
How to implement communication between Java client application (Android) and PHP server application ?

I have a simple Java client application (Android app). I have to write a PHP server application which receives a request from the Java client application to write some data to a MySQL database or read some data from the MySQL database. It should respond with a status message (Write failed/success) or the data requested respectively. How...

Impact of 'instanceof' in Android Java code

Does the 'instanceof' keyword bear with it a relatively heavier impact on the Android platform (and more speciffically the mobile phones running the Dalvik VM)? Thank you. ...

Android LayoutWidth being disregarded by cascaded use of LayoutInflater

I am building a pyramid of buttons and want the size of the pyramid to be able to change dynamically. To accomplish this, I have extremely basic XML files representing the activity, each row of the activity, and each button. I am modeling the solution from the accepted response to this question. The pyramid constructs correctly, but t...

retrive checked CheckBoxes's items in Listview

Hi, Ive got ListActivity and i am using custom CursorAdapter. in each item of the list ive got also checkbox... now i have in my list screen a perm button, when you press on it, it should find all the checkboxes which are 'checked' and do some operations on the item which it's checkbox is 'checked'. how can i retrive all the checke...

Adding a CheckBox to ListView item prevents it from being able to receive ItemClick

In the Adapter for the ListView, I return a LinearLayout, in which I add a Checkbox, a ImageView and a TextView. This basically constructs a ListView, in which each item contains a Checkbox, a ImageView and a TextView. However the strange thing is that if I don’t add the Checkbox, then ListView receives onItemClick event correctly, as lo...

Creating a layout within a View-extended class

I am still pretty new to Android development, and I have not been able to find any examples of how to do this. In my Activity, I use "setContextView(new myViewClass)" to designate a View-extended class as the one to load. Everything works fine in terms of loading the view, where I create various elements (LinearLayouts, buttons, etc.) ...

Is there a way to break into the debugger on exception in Android emulator?

Assuming I didn't start in debug mode, is there a way to make the eclipse debugger automatically start if my app throws an exception inside the emulator? Alternatively, is there a way to get a more useful error message out of the emulator (something more useful than "Sorry, your app terminated unexpectedly"). ...

Android and Google App Engine: supported XML Binding Tool available?

A REST XML (not JSON!) Web Service should exchange XML Schema specified XML between a Google App Engine and an Android app. I wanted to use XStream for both, however, I could not get it to work for the Google App Engine, therefore to me Apache XMLBeans is the next best choice (JAXB does not work on both). However, with Google App Engine...

Failed to parse the output of 'adb version'?

I am running Windos 7 and Eclipse 3.5 and I don't know why I keep getting this error. When I try run the program it gives me: [2010-02-13 23:09:41 - HelloAndroid]The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. [2010-02-13 23:09:41 - HelloAndroid]You must restart adb and Eclipse. [2010-02-13 23:09:41 - HelloAndroid]Please ...

Android 3G/2G control API?

On Android settings, under Wireless controls->Mobile networks there is a setting "Use only 2G networks". In the Android SDK reference, under android.telephony.TelephonyManager, there doesn't seem to be anything to control the network type. What APIs does this setting actually call? ...

Android - are there precompiled samples from SDK available anywhere?

Are there precompiled samples from SDK available anywhere? Or is there any way to quickly compile all samples from given SDK version? UPDATE: it looks like everyone needs to compile examples by itself ...

How to develop a good touch GUI?

I've always developed application for personal use on command line. Now I have to develop an app for android for a broad audience. If I start now I would make and awful GUI. I need first to educate myself on the matter of building clear, efficient and usable GUI on a touch interface. Any advice? ...

onUpdate doesn't get called on device

I'm new to Android development, and I'm trying to write a small widget. This code works on the emulator and the text is set to "test", but when i run it on my Nexus One it doesn't. It just appear like onUpdate isn't called. Anyone have any good idea what i'm doing wrong? public class HelloWidget extends AppWidgetProvider { @...

Android ExpandableListActivity and SimpleCursorTreeAdapter?

Hi! I'm writing a simple application for Android. I have 2 tables - one called 'grous' and another called 'group_items'. I want to use expandable list to display data from both tables. What is the best way to do it? Is it possible to map data by using SimpleCursorTreeAdapter? I couldn't find any usefull examples. I saw the examples c...

Changing system-level dialogs: TimePicker, DatePicker.

I have HTC Hero, and i see that TimePickerDialog and DatePickerDialog were changed by HTC (they look different than those in the emulator). My question is how can i change such system level dialogs? ...

Samsung phones and Notification.FLAG_INSISTENT bug ?

Hello, I developed a timer application but some people noticed that the notification never stops on their Samsung Galaxy or Spica. I have these flags attached to my notification : notification.flags = Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL | Notification.FLAG_INSISTENT; I'm not really sure this is the issue but I can't think of any other thin...

Is it possible to create a phone answering machine program on android phones?

I am researching for my next android app project. ( My wife and I created the Mayan Calendar Countdown 2012 App ) I want to create a phone answering machine for android phones that have all the capabilities of a normal home phone answering machine. The recording of a message to answer with seems relatively easy but I am unsure how to pla...

Checkbox in listview with Custom SimpleCurser binding

Hi, i think ive tried everything(made focusable:false!!) and i cant capture in anyway the selected checkbox on my list item. even OnItemClickListener, doesnt respond to any click. how can i retrieve checked checkboxes in my list item? my list item inclused: image view, 4 textviews and the checkbox some code: this is in my ListActivit...

How to use HTML pages as a UI sending POST/GET's to main app on Android?

How to use HTML pages as a UI sending POST/GET's to main app on Android? So my point is to use some flash/html for the UI and some kind of server as an app core and pages provider. ...

Android CheckBox with right-aligned checking button/box

Hi all, I am fairly new to Android (find it most fun, btw) and I was wondering... How can I create an Android CheckBox with the label to the left and the checking button/box aligned to the right (pretty much a switch of the way this widget is drawn by default)? Like the way a checkbox preference normally looks like... I am looking for...