
How to move a particular texture around screen in android using opengl es ?

Hi, I am very new to OpenGL ES. I am implementing some demo app to load multiple textures on the screen. For demo purpose I have loaded 2 textures in 2 different locations on the screen using glTranslatef() and glBindTextures() twice. Now I am able to see 2 different images on the screen. Now I want to move one particular texture across...

how to give double value to Geopoint in GoogleMap overlays?

dear friends, i want to point out google map location using overlay so for this purpose latitude ,longitude value to be assigned to geopoint but it only accepts int values. how can i assign it double value or any other solution to point out exact location? point = new GeoPoint((int)t.getLati(),(int)t.getLongi()) any help would be a...

Android Application looks like iphone

Hi, I am an experienced iphone developer and recently taken the plunge into android development as well. i came across this app and i wonder how was it developed on android (Cause it looks so much like an iphone app), see link below

Image+TextView+radiobutton in spinner

First, I want to imitate the effect like "android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item" which is TextView+radiobutton but either the getView() or getDropDownView only cares about one row at a time, while the whole radiobuttons in spinner is like one RadioGroup, and when dropdown view is opened, the radiobutton with which item is selec...

make map pointer with user image and his name in android maps

my application when user accessing map i want to point his location with his image and his name it just like pointer containe name and image how to make it Thanks Aswan ...

How to enable haptic feedback on button view

Hi, I want to add haptic feedback to my application buttons and control them programatically to show button state (enabled and disabled) The default haptic feedback setter works only for long press. How can i make it work for simple button clicks. Amd is there a way to have haptic feedback on events like touch move?? ...

passing button id in android

Here is my code: private Button.OnClickListener gotologinpage3 = new Button.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { try { Intent ii = new Intent(v.getContext(), login_profile.class); startActivityForResult(ii,0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ...

Android Jain Sip - Sip Registration?

Hi all, I'm currently using Jain Sip on Android and I'm trying to get a SIP registration working. I can put the registration SIP message together ok but after sending the message it seems to just get sent back to my application and my applications processRequest() method is run. Here is the code I'm using : public void init(TextView...

how to get the hibernate mysql database connection to android emulator

hi i new to android developer. how connect mysql web server database in android emulator. my web application database is connect by hibernate in struts2 application. so please help me and send some code for struts and android application code ...

How to add advertisment in bottom of android application?

Possible Duplicate: how display Advertisements in bottom of the screen in android? I want to create the advertisement bottom of the android application. The size of the bottom advertisement place is 20px. How can I do this? ...

Text to Speech setLanguage() does not work

I am using Text to Speech. When I set the language using mTts = new TextToSpeech(this, this); mTts.setLanguage(Locale.UK) I always get an American accent. The only way to fix this is by changing the default language setting in the Android system. What am I doing wrong? ...

display bitmap image on another bitmap image in android

i want display image on another bitmap image with text.please send me the code if you are having solution Thanks Aswan ...

Play a video on a cube face with open GL (android)

Hello everyone, I am trying to play a video on a face of a cube with OpenGL. The problem is that I have no access to the video frames. So I am wondering if a sample exists for this kind of application. I have found one sample to display Camera preview on cube faces. This application is very nice and performance are quite impressive.....

Android: How to Use "uses-library"?

Hi, My Android application can be divided into a client UI layer and a API layer. i would like to deploy them as separate "applications" so that the API layer can be reused. In Eclipse, i write them as 2 separate Android projects. In the client UI project, i declare the API project in its build path (Project -> Properies -> Java Build ...

Capturing HOME intent programmatically

I need my activity to handle HOME button press with a receiver programmatically, but the event is not firing. I can, however, successfully register and capture this intent filter if I declare it in a manifest.xml activity section. Here's the code for the receiver that's not working: BroadcastReceiver br; br = new BroadcastReceiver()...

Android application setting connection type.

I'm writing an application for android. My problem is that I want it to force the connection in GPRS and not use wi fi. I have a solution like below, but this causes the crash of the application at start. ConnectivityManager CM = (ConnectivityManager) this.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); CM.setNetworkPreference(Conn...

Where are JavaScript exceptions displayed when using Android WebView?

I have this simple HTML that I load into an Android WebView (SDK version 1.5)- <html> <body onload="nomethod()"> <h1>Hello World</h1> </body> </html> Function nomethod() doesn't exist but the LogCat doesn't display any error. It seems that any exception that isn't caught cannot be traced. Any idea how can I handle or trace uncaught ex...

Android UI vs J2ME UI

Hi, I know android is better than J2ME, but i need to know what can i do with android but j2me cant?? (just about UI), some examples could be... thx a lot, i'm new in mobile... ...

DDMS plugin not loading GPX files

I am unable to load a GPX file in the DDMS eclipse plugin. When specifying a GPX file, no points are added to the emulator control list. I have tried adding KML files as well, generated in Google earth. Is there a way to get these files to work? The content of the file is listed below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gpx ver...

Android: setComponentEnabledSetting() for an activity-alias

I have an activity-alias declared in my manifest and android:enabled="false" I would like to enable it at run time, but I'm not sure how to use PackageManager's setComponentEnabledSetting() since the ComponentName parameter requires a class name, and not the activity or activity alias name. I guess the same goes for turning android:e...