
Android: SQLite transactions when using ContentResolver

The goal: refresh database from XML data The process: Start transaction Delete all existing rows from the tables Per each main element of parsed XML insert row into main table and get PK Per each child of the main element insert record into 2nd table providing FK from the previous step Commit transaction Pretty standard stuff as far...

Progress Dialog while starting new activity

Hi all, this button is shown on my start activity. After pressing it a new activity will be launched but this takes some time cause on initialization of that new activity some data is gathered from the Internet. This works half. The progress dialoge is shown but the progress wheel is not spinning. Can somebody tell me why this happens?...

How to import existing Android project into Eclipse?

I'm trying to import and existing Android project into my current Eclipse workspace. I select File->New->Android Project, which brings up the Android project dialog, I then select, "Create project from existing source", Location, Build Target and Finish. I get the following error: Invalid project description. Does anybody know how...

Android ListView - Making the parent expand to show all children when addingListViews within ListViews

Basically, I have a custom ListView in which each item looks like: <LinearLayout> <Table> <Row> <TextView/> <Button /> </Row> </Table> <ListView /> </LinearLayout> The ListView in each item is GONE by default and is set to VISIBLE when the button is clicked. Everything seems to work fine with the exception that when the ListView is...

Difference Between 2 Ways to Start an Activity?

I have seen the following two examples of starting activities in Android: Example 1 Intent myIntent = new Intent(CurrentActivity.this, NextActivity.class); CurrentActivity.this.startActivity(myIntent); Example 2 // Calling activity // In the called activity static void show(Context context) { final I...

Can I turn off adb automatically starting when Eclipse is open?

I am using Eclipse to develop both C and Java. I have an Android phone, and when I connect it to my PC, Eclipse (?) automatically starts adb, even though all the Android projects are closed. Is there a way to prevent this happening? Reason: I want to tether my phone using pda-net to my PC, to use as a modem. pda-net cannot connect if an...

Read android device info from windows.

Hi! Is it possible to get android device info (e.g. firmware version) from windows, when device is connected with PC by USB cable? As I understand AT commands are not available. I was trying to use "adb", but I cannot see any usefull options. Maybe there is some text file with device info on the filesystem of the phone, so I could use "a...

OpenCV NDK Android help

I am assuming that using the OpenCV code here: is the best way to use OpenCV on Android, with the NDK. I am still stuck as to how i get from the C definitions of functions to the ones i declare in in my Android project (example: cvFindContours( void* img, CvMemStorage...

How to achieve modularity structure of app subcomponents on Android?

My Android main application will consist in a main program, with a few pre-installed modules. Then I want to offer different modules later, best would be as separate files. Modules like: location, weather, agenda. How would you accomplish this? I want to keep in the database the modules that are installed/present. So I must put someti...

Bluetooth : connect with service name

hello, I'm writing a client application to connect a bluetooth device. I only only know the name of the service of the bluetooth device. How ccan I connect with the service name and not with an uuid ? Or How could I find the server UUID ? Thank a lot, Cédric ...

What is the proper way to use ResourceBundle.getBundle() in an Android application?

I want to know how I can use ResourceBundle.getBundle() in an Android application given that I use it in my Java applications. For example: I have a properties file, "", which I've included in a JAR file named "MyOrg.jar". The path information in the JAR file associated with "MyOrg.jar" is "myorg\" (this is on a Window...

How to bring an activity to foreground (top of stack)?

I defined an activity ExampleActivity. When my application was launched, an instance of this activity was created, say it is A. When user clicked a button in A, another instance of ExampleActivity, B was created. Now the task stack is B, A, with B at the top. Then, user clicked a button on B, another instance of ExampleActivity, and C w...

How to update table schema after an app upgrade on Android?

I have an unfinished application, but I want to address now the future update of it. Suppose my app was upgraded, so when starts, detects that the database schema is outdated. So for each table has to update according to version number to the new schema while preserving all data. I've read somewhere that on Android the SQLite database ...

Android database backups

Hi everybody, I'm looking for ways to back up the database of my app on an Android phone. I know that SQLite databases are just files, so I'd expect to be able to just copy the file to SD-card if one is available. However, I'm unsure as to how I'd prepare my database/activity for backup/restore. When starting, my main activity reads t...

DI for android services

I am trying to start a service in android after it is constructed: String ip = ((EditText)findViewById(; int port = Integer.valueOf( ((EditText)findViewById( getText().toString() ); try { IConnectionManager connectionManager = ...

Scrollbars not showing on ListView?

Hi, I have a standard ListView. It's not displaying the scrollbar track thumb though. Is there some special setting you need to set in order to show the scrollbars? My definition looks like this: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_paren...

jquery and mobile browser compatiblity?

I want to build a relatively simple version of my site for mobile phones but i will definately need javascript and jquery for many functions. Googling didn't help to find an answer. How is compatibility of jquery with popular browsers in mobile phones? I am talking for smartphones. For example the deafult browsers for these platforms W...

Web frameworks to develop for Android and iPhone?

Web frameworks to develop for Android and iPhone? ...

Can I port my existing python apps on ASE?

I learned that the Android Scripting Environment (ASE) supports python code. Can I take my existing python programs and run them on android? Apart from the GUI, what else will I need to adapt? How can I find the list of supported python libraries for ASE? ...

Uplink DTMF tone generation

Greetings Is there any way I can dynamically generate uplink DTMF tone (ie the receiver hears it)? When I looked at the android source code I saw a function called startDTMF() which is exactly what I need, but I couldn't find any API that allows me to access that function... I then thought of using ToneGenerator and tried to inject th...