
Is it possible to encrypt/decrypt voice calls in Android?

I want to know if I can create an application in android that encrypts your voice in a normal phone call and sends it to the destination where it can then be decrypted... ...

Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously?

Hi all I have one simple question regarding Java TimerTask. How do I pause/resume two TimerTask tasks based on a certain condition? For example I have two timers that run between each other. When a certain condition has been met inside the task of first timer, the first timer stops and starts the second timer, and the same thing happens...

Aligning textviews on the left and right edges in Android layout

Getting started with Android and having trouble getting a simple layout going. I would like to use a LinearLayout to position two TextViews in a single row. One TextView on the left hand side, the other on the right hand side (analogous to float:left, float:right in CSS). Is that possible or do I need to use a different ViewGroup or...

What open source tools do you use when developing/testing for Android?

Guys I wanted to know what are the open-source tools other than the ones provided by android you are using.... ...

Android - Outgoing call status

My Query is, I want to get notified if the receiver at the other side picks my call when I am making an outgoing call, Is it possible with the Android SDK. The onCallStateChanged Function is called only when the Person dial a number(OFFHOOK), from his phone and When the call reciever person disconnects the call(IDLE), But th...

Best way to play a Video file?

I have a URL for a video file which I need to play using the native Video-player of the handset. I figured using Intent.ACTION_VIEW and setting the URI as Intent data, I am able to achieve the aforementioned on G1 except HTC hero. In case of Hero, I have to explicitly set the class Name in the Intent to start the default Video Player: in...

How do I change the background of an Android tab widget?

My class extends extends TabActivity TabHost mTabHost = getTabHost(); TabHost.TabSpec tab1 =mTabHost.newTabSpec("tab1"); TabHost.TabSpec tab2 =mTabHost.newTabSpec("tab2"); tab1 .setIndicator("title tab1"); tab2 .setIndicator("title tab2"); mTabHost.addTab(tab1);mTabHost.addTab(tab2); TabHost.setCurrentTab(0 or 1) Can anybody guide...

Google map not displayed in android

google map is not displayed ,in this i am generate new md5 key also but it is not coming.instead of map boxes and zoom buttons r coming I am using this layout: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/frame" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" ...

Android: Handling Activity stack

Hi guys, I've got the following: Activities A, B, C, D. A and D can be reached at any time, anywhere from the application. B and C are reached like this: A -> B -> C I have the following use case: The user has entered C ( A -> B -> C ) then she has gone to D. When she wants to go to A, I want to transfer her to the already star...

Android Download Progress

Hi! I want to know the progress of some download. When I'm getting some resource from the internet, like this: String myFeed = request.getURI().toString(); URL url = new URL(myFeed); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) connection; ...

Java ME compatibility layer for Android

Is there any Java ME compatibility layer for Android, which makes porting Java ME (aka. J2ME) applications easier? I mean a third party class library which redirects calls to internal Android API. ...

Android never receives UDP packet

The below code results in a timeout. It works fine on non-Android Java. What's the matter? //@Override public static void run() { //System.out.println ( "Local Machine IP : "+addrStr.toString ( ) ) ;"Trace 1"); try { // Retrieve the ServerName InetAddress serverAddr; ...

How to display custom list activity in Android?

I want to display data in list activity. How do I achieve this? TITLE Date Sub Title Button TITLE Date Sub Title Button TITLE Date Sub Title Button . . . . and so on Does a tutorial exist related to custom list activity? ...

Questions Regarding Handling of Received SMS

Hi, i have managed to successfully write a little test app that can receive and send SMS, but got a couple of questions. (That's 'cos part of the code i copied from elsewhere and i would like to understand better). In my AndroidManifest as well as the sub-class of BroadcastReceiver, there is reference to the string literal "

Android: Flush DNS

We recently released an android application that pulls information from an external server. Last week we moved from shared hosting to a dedicated server, that went smoothly up until we started getting complaints that users were getting server not found errors. We checked on our android-based phones (Droid) and everything worked fine. ...

Generate a Javadoc for my Android project

Hello, i was hoping someone could help me in generating a javadoc for my eclipse project. When i select 'Generate Javadoc' from the project menu I get lots of errors like cannot find symbol symbol : class ListView everytime a class referencing an Android API class, so i only get Javadocs outputted for the classes that do not referenc...

how to add buttons Dynamically in List Activity in Android?

friends, i want to put description and buttons dynamically can any one guide how can i do that?? i have data in the form of object list/array i.e ID,Title and want to display in list activity like.. TITLE [Details Button] [Edit Button] (repeating in list activity) any help would be appriciated. ...

Android's AMR audio Files to WAV/MP3

I've recorded audio in my Android application in its AMR format and I'd like to convert these to something that I can more easily use, such as WAV or MP3. I've found some online instructions for this, for instance: which say to start with the 3GPP reference solution...

android: help creating tablelayout

I have a hard time understanding the layout tutorial. I am not able to align columns on different rows. For example, what does 3dip mean in android:padding="3dip". The documentation says "Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), mm (millimeters). ". ...

Android: Event ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED is not sent to my BroadcastReceiver

I want to do something after the the phone is put into charger. So I created ChargingOnReciever: public class ChargingOnReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { context.startActivity(someActivity); Log.d(TAG, "Phone was connected to power"); ...