
android key event problem

I have a parent ScrollView with a child view. When the user presses the back button, I want the child view to handle the event. I have tried a couple of things but none of them seem to work. pressing the back button kill sthe activity. public class GameScrollView extends ScrollView{ public GameScrollView(Context context) { ...

Intent problem, return value (Android)

Hi, I have an application that open an other class using intent : private void createRepository(){ Intent j = new Intent(this, Repository.class); startActivityForResult(j, ACTIVITY_CREATE); } In Repository.class we have the onActivityResult method : public void onActivityResult(int reqCode, int resultCode, Inte...

Android: Get highest value in column

I have an URL pointing to content and I need to get highest value contained in one of the columns. Is there any aggregate function that will accomplish that or do I have to do this manually? ...

addProximityAlert doesn't work (neither does requestLocationUpdates) - Android

Hi I'm trying to get and update when the phone gets near a location. I've both tried using addProximityAlert and requestLocationUpdates LocationManager lm =(LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Location l = lm.getLastKnownLocation("gps"); Intent intent = new Intent("eu.mauriziopz.gps.ProximityAlert")...

Can we have uneditable text in edittext

Hi, I am using an EditText. Is it possible to have a part of text uneditable and the rest editable in the same EditText? Thanks in advance ...

Why can I type into a disabled EditText?

If I disable an EditText widget using editText.setEnabled(false); I can still type into it using the on-screen input method (in both the emulator and on the G1). Is this intended? How can I workaround this issue? ...

RSA decrypt in ANdroid

hi, I am using RSA modulus and encrypting a data with modulus and trying to decrypt it with private key of RSA ..i m using RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding at the decrypt end Thnx in advance ...

How to control trackball behaviour in Android Views?

Hi. I have a FrameLayout view which contains one (MapView-like) control and some additional buttons overlaying it. (the layout xml is below). I want to allow the user to pan/scroll the main view using not only touch but also the Trackball. The problem is - using the trackball just switches the focus between all the controls on the layo...

What is android's icicle parameter?

I've notice in some coding people use icicle with the onCreate method and I was wondering what it is exactly: public class About extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(R.layout.whatup); } Is this the same thing as savedInstanceState? ...

view the Log on device

hi, I want to view the Log on device i.e the System.out.println(); I am able to view on DDMS but how to view on device screeen while running an apk file ...

Sending data back to the Main Activity in android

I have two activity Main activity and child activity when i press a button the child activity is lunched still now i have no problem.i want to send some data back to the main screen.I used The Bundle class but it is not working.It throw some run time exception is there any solution.Anyone knows the answer please tell me. ...

Android - has trackball event ended?

Hi I want to move an image around the screen according to the trackball movement. I am able to capture the movements using the onTrackballEvent method. But this is being called for very small float values (I believe for each rotation?) of the trackball. Now as X and Y positions of views should be integers when specifying with LayoutPar...

Always show zoom controls on a MapView

Is there a way to always show the zoom controls on a MapView? I have added the zoom controls using map=(MapView)findViewById(; map.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); but the zoom controls fade in and out. I want them to always be visible. ...

jQuery on iPhone/Android/BlackBerry

I don't have any of the devices to test at the moment. I guess I'll start using the emulators later on. We're looking to offer mobile support. I was wondering how jQuery or even javascript renders in their respective browsers. What works? What doesn't? Any tips? Advice? ...

When should I use each of Android's different messaging types?

Hi, I've been working with Android for well over a year now, but I still have trouble determining when different types of messaging/communication between processes/threads should be used. I'm mainly talking about broadcasting Intents, using AIDL for services, using Handlers to send messages and socket communication. Many of these tools...

Android - Fill bitmap with colour

Hey all! I'm working with Android and I really need a fast way to get a bitmap of a predetermined size to be filled with a predetermined colour. The following code is not working for me however; Bitmap input is a mutable bitmap int old = input.getPixel(0, 0); Canvas c = new Canvas(input); Rect rect = c.getClipBounds(); // The dime...

How do I create an auto-run Dialog themed Activity in Android 1.5 (Cupcake)?

In the onCreate() of my "main" class I'm checking some things and occasionally need to show a popup. The popup is just another Activity which has been themed as @android:style/Theme.Dialog in the Manifest file. This has worked perfectly for months, but now that I'm on Cupcake it's basically just drawing the screen as all black. Here's ...

Extending Android's Default Gmail/Email Applications

Hello everyone, I would like to extend the Android platform's default Gmail/Email applications either by plugging into their ContentProvider or by using intent filters. Essentially, I want to be able to scan incoming emails for special rules that will trigger events in my Android application. If scanning emails automatically isn't possi...

Making android development less resource heavy!

I have a dell studio 15 laptop with 2.2Ghz dual core processor and 4 GB ram running Vista. I recently downloaded the whole android development goodness and I find that my machine slows down considerably (its not the best machine money can buy but it should be fast enough for development). Things that I have noticed: - Running the emulat...

Good GUI Design Tool to mock up iPhone & Android applications

I am about to embark on developing a mobile application for both the iPhone and the Android based phone. I have most of my gui mock ups written down on a white board and some in my head. I need to put them down on paper so I can relay my designs to others in my team. I was wondering what the best on-line gui mockup tool I could use? ...