
Details of RelativeLayout in Android

What is the best documentation for the RelativeLayout layout algorithm? In the layout below, the edittext gets rendered on top of the textview. This seems wrong since the EditText has android:layout_below="@id/textview". If I remove the android:layout_centerInParent="true" on the TextView, then the EditText is pushed below the Tex...

How to Trigger the soft keyboard?

How can I trigger the software keyboard and add listeners to it's keys? ...

Issues with Android TabHost Example

I have been attempting to implement the 'advanced' tabwidget example from google. But, when it tries to call tabHost.addTab(spec); I get a stack trace from the debugger. Sorry, I don't have the stack trace here, but I'm wondering if others have had this same issue (as this code had a number of typo's and missing information that stoppe...

How to start activity in another application?

I have application A defined as below: <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name"> <activity android:name="com.example.MyExampleActivity" android:label="@string/app_name"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category andr...

creating android map in intellij

I'm trying to create a simple map in androi (I want to add GPS coordinates later) in intellij 9.0.1 and I installed the sdk (and android 1.1 - 2.1 sdk platform support and google api 3-7). I created a new android project and I selected android 2.0. Now I added to my AndroidManifest.xml like all the tutorials say, however when I run thi...

Looking to eventually build a smartphone app...

Hi all- I'm a young, inexperienced programmer (I've had a year of Java, some MATLAB, and HTML/CSS in school) but I've decided that to get better, I'm making it my goal to produce a simple smartphone app of some kind this year- probably either webOS or Android since I'm on a PC and can't afford a Mac just to write an iPhone app. So my...

How is the "Active Installs" count/percentage in the Android "Developer Console" calculated?

The Android Market Developer Console shows two numbers for your submitted application; "total" and "active installs". What exactly does the "active installs" number mean? Is it affected by application upgrades? For example: 500 users install v1.0 of an app v2.0 of the app is released and all 500 people upgrade via the Market. Assu...

intent-filter with a url - how do we limit scope?

Hi, I wanted to use an intent-filter, such that if a user clicks a URL with a certain domain, they can view the url in my native app (if installed of course). So I have the intent filter looking like this: <data android:host="" android:scheme="http"></data> is there a way to refine that rule to something like this: <da...

Android view dithering.

As you can see from the screenshot below, the "titlebar" is getting these ugly banding lines across the areas with text that extend the entire width of the screen. It's even more noticeable on a real device. Is there any way to work around this? ...

Disabling ListItem selectability.

As you can see from the screenshot below I have a ListView with multiple items in it. No matter what I try I can't seem to make the list item's not be selectable. I've tried all of the follow (in the XML layout for the ListView), but the items are STILL selectable with both a finger and the scroll wheel. android:clickable="false" andro...

Baffling recursive ClassCastExceptions when reading Android default shared preferences

Seems like I must be doing something basic very wrong, but the results are strange, and I'm having trouble tracking the problem down. This is in my my Activity's onCreate() PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.metronome_preferences, false); mSharedPrefs=PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); The following code...

Using custom file for Android sqlite database

Is it possible to choose a custom location for the sqlite database file? If possible I want to store the database file in the memory card. And if user switches from one memory card to the other I want my application to use whatever version of the database file available on the card. ...

Android - Estimate port of BlackBerry app with PIM and networking

I have a J2ME CLDC Blackberry app which I need to port to the Android. Some of the features: client/server communication using HTTPS reading/writing PIMs, files on device memory, SD card listeners on PIMs changes small UI: login page and simple status screen Lines of code: 4000 Any idea what is the amount of work to do that? Let say...

droid user interface implemenation

I would like to write an application that would run initially on a Motorola Droid. The application would retrieve row(s) from a database and display some textual data from the rows as well as an image associated with the record that will be stored on the SD card. I really think that the results would be best displayed in a fashion simi...

Change "Pulse notification light" / trackball light setting on Android (Nexus One only?)

On the Nexus One (at least in 2.1-update1, and I think in 2.1), there is a setting under Sound & Display: "Pulse notification light". This doesn't seem to be present on the "2.1 with Google APIs" emulator image. I've not yet checked any other devices. I want to set this programmatically without user interaction, in order to make a Loc...

Create Eclipse Project from Android Git

I've downloaded one of the open source Android Applications (the music application) from the Android git, and I'm trying to create a new project from the source. Creating a new project using that existing source doesn't work giving me an "invalid description error". Any help? ...

what android version is on the G1?

i just uploaded my first app to the android marketplace and one comments shows "it force closes on G1". what version of the android OS does the G1 use? ...

My users are reporting my app is crashing - I never see this in the emulator

I have a very vague questions to ask about a crashing android application. Users are reporting to me that my application is crashing when they get something correct. Basically it words like this: user answers the question correctly --> Display Toast--> send message to my service --> update screen from information received from the serv...

Android - How to Get a Layout Inflater Given a Context?

Hi, i am writing a custom implementation of a ListAdapter. In its constructor, i'm taking in a Context, a resource ID (i.e. representing the layout file), and a list and a map (these contain the data). Now, the problem is that i will need a LayoutInflater to get the View object which is in the separate layout XML file. How c...

A single smartphone-compatible (iPhone, Blackberry, Android) mobile version for a Rails app?

So I just learned about jQTouch and others (PhoneGap?) and there seems to be great work being done in this space. I have a Rails app and would like a single production-quality mobile version that will work across the aforementioned platforms (and others?), with minimal extra development work. ...