
Android WebView refusing user input

Hi all. I'm developing an Android application that uses a WebView to display the login page for Facebook. The page loads beautifully, and I'm able to select the username/password textboxes, but typing in them will not work. That is, they definitely have input focus (they have the orange focus highlight box and a flashing cursor), but ty...

How am I notified if I can't get any gps fix location?

For example, I am inside a building and i want to get my location with the accuracy of 0.75 (Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE) and this will use the gps if my gps is on. Since I am inside a building, gps won't work. How can I determine if it is really impossible to get a gps fix location? Is onLocationChanged(Location arg0) will be called even t...

asynchronous list view

hi all, I have listview with images and its bottom has it's name. in list view each row has no'of images getting from server with left and right arrows are in each row i want see all the images in each row by clicking left and right arrows which are available in each row of list view .and while loading images i have to run progress bar ...

Get Map address or Location Address in Android

Hi, I am writing an app that requires to get the current map location. My Map file works fine by it self, but I need to get the address (see addressString below at the buttom) from another Activity. I tried getAddress/setAddress (setters/getters). They do not work. They always return 'no address' (the default). Here is my code... How ...

Android - Toggle Notification volume programatically

A Checkbox found in the Ringer Volume settings that allows you to set a separate Notification volume and incoming call volume Is there a way to Check/Uncheck the Check box for Notification volume programatically. ...

File sharing between Android phone and a PC

I am new to the Android SDK. Is there a way to share files from my Android app, so that it can be accessed by another computer using WiFi? Is there support for something like SMB? (Android version on phone is 1.6) Thanks. ...

How to install the application on real device without publishing and Eclipse ?

Hi guys, Do you about how to install application without any developer's tool(Eclipse, android SDK tools) no the real device? I've compiled and created .apk file. Now I am gonna send apk file to my friend. He is not android developer. And he doesn't know about how to use eclipse. And I don't want to publish my application to android...

How to select and crop an image in android?

Hey, I am currently working on a live wallpaper and I allow the user to select an image which will go behind my effects. Currently I have: Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI); i.putExtra("crop", "true"); startActivityForResult(i, 1); And sli...

how to Open new screen in Android?

Dear friends, i am new to android and i have created a login page after verifing login i get results true or false on the bases of user authentication now my goal is to show another screen on successful authentication with some new textboxes and button i mean new layout how to achieve this??? any help would be appriciated. ...

Android Application data should not be released by android OS

public class MYApplication extends Application { String property; setter getter } does above code make sure property will not be collectied by android OS if not used for a long period of time. ...

Stop the Android softkeyboard from word completion

How do you stop the Android softkeyboard from displaying completed text in a TextView. It is very important for my application that the spelling is not shown. In 1.6 SDK I made the InputType = VisiblePassword and that seemed to stop it, however this does not appear to work in the 2.1 SDK. thanks ...

Android Google Map Addon not available?

dear friends, i am trying to display google map on Android refering to this tutorial when i go to google website to download addon it says addons are not available kindly guide what should i do to achieve this?? ...

Creating Emulators for the current Android phones

As I do not have the money to buy all the Android phones, is there a resource somewhere or can somebody suggest the settings that would best emulate the Nexus, Motrola Droid and HTC Magic etc. Some users are reporting problems with my app and I am thinking it may be due to the screen sizes. thanks ...

ListView filled with CheckBoxes -- they go mad

Hey folks, I need your help. I'm really new to Android, developing in Eclipse with the latest 2.1 SDK. This is really simple. I make a ListView which is filled with Checkbox widgets. My code: public class HelloAndroid extends Activity { static final String[] COUNTRIES = new String[] { "Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria",...

Best cross-mobile javascript framework (iPhone/Android)

Hi all, Id like to create a small cross-mobile javascript application, which consists of a form and a grid as result. I also want to display some images, with something similar to lightbox. I coded an home maded prototype but id like to add 'touch' effects and support multiple screens easyly. I looked at JqTouch but its very slow on my...

Custom title with image

Hi all, i'm creating custom title for activity by disabling standard one and managing everything myself. I wonder if it's possible to replace/theme standart title to my needs. I can customize size, background image, and text via themes by changing windowXYZStyle items. The only thing i couldn't find - how i can add image instead of tex...

Best encryption library for mobile devices ?

Hello I have been using LibTomCrypt to use SHA1 encryption ( for data integrity checking ) on mobile devices (iPhone OS and Android for the moment ). I was wondering if anyone is using anything else, things to consider are Portability ( C preferred but C++ is also an option ), and libraries size ( small == better for my particular needs ...

CalledFromWrongThreadException exercising JUnit tests on Android

I am new to JUnit and Android and good test documentation for working with Android is hard to find. I have a test project with classes that extend ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2. Simple tests to examine the state of the GUI (what's enabled, relative positions, etc) work as expected. However when I attempt to perform button click act...

Android - Reading ID3 tags from mp3 stream

I'm streaming an mp3 file using MediaPlayer mp.setDataSource(myContext, Uri.parse("http://my_song.mp3")); mp.prepareAsync(); mp.setOnPreparedListener(mpOnPreparedListener); mp.setOnBufferingUpdateListener(mpOnBufferingUpdateListener); etc... Any idea about how I can read the ID3 tags from this stream using android API or an...

Android: Nexus One - Geocoder causes IOException - works perfectly with other devices and emulator

The code below works perfectly for real devices running on 1.5, 1.6 and 2.0 as well as the emulator running on 2.1. However, executing it on the Nexus One (running 2.1) raises an IOException: Unable to parse response from server at android.location.Geocoder.getFromLocation( That's the code snipp...