
Coloring Default Buttons - color filter only on unfocused state

Hi All, I want to buttons of different colors, but I want to do so while using the default button background resource in order to preserve the onfocus and onclick states. This is because I want to use the default highlight color of the OS for my app, which is NOT always orange (HTC Sense makes it green). I found that adding a color fi...

Android SDK and AVD Manager, Stalls and/or never finishes

Recorded for posterity. I saw only a few posts around the net and all suggest to use HTTP instead of HTTPS and there were several ways to do this. None of them discussed Windows only Linux. Well this did not work for me and I could not find any way to get the files downloaded to my Windows Vista 64 machine. So after much work I manua...

How to replace POI images in the ARView

Hi, I'm running an Wikitude application which shows the point if Interest (POIs). When the application starts, I click a button to launch ARView (AUgmented Reality) and there I could see the POI images superimposed on the Live Camera images. Now I want to change those images at frequent intervals. I'm using : // Need handler for c...

Android: Order of statements in onDestroy() method

If I override my main Activity's onDestroy() method in order to recycle a bitmap when the screen is rotated, should I call super.onDestroy() before or after myBitmap.recycle()? Does it matter? ...

Populating Spinner From SQLite Database Android

I'm attempting to make a dynamic drop down that will be filled by a SQLite table. I have a Cursor object which I can pull the data I need from. I've been able to accomplish loading the values into the drop down with the code below: Spinner s = (Spinner) findViewById(; ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(th...

Ordered lists inside an Android TextView

I want to display an ordered list inside a TextView, for example: 1) item 1 2) item 2 Using the following layout: <TextView android:text="<ol><li>item 1\n</li><li>item 2\n</li></ol> /> I get: item 1 item 2 How can I change the bullets to numbers? Thanks. ...

"Clear User Data" android

WHat exactly does Clear User Data do? I mean i know it clears the users data from the app, but what data being stored where? ...

Android: How do I make a ListView update itself periodically?

I never got this working in a straightforward manner. Sorry if I'm being a little vague. I'll try to elaborate on what I'm trying to do. I am trying to build a listview that grabs its data from a webservice. Once I initialize a listview, I want to keep polling the webserver periodically and update the contents of the listview. For this I...

Is it possible to do this on the Android and iPhone? (for mobile developers)

Embed a browser inside the application. When the user navigates to a desired page, he pushes a button to "set" this page. Now, the application gets the URL of this page! How hard is this to do on the Android and iPhone? ...

Android: extended android.widget.Chronometer and main.xml

Hi, I've extended android.widget.Chronometer like so: public class PausableCountdownTimer extends Chronometer implements OnChronometerTickListener { I would like to be able to add this widget to my UI via main.xml: <com.example.myproject.PauseableCountdownTimer ... /> but I get this error message in Eclipse: ClassNotFoundEx...

Android: Internal Linkify does not work properly, and text, images flicker inside ListView

I enabled the Linkify property of a textview as follows: txtbox.setAutoLinkMask(Linkify.WEB_URLS); But, when there are URLs like are present (which is very common nowadays in messages like tweets), it doesn't display them properly. The problem is "sometimes" it succeeds and sometimes it fails... The other problem is, if this Te...

How much processor power does the andoid SDK take?

I am a total noob to this. I have literally just started today. I know Java and have developed in Eclipse forever - I am just new to Android. So, I downloaded the SDK and ADT plugin. I even coded the Hello Android app with a simple textview and got it going. What I am surprised at is the amount of RAM and processing power that eclipse is...

Regarding EditText in Android Layout

I have EditText in my layout. When I type something using the on-screen keyboard after some time text went the background of the key board. I am not able to see it. How can I see the text while typing . Thanks in advance, Raj ...

How to send email from my Android application?

I am writing an application for the Android. How do I send email from it? ...

Android TextView Text not getting wrapped

Can any one tell me whats going wrong with the text, text exceeds then one line not getting wrap to next line going beyond the screen. Following is the code <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation=...

Android NDK C++ JNI (no implementation found for native...)

I'm trying to use the NDK with C++ and can't seem to get the method naming convention correct. my native method is as follows: extern "C" { JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_test_jnitest_SurfaceRenderer_drawFromJni (JNIEnv* env, jclass c) { // } } with a header wrapped in extern "C" {} aslo. Everything compiles fine, creates a .so ...

getLastKnownLocation out-of-date even after other apps find my location!

Hi, In my app, I request location updates and use a LocationListener and the majority of the time everything works well. When the app starts, it uses getLastKnownLocation while waiting for the first location update. I have been doing some tests on getLastKnownLocation and the results are strange... If the result of getLastKnownLoca...

how to change title of activity in android?

dear friends, i am using Window w= getWindow(); w.setTitle("adf as afsa"); to change title of my current activity but it not seem to work.. can any one guide me how to change this? ...

Can values defined in MANIFEST.MF be accessed programmatically?

Can I access the values defined in a java manifest from code? ...

android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly problem ?

when i try to run emulator it give me following error android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly force close and i cannot run any application can any one guide me how to resolve this issue? ...