
Andrioid: Efficiently scrolling the contents of a Canvas?

I want to draw a graph that updates in real time (grows from the right). The most efficent way I can think of to do that would be to copy everything from x[0 .. width-2] left by 1 pixel, then draw the new value at x[width-1]. I have little experience with Android, but from what I can tell, Canvas doesn't operate on it's contents at all...

What's the best android phone to get as a developer

I know you can get a developer phone but the new G2 looks pretty nice as well as the Samsung around the corner. I would assume however that it would be a better idea to be using a consumer phone if they are the target market for apps you wish to produce, especially for testing purposes. Has anyone else had experience from this choice an...

Complete Way to Compile Complex Native Applications to Android ARM

Hello! This is my first S/O question, please be gentle! I'd like to know more about porting C applications to native ARM for use on Android devices. I can make simple programs using the prebuild toolchain which comes with the source, but how can I use this toolchain with applications which are more than one file and require configure a...

IPhone vs Android

Is Android going to gain momentum or will the iPhone continue to dominate mobile application sales? I want to develop iPhone apps, but the learning curve is too steep to be productive quickly. I get the feeling that I have to already be a Mac developer since I've never done memory cleanup beyond removing an event listener. Is android ...

SQLite Exception: no such table Error android

Hi, we are trying to develop an application on android we are using SQLite Database and on phone we are getting SQLiteException:no such table. but, it is working fine on simulator. Can anyone provide any input on this? ...

SU command issue Android device

Hi i want to change the folder permissions on device but when i type su i get permission denied is there any other way to do the same ..... ...

How Do I Execute Dalvik Op-Codes

I would like to execute opcodes directly against the running Dalvik VM instance from within my application on Android. I'm looking for something similar to the C asm function. I have a list of opcodes for dalvik, but I am unfamiliar with how to either execute them directly, or write them out to .class files and execute them against som...

In an ExpandableListView, how can I show one additional line at the end of the child results?

I have created a custom ExpandableListAdapter and everything works properly. What I'd like to be able to do is in each of the groups add a different type of child to the end. I have tried adding 1 to the getChildrenCount() number and then testing isLastChild in the getChildView() method, but that doesn't seem to work. If a group has thr...

Android - basic gesture detection

I've been battling to get 'fling' gesture detection working on my Android application today. I've been looking at these sources; Detect Gestures - Tutorial SDK docs Calculator Code Nothing has worked for me so far and I was hoping for some pointers. What I have is a 'GridLayout' that contains 9 ImageViews. The source can be found he...

Mobile Development for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry

I recently stumbled into PhoneGap and I love the concept, but I can't get my first try at an Android application working. The documentation skips a few details and the comments are filled with people running into problems. Does anyone out there have PhoneGap running? What did you tweak for Android? ...

How can I differentiate an android Activity from a SubActivity programatically?

Hi, How can I differentiate an android Activity from a SubActivity programatically? Is there any api for that? ...

Android - using LocationManager does not give a geo fix

Hi I am trying to get the GPS location of my G1 using the following code In Activity MyLocationListener myListener = new MyLocationListener(); LocationManager myManager = (LocationManager)getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE); myManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 2000, 0, myListener); This is the LocationListe...

How to display data in tabular format in android?

I am new to android,now i am working on some database sample programs. Now i have a problem in displaying the data retrived from database in a tabular format.If anyone know the answer please help me with the source code. ...

Resources.openRawResource() issue Android

hi, I am having an db file in res/raw/folder iam calling Resources.openRawResource() with the file name as R.raw.FileName and i get an input stream but i having an another db file in device i want to copy the contents of that db to the device db i am using BufferedInputStream bi = new BufferedInputStream(is); and FileOutPutStream b...

Which Android development blog has the most walkthroughs and tutorials?

I need to work on my Android development skills. Which blog has the freshest and most walkthroughs, code samples, and tutorials? ...

Two-color horizontal line in Android

Hi, the graphic designer of the Android app that I'm currently building has come up with a two-color line as a separator between items in a layout box: If you look closely at the image, you see a darkish gray line, with immediately below it a very light gray (almost white) line. The lines should resize to the width of the container. ...

How can I learn Android?

I am a newcomer to Android. I know the C And C++ programming languages, but I do not know Java . I want to learn Android right from basics, but I could not find any relevant link or e-book that can help me. Can I begin to learn Android without knowing Java or should i go to learn Java first? From where should I learn Android which shoul...

can anyone give sample code for TabHost in Android?

I need sample code to create TabHost in android. can anyone help me. ...

Android AlertDialog with dynamically changing text on every request

I want to show an AlertDialog with one option that might change on every request. So for example at one time I want to show the option "add to contacts" while another time it should be "remove from contacts". My code does work on the first time, however Android seems to cache the AlertDialog so that onCreateDialog is not executed next t...

QuickConnect vs Phonegap

What JavaScript Mobile development tool would you use based on momentum, existing documentation and functionality, and ability to get passed the App Stores strict policies? ...