
Any IDEs for Javascript / HTML

Are there any IDEs for Javascript /HTML that allow visualizing the effects (like MochiKit), and streamline the website design process? ...

How to connect my Spring + Hibernate based application backend with pure HTML and AJAX based client?

Hi all, I'd like to call methods of my DAOs by AJAX. I'm quite new in that so I would like to ask what is the best way to do that. Is it possible to publish my beans as web services and call them with e.g. jQuery? I think it is not possible :) I've also read about Direct Web Remoting but I don't know which way to go... As I see, there...

What's a good AJAX Autocomplete Plugin for jQuery?

I usually use jQuery as my JS library on my sites, and I would like to stick with it since I'm familiar with it. I need to implement an AJAX autocomplete, mainly for suggesting search results. Here are a few I have found: Dylan Verheul's version Jörn Zaefferer's version A modification of Dylan Verheul's version If you have tried any...

Do you have any Ajax loading image ideas for use with jQuery?

I have a page being loaded with jQuery. The initial load includes 100 records with 6 icons per record. Needless to say, it takes a few seconds to load and I want to give the user a "loading" prompt/animation. Any ideas? ...

JavaScript: How to detect that the Internet connection is offline?

How to detect that the Internet connection is offline in JavaScript? ...

How can I convert my current page to pdf after some content dynamically added via AJAX?

I have found some libraries or web services in PHP that does the job. The problem is that the conversion is done when the page is fully loaded, I would like to convert the page to PDF after some content dynamically added via AJAX in onload event. Thank you very much, Omar ...

ASP.Net: Approaches to multilingual websites with Javascript and AJAX

We've recently completed phase 1 of a ASP.Net website in English and French. We went with using resource files to store language specific strings, but because the site used ASP.Net AJAX and javascript heavily we rigged up a solution to pass the right files through the ASP.Net pipeline where we could catch "tokens" and replace them with t...

How do i submit an ajax request before the page is loaded

I want to check the login status of a user through an ajax request. Depending wether the user is logged in I want to display either the username/password input or the username. Currently the request is sent on body.onload and a prgoress indicator is shown until the response arrives. Is there a better way? Let's assume that the require...

What do I need to re-build my web server?

I am getting ready to completely overhaul my web server. I use it for both development and to present product to clients. It also hosts my company website. I will be loading MS Server 2008 and MS SQL 2008. I want it to have the latest .NET Framework as well as the latest MVC templates. I want it to use SubSonic. I also want to start usi...

Best approach for using AJAX loaders?

I've implemented a few poor solutions for bringing up an AJAX loader before dynamically updating a content DIV, but none seem to be "universal", and I find each time I do it I'm reworking it. If I have a DIV with content that updates depending on what a user clicks on the page, and I want to display the loader over this content DIV, what...

Where can I find a large AJAX loader .gif?

I searched the Web, but the most I was able to find was 180x180 pixels. I'm looking for a ajax loader .gif animation that is at least 400x400 pixels. File size is not very important, it's for intranet application. UPDATE: solution must be free as in beer. I don't own a copy of Photoshop, for example. ...

"suggest" feature for textboxes in a rails app

I'm looking for an easiest way how to implement the "suggest" feature for a text entry field in a Rails application. The idea is to complete names stored in a database column, giving the user a drop-down menu of possible matches as he types. Thanks for any suggestions! ...

What are the options available for cross platform rich user interfaces development?

Some of the requirements (restrictions) for such a ui framework/toolkit are: No single vendor lock down Ability for real time data visualization Good initial widgets Good dash boarding capabilities cross platform Good development/debug environment No flash ...

What are the advantages of using a GET request over a POST request?

Several of my ajax applications in the past have used GET request but now I'm starting to use POST request instead. POST requests seem to be slightly more secure and definitely more url friendly/pretty. Thus, i'm wondering if there is any reason why I should use GET request at all. ...

How to avoid blinking when updating page from ajax

I've got a table with a header, a row with input fields, rows with data. If somebody enters something into an input field I want to filter the data with an ajax query. After receiving the new table I change the content of the old one: div.innerHTML = req.responseText; and it blinks. How to avoid that? ...

wordpress - having comments inline ajax like in stackoverflow

i have a wordpress blog and want to give people the same user experience for adding comments that is in stackoverflow. There are a number of comments ajax plugins out there but i can't find a working one that allows you to inline on the main page, go in and add comments without first drilling down into a seperate single post page. Can ...

Ajax keep=alive a good idea?

I'm currently working on a simple CRUD application. One requirement is preventing users from editing things concurrently. In order to do this I "lock" records to see if they're being edited, to prevent other users from editing at the same time. I was thinking a good way of implementing this might be to use an AJAX keep-alive to see if th...

Component-Information from JAR-File possible?

I would like to set up a web application with good modularity and would like to use an AJAX Toolkit/Framework like GWT or ZK for its VIEW. Component information should be load from various modules-JAR. Which AJAX Toolkit/Framework is able to do this? ...

How to manage a redirect request after a JQuery Ajax call

Im using $.post() to call a Servlet using Ajax and then use the resulting HTML fragment to replace a div element in the User's current page. However, if the session timeouts the server sends a redirect directive to send the user to the login page. Nonetheless, JQuery is replacing the div element with the contents of the login page, forci...

Update row status using ajax

I am currently trying to program my first ajax interface using Rails. The application currently shows a table populated with list items. The user has to approve or reject each of the list items. I currently have an edit link at the end of each row that shows a form in which I can approve the list item. I am thinking on using a checkbox...