
JiBX on Android (or any other build-time bytecode manipulating library)

I'm considering the use of JiBX for a project that will have to run on both Blackberry and RIM. While it seems like J2ME use of JiBX has been considered by the community (as per JiBX jira tickets), Android is relatively new. The question is, therefore, this: has anybody had any success (or issues, for that matter) using JiBX on Android,...

Can I try my Android test code with SQL lite & Contetns provider on Emulator?

Hello everyone, I've just start to study Android. But I have no linux PC & Android phone. I just using Emulator on Windows OS. Now, I wanna try to use Sql lite & Contents provider on Android. Can I test sample code on Emulator without Linux? Some people say that I should build Android on Linux ad make Image for Emulator. Then test on...

Getting the size of the OpenGL window in Android

Hi, I'm trying to draw a square in OpenGL ES (Android), 2D and covering the whole screen. At the moment I'm just using trial and error but am sure there has got to be a better way to get the size of the screen. Below is how I'm currently initializing square: float[] square = new float[] { -0.1f, -0.1f, 0.0f, 0.1f, -0.1f, ...

Trouble Installing the new Android SDK

I've installed the newest Android SDK using eclipse's software updates feature to hit the resource at After installing it, it seems like the SDK is integrated into Eclipse, but when I try to create a new project with a single blank activity in it, I get the following error: [2009-06-06 11:41...

Overlapping Views in Android

Is it possible to have overlapping views in Android? I would like to have an ImageView with a transparent png in the front and another view in the background. edit: This is what I have at the moment, the problem is that the image in the imageView is not transparent, the parts that should be transparent are just black. <RelativeLayout ...

How do I record audio using Android 1.5?

How do I record some audio using Android? ...

How to add an extra language input to Android?

Is it possible to add extra languages to Android? My current Android phone only supports English and Chinese language input. I would like to have Dutch also, as I can use it for word completion. The question on top of that is, how to switch easily between these languages in the text input (keyboard) GUI? ...

how to download youtube video

Hi, I am using android. Currently, when I open youtube url in browser and click the videos, it displays no flash plugin found. So, i decided to download the youtube video as mp4 format and then play it locally. How to download youtube videos using android intent. In which file, i have to modify the change. Thanks and Regards, HarishK...

Non OTA Android upgrades

How would a phone like the Samsung I7500 upgrade its firmware when running on a non google partner carrier? I don't see any kind of manual upgrade options available. ...

When does ServiceConnection.onServiceDisconnected() get called?

I'm messing with Android services, and I have found that ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected() gets called fairly predictably when I bind to a service. However, my onServiceDisconnected() method seems to never be called, even after the VM dies. I have logged debug messages on the service and show that all threads have been shutdown, e...

Remove application from launcher programatically in Android

Hello, Is there a way of removing an activity from the home launcher by itself at runtime? I mean removing Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER from it's properties or something similar. ...

Android Application Requiring Large Data Files

I am working on an android app that needs to act on a few data files totaling around 30MB. I put together a test and the emulator failed with OutOfDiskSpace. Debugging on a device failed with even a smaller data size. After reading through the google groups, it appears that the application size limit isn't stated anywhere and nobody ...

Android Adverse To Dynamic Languages

Hi all, I believe I read at some point that due to Android running on the Dalvik VM, that dynamic languages for the JVM (Clojure, Jython, JRuby etc.) would be hard pressed to obtain good performance on Dalvik (and hence on Android). If I recall correctly, the reasoning was that under the hood, in order to achieve the dynamic typing, th...

Android: onKeyDown() problem

I would like to create a photo/video capture application. I have created a CaptureView class which extends SurfaceView and placed it in the main form. The main form's activity has onCreateOptionsMenu() method which creates a menu. The menu worked fine but then I tried to implement a method onKeyDown: @Override public boolean onKeyDow...

How to modify the Layout params of a child in a ListView in Android?

Anyone help me to modify the layout params of a child in a ListView in Android.Please give some code snippets if you can. ...

Processing events in SurfaceView

Hi, I am creating a custom Widget which extends SurfaceView and I am planning to use it for camera preview. In the main activity I tried to implement some event listeners but can't catch any event. This is the part of code where I tried to add an event listener: videoPreview = (CaptureView)findViewById(; vide...

Is there a working snapshot of Android that will run on my HTC Touch ("Elf")?

Is there a working snapshot of Android that will run on my HTC Touch ("ELF0300" with OMAP850 processor)? ...

How do you make an Android "Home" shortcut bypass the app it's point to's history?

I have an app that allows you to create Home "shortcuts" to a specific Activity. It turns out that some of my users will use the app, hit the home key to go do something else, then use one of the shortcuts to jump back to that Activity. Since the app is still in memory it just opens the new Activity on top of the others and the "Back" ke...

Making a redistributable component or library for Android

Hi Folks, I'm just starting out on Android and Java programming, coming in from a C++ background. I was wondering - whats the best way to go about making a library/UI widget/component that I can license to third-party developers? In C++ I'd ship the customers my headers and *.a files, but I don't know the equivalent in Java. Are ther...

Android: Simple GridView that displays text in the grids

i'm following the example on the android tutorial about the GridView, but instead of showing image, i want to just simple show some text using a TextView. it turns out seems to be harder than i thought. it might seems like this is totally unnecessary and it doesn't have a valid use case, but i'm trying this out to just get myself familia...