
Foreign Characters in android & Java

I was trying to download and parse a webpage with foreign (Chinese) characters. I'm not sure whether I should use "utf-8" or sth else. But none of these seems to work for me. I used the sample wikitionary code for getUrlContent. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(...

Google Map does not display in Android?

i am trying to run google map tutorial using following link followed all steps but when i try to run this application it does not display anything except boxes and zooming button can any one guide is there any thing i am missing?? i have obtained new google map key from go...

Options for application communication between two android phones

I need to establish communication between two android phones (same application, if maters). Is there any possibility for android application establish an data stream via bluetooth (so there is no need for internet connection)? Or (UDP)TCP/IP over internet is currently best solution? ...

cannot Create MD5 FingerPrint?

keytool -list -alias alias_name -keystore my-release-key.keystore using above command when i try to create md5 fingerprint it asks for the password and in password i cannot type any thing. can any one guide me how can i create this i need this finger print to run google map api in android and to obtain googlemap api key from google web...

Why most of android tutorial's variables start with m?

I know about camel case rules, but I'm confused with this m rule. What does it stand for? I'm a php developer, "we" use first letters of variables as indication of type, like 'b' for boolean, 'i' for integer and so on. Is 'm' a java thing? Does it stand for mobile? mixed? ;) ...

Which is better loading of images for ListView?

I am wondering if which of the two is better in loading images in a listview from web, is it by batch through some number of threads that are running simultaneously or one by one through thread queue? I have noticed (but I don't know if that is really the implementation) from the youtube app that the images are loaded by batch and it is...

Android detect which ringtone is actually playing (Ringtone.isPlaying problem)

On Android, I'm having a problem trying to figure out which ringtone is actually playing (I'm not trying to detect the default ringtone, but the one actually playing as it may be different due to user setting a particular ringtone for a particular contact). I'm using the Ringtone.isPlaying() function as I cycle through (successfully) al...

how to put Search on Google map in Android?

dear friends, i am looking to put search on google map in android application can any one guide me how to achive this??? and want to display some text along with that perticular search location. any help would be appriciated. ...

How to close Android application?

I want to close my application, so that it no longer runs in the background. How to do that? Is this good practice on Android platform? If I rely on the "back" button, it closes the app, but it stays in background. There is even application called "TaskKiller" just to kill those apps in the background. ...

Is possible to Install Android in other phone? Like the SH004 or other OEM Phones

Hi all, I'm wondering if is possible to install/use Android with other phones? Will be nice to have it on such a piece of hardware like the new SH004. Thanks in advanced ...

Redirecting screen output from cell phone to monitor screen

Is there any way to redirect cell phone output to a standard screen? Would it be possible on Linux & X-server based devices - like Maemo? And on Android devices? ...

Android compiler: Cannot resolve symbol string

When I try to add a strServerIP to the class Server, I get a: Cannot resolve symbol string compiler error. Why? package com.example; public class Server { //public static java.lang.string SERVERIP; public static android.R.string SERVERIP; public static java.lang.string strServerIP = ""; public s...

OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices

I'm in the process of writing an OpenGL ES powered framework for my next Android game(s). Currently I'm supporting three different techniques of drawing sprites: the basic way: using vertex arrays (slow) using vertex-buffer-objects (VBOs) (faster) using the draw_texture extension (fastest, but only for basic sprites, i.e. no transfor...

how to add image buttons in each Android activity?

hi, can any one guide me how to add some menu related buttons at the bottom of each activity? ...

Manifest code to block specific carrier?

I would like to block either: The entire cellphone carrier Sprint The specific phones Sprint Hero and Sprint Moment Is there a way to do this in the manifest file or any other code related means? I want to block the Sprint Hero for the widget bug and the Moment for handling contacts incorrectly. A huge fail on the part of Sprint. ...

Android preferences exception

When I execute the following code: Preferences.userRoot().nodeExists(strNodeName); I get an exception : java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Cannot get children names for User Preference Node: /! Any idea ? ...

Flash or FlashLite development for Android?

I'm investigating the possibility to develop Flash or FlashLite apps that runs on Android as stand-alone apps, but I'm not finding anywhere a clear, definitive and up-to-date answer. Questions: The HTC Hero supports Flash out-of-the-box (without installing it), right?'s written everywhere, but which version? Flash 9? Flash 10? Fla...

Android Read contents of a URL (content missing after in result)

I have the following code that reads the content of a url public static String DownloadText(String url){ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); try{ URL jsonUrl = new URL(url); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(jsonUrl.openStream()); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(isr); ...

Android Development Tips, Tricks & Gotchas

I'm starting down the road of Android Development. At this point I'm looking for some insight from other developers who have been doing 'droid development and have some experience to share with someone who is just starting out. This can be anything from API to AVM to IDE. Any unexpected things come up while building your apps? Any ti...

setFocus(overlayItem) of ItemizedOverlay is not working

Hi, I am working on android application and I am able to displayed multiple icons on map using ItemizedOverlay and I have also implemented onTap(int index) method of ItemizedOverlay to display icon specific information in a required window. Now, I want to change icon of selected overlay when user click on some other coponent. I am call...