEXT >
When this page is browsed the first time, there is a message to download the CAB file and is upto the user's choice to download or not
Some users prefer not t...
We are using Topaz Signature pads. They provide their APIs in the from of an ActiveX control which is to be put on a Winform control. Well, the way our project will work we do not want to have a form(at least not visible). We just want for the signature ActiveX control to get an image in the background.
static AxSigPlus sig = new AxSIG...
I have an MFC ActiveX control embedded in a web page. Some of the parameters for this control are very large. I don't know what these values will be at compile time, but I do know that once retrieved, they will almost certainly never change.
Currently, I embed the parameters like so:
<object name="MyActiveX">
<param name="param" va...
Hi I have a ActiveX like this:
class CMyActiveX :
public CComObjectRootEx...
HRESULT FinalContruct(){return S_OK;}
void Start()
// a new thread is created here for some task
void FinalRelease()
// if the thread is alive kill it
However when browser is closed the method FinalRel...
You can publish the properties of an control that is inside a activex form?
example I have a form with an TAdoconnection component, I wish the properties of this component can be modified by the user when he loads my activex control.
@TOndrej gives me a very nice sample, but this sample only works for components derived from ...
We have used for 8 years an ActiveX created in Delphi and we are now using it on Internet Explorer over the internet (and not on local machine as it was always been the process until here)
As today we use this object in the HTML:
<object id="ActiveX" classid="CLSID:8EC68701-329D-4567-BCB5-9EE4BA43D358"
width="14" height="14">
an ActiveX control generated by Visual Basic 6, very old stuff, it has a couple of methods and one event.
now I have to use the control in C++, visual studio 2008, but I don't like to generate a form/dialog/window as constainer. I add some MFC class From ActiveX Control. Now the wrap class has all the methods defined in the ActiveX co...
What's the best way to package the activex dll with the delphi application?
If I just compile it, when I send it to somebody else it gives them errors because they don't have the ActiveX dll registered.