
Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge

Hi All, I'm writing an Android App and I'm looking for the fastest (In terms of setup) way for me to send data to a server and receive information back on request. We're talking basic stuff. I have a log file which tells me how a user is using my application (In beta, I wouldn't runin a user experience by constantly logging usually) an...

How to make a GridView stretchable in Android to expand the Column width to any extend ?

Anyone please help me with some code snippets to slove the problem.If anyone knows how to make an adjustable gridview please help me. ...

Does Android (Cupcake) already use Skyhook Wireless for localization?

I have just been integrating the Skyhook Wireless technology into my Android application. This is the localization framework that gives a better localization by looking for wifi hotspots. As a result the position is better, at least indoors when it can find a hotspot. On the downside the library is around 300kb of size on the device. No...

How to avoid NullPointerException when using custom Views or SurfaceViews

Hi, I created a custom SurfaceView called CaptureView and tried to add it into main.xml file: <dev.recorder.client.CaptureView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/capturePreview"/> The application seems to work fine but if I switch from main.xml tab to Layout in Eclipse the text N...

Using timer for updating GUI: why it doesn't work?

Hi, I am creating an appication for video recording and I overlayed the video preview with labels txtStatus and txtTime. The camera button starts/stops the timer which periodically calls the UpdateGUI method. Running the debug I can see the timer is working - it calls updateGUI method every second but the method doesn't update the cont...

Android: Unregister camera button

Hi, I tried to bind some actions to a camera button: videoPreview.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener(){ public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event){ if(event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { switch(keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA: //videoPreview.onCapture(settings); onCaptureBut...

Detect if app was downloaded from Android Market

I have an Android library that uploads data to a test server and production server. I'd like developers using this library to use the test server when developing, and production server when the app is downloaded from Android Market. Is this possible for an app to tell where it came from (Market or non-Market?) I would imagine one could ...

Using Application context everywhere?

In an Android app, is there anything wrong with the following approach: public class MyApp extends { private static MyApp instance; public MyApp() { instance = this; } public static Context getContext() { return instance; } } and pass it everywhere (e.g. SQLiteOpenHelper) where...

Passing data through intents instead of constructors

Having developed many desktop GUI apps (from Xt to Qt, Java Awt/Swt/Swing, etc) I really find it difficult to get used to Android. Suppose I have the MainView Activity class which explicitly calls DetailedView via intent mechanism as shown next: Since an Activity class is instantiated via onCreate() how do I customize it? (No construc...

android app with service only

I am creating a application whose only component is a service which keeps on running in background (basically a proxy server) but I am not able to find a way how to start that service. Application can not have any UI or user interaction so I am not using Activity. Broadcast receiver can listen to BOOT broadcast but how do I start service...

JNI tech. on Android or linux platform when devlepment .so ???

hi,everyone: I just face a problem while devloping a native c/c++ share library for android platform, as we all know that the Android use the Java language for the upper layer developement,now i have ported my Engine code using ASCII c/c++ to the android using it's bionic library ,yet when needing to design the User Interface, i have to...

Android Broadcast Receiver for Sent SMS messages?

I created a BroadcastReceiver and configured it with an android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED action filter so it is called everytime the phone receives a text. Is there some event/action or other way for my application to be notified whenever the phone sends a text (preferably independent of the application that sends it)? So far th...

Simple Thread Management - Java - Android

Hi, I have an application which spawns a new thread when a user asks for an image to be filtered. This is the only type of task that I have and all are of equal importance. If I ask for too many concurrent threads (Max I ever want is 9) the thread manager throws a RejectedExecutionException. At the minute what I do is; // Manage Co...

Preventing application/screen timeout Android

Hello I have an Android (1.5) application which needs to be constantly running when a button is pressed. So, when a button is pressed I would like the phone to remain on and not want the screen or CPU to time-out. When another button is pressed I would like the phone to be back to normal and time-out as per user settings. Thanks ...

Include a database file with Android application via Eclipse

How can I instruct Eclipse to copy a file from my Android solution to an emulator, as part of Run/Debug? I have a small database, stored in Assets, that needs to accompany the application. Thus far I have simply copied the file myself using DDMS but would prefer to have it automatically included. The project properties allow me to specif...

Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode?

Is there a way to hide the window title so that it won't get shown in fullscreen mode ( getWindow().setFlags(LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN) ) but then will appear upon getWindow().clearFlags(LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN) ? requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE) is not an option of cours...

Using a wakelock in a service Android 1.5

Hello I am trying to use a service to control a wakelock so I can permanently leave the screen on when my application is running. I create the wakelock and activate it in onCreate() and release it in onDestroy() however I get the error "wl cannot be resolved". Can someone explain how I can get over this? Code below: public class WakeLoc...

Unresolved Host Exception Android

I'm trying to call a RESTful web service from an Android application using the following method: HttpHost target = new HttpHost("http://" + ServiceWrapper.SERVER_HOST,ServiceWrapper.SERVER_PORT); HttpGet get = new HttpGet("/list"); String result=null; HttpEntity entity = null; HttpClient client = new De...

Android wake lock force close

Hello I am trying to implement a wake lock for an application. PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK, "My Tag"); It seems to force close when defining the PowerManager shown in the code above. Whats going wrong? ...

Android BroadcastReceiver can't receive any broadcast events

I have created a BroadcastReceiver to detect SDCard mount and unmount event, however, I am not able to receive any events at all: here's the AndroidManifest.xml: <receiver android:enabled="true" android:label="SDCardMountReceiver" android:exported="true" android:name="xxx.broadcasts.SDCardBroadcastRec...