
WPF. Layout issue.

Hello, guys I have StackPanel. I need place there TextBlock with TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center[Center of stackPanel] and button at right side with small margin. How can I achieve such layout with wpf. How can I add button to StackPanel, that my TextBlock doesn't move from center. ...

Array not crossing 256 byte boundary

Is it possible to create an array that doesn't cross 256 byte boundary? That is addresses of the individual array items only differ in the lower byte. This is weaker requirement than keeping the array aligned to 256 bytes. The only solution I could think of was aligning to next_power_of_two(sizeof(array)), but I'm not sure about the gaps...

three20 right align

is there a way to right align div tag inside a styled text item in three 20 on iphone? I have accomplished it using the following: return [TTBoxStyle styleWithMargin:UIEdgeInsetsMake(-20, 230, 5, 5) padding:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0) minSize:CGSizeMake(20, 20) position:TTPositionStatic next:nil]; however, this only works in portr...

Anchor <a> alignment off in IE8?

We have three anchor tags. When all on one line they display correctly in IE8: But when you separate the anchor tags onto separate lines for better code readability they do NOT appear correctly (there is a random extra "e" character and the alignment is off): Any ideas? ...

Setting up my webpages on a widescreen monitor may have caused me to create inaccurate div positions

Hi, I recently put together a website exclusively using a computer with a wide screen monitor. Later, When opening the same pages online using a computer with a smaller sized monitor, I suddenly noticed that all the div positions are completely out of place. My question is how to use the widescreen monitor to continue to develop my webpa...

WPF Flowdocument - can't left-align ListItem markers

I've got a WPF FlowDocument with a list of MarkerType 'Upper Latin'. It's looking like this: Notice that the list item alignment is on the periods after the marker, but since the text is variable width, the D, E, and F look silly. I would rather have the list markers be left aligned than right aligned, but I can't figure out how to ...

horizonal and vertical alignment of label in div in table row

I have code: <tr> <td align="center" style="height: 50px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle" > <div class="hoverClass ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;width:100%;height:100%"> <label style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle" >Streetligh...

IE8 alignment problem. Usercontrol in div wraps down. happens only in IE8, works fine in FF, chrome, IE7.

Hello, I have three usercontrols aligned side by side inside a DIV. It displays well in all browsers except for IE8, where the third usercontrol wraps down. This can be seen at: Widths seem to be right everywhere and there is enough space for the usercontrol to be displayed. I am missin...

Div table-cell vertical align not working

I am trying to simply center text horizontally and vertically using DIV and display type as table-cell but it is not working in either IE8 or Firefox. Below is the CSS that I am using and that is all that is in the html page. @charset "utf-8"; /* CSS Document */ html, body { background-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial, Helvetic...

Alignment of char arrays

How is STL vector usually implemented? It has a raw storage of char[] which it occasionally resizes by a certain factor and then calls placement new when an element is pushed_back (a very interesting grammatical form I should note - linguists should study such verb forms as pushed_back :) And then there are the alignment requirements. S...

CSS aligniment problem

I am designing home page of my domain registration website and I am stuck at one place. Please go through the website at In Firefox and Google Chrome the Search and Go Button are in same alignment with the text and select box but in Opera and IE8, they are falling down a bit. I have tried out all the things but I am ...

Android Layer_Drawable as a button.

I have a button. The button is constructed from the StateListDrawable (made of 3 9-patch images). I need to add an extra drawable that will reside on the button's right side, and i need it to be aligned with the button's right side. I tried to use the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layer-list xmlns:android="http://sc...

CSS - Placing Text Relative to Another Text

I have a CSS div which contains text (basically, it's a headline). I have another CSS div that I want to have smaller sized text and to sit right to the right of the first, larger-texted div. I'm not sure how to do do I tell the second div to place itself against the right of the first when each instance of the first div could...

C# How can I make the text in a ListView column right-align instead of left-align?

I have a ListView in details view so it has 2 columns - but with the text which populates the list, it is more important to see the end of the text instead of the beginning. Is there any way to set the listview to show the right-side of the text by default (ie have the ... at the beginning instead of the end if the text is too large to ...