
Small ProgressDialog "spinner" for android

I've been able to use the standard "ProgressDialog" for android to show that an indeterminate task is running. But I'd like to use the "smaller" progress dialog "spinner" that's used for indeterminate tasks in some of the standard Android applications like the android Market (there's a small spinning circle that's actually integrated i...

how to implement a retweet tracker on Android

I would like to know if there is a way to track these retweets... I know that there are several applications for full twitter already available, but i would like to follow just a few things and integrate them in my application... The only thing I'm sure of, is that when someone retweet one of my tweets, there is a @my_account mentionned ...

Android - How to delete an attached file after it sends?

We are starting the e-mail intent of the user's choice (createChooser) and sending a zip file. This zip file is created right before the email sends, but we need to make sure the file is there until the email actually gets sent. Once the e-mail is sent, it would be nice to have this file deleted instead of sitting around eating SD card s...

Programmatically connect to a Bluetooth headset from an Android application

I am looking for a way to initiate the audio connection between the Android phone and my headset within my application. The idea is to simplify the connection process in such a way that the user doesn't have to go through the different settings menus anymore (Apps -> Settings -> Wireless & Networs -> Bluetooth settings). Both devices a...

Adb shell commands to change settings or perform tasks on a phone

How do I use adb to perform some automated tasks on my android phone? I need to find commands that I can issue from the command line (ideally, using a .bat file) that will be capable of more than simply opening an application or sending an input keyevent (button press). For instance, I want to toggle Airplane Mode on or off from the ...

Can I access the files I create with USB

I'm lost here. I create files using this (stripped) code : File dir = getBaseContext().getDir(dirPath, MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE); try { File file = new File(dir, fileName); FileOutputStream fous = new FileOutputStream(file); fous.write(data); fous.flush(); fous.close(); long l = file.length(); Log.i("PpCameraActivity", "File size : " + l);...

Android: Eclipse MAT does not appear to show all my app's objects

I have created an hprof file by inserting the statement Debug.dumpHprofData("/sdcard/myapp.hprof"); in my app's code; I have then run the hprof file through hprof-conv and opened the converted file in Eclipse. Following the advice of the MAT "Cheat Sheet" I have obtained an analysis of my app's memory usage by going to "Leak Identificat...

How can I change the name of an image when inserting it to the Android gallery?

When I take a picture with Android's camera app, it is inserted in the gallery with a name identical to it's creation date/time, like "2010-02-04 16.36.15.jpg" In my app i take my own pics, and insert to the gallery them using android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage( ContentResolver cr, Bitmap source, String title, Strin...

android database encryption

android uses sqlite database to store data, I need to encrypt the sqlite database, how can this be done? I understand that application data is private. However I need to explictly encrypt the sqlite database that my app is using. ...

android opengl game

I'm trying to develop a 2D game to android using opengl. I know how to print images on the screen and animate them. But in my game I have a map and a want to zoom in and out and scroll the map. But I can't figure out the best way of doing it. Can anybody help me? ...

Connecting the login flow between Android/iPhone app and the web.

When the person opens my app, I want to display a button. The user clicks this button, and it opens a browser (embedded, of course) inside the app, allowing the user to LOGIN through that web page. Of course, when the person logs in, it only logs in to that web server. The web service now knows that the user is logged in. As the user ...

Making an HttpClient request inside a BroadcastReceiver for Intent.ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL

I'm trying to write a service for my Android phone that is similar to Google Voice: it will intercept outgoing calls, replacing the originally dialed number with a number that I look up from a web request. I know that outgoing calls can be diverted using a BroadcastReceiver that requests the Intent.ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast as ...

want jQuery on my Driod

Is any Android browser able to process jQuery scripts? which will be the 1st when? /thx ...

How do you activate checkmarks in list activity?

I have a ListActivity with an array adapter declared like arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String> (this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_checked); This shows a bunch of rows with checkmarks on the far right. Can you tell me how to get a reference to those checkmarks or how to check/uncheck them? ...

Android - How to set the wallpaper image?

What i'm trying to do is, set the wallpaper using an image URI (no cropping) I'm a noob at dev on Android and dev in general. The internet has failed me... on providing code to set the wallpaper. yes the dev resource site says public void setStream (InputStream data) but i don't understand it, some sample code would greatly help me. ...

How to create Http Connection using AsyncTask class ?

Hi guys, I am trying to create HTTP connection using AsyncTask class. Is it possible to create HTTP connection ? Can you suggest sample source code ? Thanks in advance. ...

How to obtain all details for a contact in Android

Given a contact id, I can obtain various contact details (like name, phone, email-id, etc) by making different queries for a each of these fields. But is there a method to obtain all the details associated with this contact id by making a single query ...

How can I access the accelerometer properly in Android 1.5?

I have seen a few code examples of 1.0 / 1.1 but since a lot of that is deprecated now I was hoping to find a nice 1.5+ example. I have some code here that I wrote but it doesn't really work properly. Any help would be great, thanks! public class collectAccel extends Activity implements SensorEventListener, ...

Receiving a NoSuchMethodException while trying to transfer a serialized object from Android App to a Servlet

I have a normal java app that sends the same object to the servlet with no problems, but when I attempt it in an android app using the same code it craps out on me at: outputToServlet.writeObject(myobject) Throwing the NoSuchMethodException I'm able to send a String object no problem via the Android app... I've seen the "don't use ...

Android: SQLite one-to-many design

Anyone has good advise on how to implement one-to-many mapping for SQLite using ContentProvider? If you look at Uri ContentProvider#insert(Uri, ContentValues) you can see that it has ContentValues param that contains data to insert. The problem is that in its current implementation ContentValues does not support put(String, Object) metho...