
Can I change write access for root directory? Sygic Navigation and their API...

I need to be able to write textfiles to the root directory of my Android device (as this related questions explains). Can I change write permissions for root directory / and if so, how? I tried pushing a file using adb, but it said file system was read-only =( Its pretty annoying that I cannot control my own device, that everything is...

HTTPS connection to exactly one site (Android)

Hello, I'm creating an app for the Android platform which will connect with just one site using https. It is essential that it won't be able to connect to any other sites, even with valid SSL certificates. I want it to be resistant to every form redirection (for example to site pretending to be the one I need to connect with) or other "...

Offline navigation software for Android - what is out there?

Im looking for navigation software for the Android platform and I have a few requirements: Offline maps. The maps should be stored on the device/memory card so no Internet-connection is required There should be some way to interact with the application "through code"; sending route requests, getting current location perhaps, bringing a...

How to catch an image capture event on Android?

Hi All, I am trying to find a way to listen to a built-in Camera application Capture event. I want my application to be triggered each time a picture is taken. Is it possible? I read here that it is impossible... If it is impossible then, maybe, there is another way to achieve it? For example receive a new file event and check if th...

Drop shadow for Drawable

How do i create a drop shadow to add it to a custom drawable i made using shape? ...

Android Application Crashel

hello everyone, i am trying to run an application on an android emulator, but it crashes. i am following a howto i don't know what to do, it just crashes. other applications are running fine, can anyone tell me what i am doing is the code: public class Finder extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first creat...

how can you tell when an Android activity is finished loading?

I'm in the process of working on an automated test suite for our android app, and running into trouble waiting for activities to fully load. I can call getActivity, but just because it shows the activity that I'm hoping to see in my test doesn't always seem to mean that the activity's components are ready for use (fully loaded). Lookin...

Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended

I am using the onScroll method of GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener to scroll a large bitmap on a canvas. When the scroll has ended I want to redraw the bitmap in case the user wants to scroll further ... off the edge of the bitmap, but I can't see how to detect when the scroll has ended (the user has lifted his finger from the scr...

Android development tools

I'd like to hack on my new Android phone using a Linux development environment. What tools would you recommend? ...

How to launch provisioning app on Android

I'm making some changes to the provisioning app that ships with the Android Eclair source code. I'd like a way to launch the app to test it that doesn't involve reflashing my device or restarting my emulator. The app is located in packages/apps/Provision and the main Activity is src/com/android/provision/ I've tried:...

Android Layouts- Mixing dynamic with static elements

My View doesn't use an XML layout, I just reference a View subclass defined in the Action class. The app consists of an empty canvas that the user can create/interact with various 2D objects. That's the easy part, but I want an onscreen widget to appear on the right side of the screen that allows the user to select various objects to cre...

"Keyboard not responding" in emulator?

I'm using Android 2.1 SDK on MacOS 10.6.2. When I try to run the standard Notepad app in the emulator, I get the expected messages from Eclipse [2010-01-18 17:42:24 - NotesList]New emulator found: emulator-5554 [2010-01-18 17:42:24 - NotesList]Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched... [2010-01-18 17:42:26 - Emulator...

Encryption compatable between Android and C#

I've found plenty of examples how to do encryption in C#, and a couple for Android, but I'm particularly looking for a way to handle encrypting (using something like AES, TripleDES, etc.) from Android, and eventually wind up being decrypted in C#. I found an example for encoding AES in Android and encoding/decoding AES in C# but am not s...

The difference background in image viewer of Android

Hi, I do these actions on Android G1 2 times: open gallery -> view image -> Capture screen-shot -> Go back -> exist from gallery. But captured screen-shots of 2 times are difference: the above and below background of image viewer of first time is lighter Grey, while second time is darker. 2 screen-shots: First time: http://farm5.stati...

Marking Current Location on Map, Android

Hi every one, i followed some tutorials to create an application that shows the current position of the user on the map with a marking. but for some reasons i can't get to work the marking part? the other parts works well, but whenever i add the marking code the application crashes. i hope someone could help is the code: public...

Open options meny via code

Is there any way to open the menu option via the code, sort of auto trigger on a particular action. ...

Android:how do i retrieve the contact photo,name,number from the address book and display it using a list view

Android:how do i retrieve the contact photo,name,number from the address book and display it using a list view ...

how to pass data between activities in Android?

dear friends, i have a scenario of login page after logging in there will be sign out button on each activity. on clicking signout i will be passing session id of signed in user to signout. can any one guide me how to keep session id available on all activities?? or any other solution to achieve this?? ...

repo sync problem

i am a beginner to android development... i was trying to get the sources for the 1.6 release... but the repo sync operation keeps hanging... i am pasting the last part of the message i get on the terminal here: Fetching projects: 19% (32/164) Initializing project platform/external/freetype ... remote: Counting objects: 970, done. remo...

Android calender application not seen in the emulator.

Hello all, Android source code contains code for calender application perhaps it not seen in the emulator. what is the work around to be done to view the calender application. I went through the source code, file doesn have a tag for calender as well as calender provider. What can i do so as to include calender application...