
Android - Reading data from health devices via USB

Does android support reading data from personal health device via USB?If so what are the drivers and interfaces required for developing the same? ...

How to get GUID in android?

Hi, we are developing the application using the .Net webservice(soap protocal) for that i need Pass GUID from android class. in .Net we have statement like below Guid myGuid1 = new Guid(); i need the similar functionality in Android , is there any way to make this kind of functionality in android code? Regards, Jeyavel N ...

How to get default fonts properties on Android?

Hi there! I need to draw some text on my Canvas, and I'd really avoid hardcoding some particular text size. Is there some standard way to find a default text size (and other properties) used in the OS? So far I found only TextView.setTextAttributes(context, resId) to which I can pass But the thing is th...

Android: How to consume xml from webservice using authentication?

I am trying to call a restful webservice (that needs to require authentication) from my android app. I am doing this successfully already with a url that does not require authentication, but am not sure of the correct approach to use if I want to set up a url that does require authentication. I am currently consuming xml using a Sax Pars...

Set a global menu on an Android application

Duplicate: static options menu Hi everyone, I know how to create a menu in my application with an icon and text on each "button" of the menu, but this menu is only visible on the activity where I created it... I would like to know if it is possible to create a global menu which would be accessible from all activities? thank you ...

Web Apps for cross platform mobile software development?

I am a C++ programmer interested in developing applications for Android as well as the iPhone platform. I have explored both these platforms by writing simple applications in Java (Android) and Objective-C (iphone). But the fact is that I am not comfortable with either of these languages, and it bothers me that I have to write 2 very dif...

Control screen brightness in android using " Background Service".

Problem:- I want to control the brightness of screen using a background service in android. Existing Solutions:- There are similar question posted in the form in below link:- Why existing solution will not work? All the solution prov...

Howto add onclick event to button in listview added by addFooterView?

Hi all I'm using a listview with my own implementation of baseadapter. Before adding the main list items to the listview and setting the Adapter i add a footer, with addFooterView(), to the listview. The footer is a normal listview item with a custom view and two buttons. And here comes my problem: How can i add a onClick() event to t...

Import data from free app db to paid app db

I currently have a free application on the market and I'd like to offer a paid version of it as well. Once the paid version is installed, I want to import the db and shared preferences from the free version so users can uninstall it without losing anything. The problem is this: in my free version, I don't have a android:sharedUserId se...

How to start activity from UncaughtExceptionHandler if this is main thread crashed?

I am trying to start an error-reporting activty if unhandled exception detected. The problem is with exceptions thrown from main thread. Is there any way to start an activity if main thread crashed? ...

connect between the android application to struts2.0

hi I am new to android development. how to get the data from the struts application database. I want list out the records from the server database to android. reply me quickly ...

Change the contents of an Android dialog box after creation

Is there a simple way to change the contents of a dialog box in Android without having to re-create the dialog box? I know that Activity.onCreateDialog() is only called once when the dialog first needs to be created, and this is where you initially set the dialog's contents. I need to change the dialog's contents later, so I'm wonderin...

How to make a splash screen (screen visible when app starts)?

I have a simple application, it starts, loads xml feed from the net, you can browse a list of news and then read details for a chosen news item. What I would like to do is have a splash screen, meaning as soon as you click application, it should display an image (app name in my case) and then display news list only after they've loaded. ...

Cancel loading in WebView on Android

How can I cancel a loading operation in WebView started by loadData() method? ...

Why can't I use the Context of a Service to display an AlertDialog

Why can't I use the Context of a Service to display an AlertDialog ? I can do it with Toast! ...

Thread vs. Adapter for backgroud tasks - which one to prefer and why?

As a total noob to android programming I was advised to make use of adapters and handlers in order to update a textview periodically rather than thread/sleep. However, I wonder why! Any suggestions? ...

Select first SMS on Android database inbox

Hi, I am desesperate to find the solution so I ask for help! I am a new french programmer. My objective is to create a widget able to show SMS. My problem is that I don't no how create a cursor which select The first SMS in content://sms/inbox Excuse my bad English, I hope you will able to understand my wich. thank you for your answer. t...

Skia and Android Paint drawing objects and their use or documentation

Does anyone know of good documentation for the Skia drawing library used by Android? The main Canvas object has hardly any state, so I'm thinking especially of the objects you can embed into the Paint object. I've worked out by trial and error how to use some ColorFilters and made a cool effect with ColorMatrixColorFilter. Now I hav...

Animate a view fade-in/scale?

Hi, I have a row in a ListView, which just has a thumbnail and a textview beside it, arranged horizontally: <LinearLayout> <ImageView /> <TextView /> </LinearLayout> When I click one of these rows in the list view, I'd like to dynamically add two buttons below the imageview/textview, like: <LinearLayout> <ImageView /> <TextV...

How to implement characters method using SAXParser on Android

I am parsing xml using the SAXParser and want to know if this is the right way to implement the characters method. Assume there's a class-level String variable named elementValue and it is initialized to "" in the startElement method. Here is the characters method: @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) { ...