
Catch keypress with android

Hello! How can i catch a phone keypress with the android SDK? i've been looking around for hours without finding anything.. For example: In some cases, i want to catch the message when a user presses the "hang up" button on the phone, and then discard the message before it reaches the OS. Is this possible? ...

Does Android 2.1 SDK support APIs for changing network settings?

I wish to know if Android 2.1 SDK support APIs for changing network settings such as bluetooth on/off, wifi on/off , airplane mode on/off. Thank you! ...

Android Application Development O'reilly MJAnddroid Example Code

Good Afternoon... I recently bought the book "Android Application Development" from O'reilly and I'm at a section where it asked me to download MJAndroid Code and import into Eclipse... Here is the link I was able to downloaded / import it but now I'm stuck... Here is what it saids... "You...

HighScore list gui problem

I implemented a highscore list with a table, however this is cumbersome since all TextViews have their own id etc. Is there a widget/control which is more suitable for this purpose? I wanna show two columns. Both columns should have their column header. Can you give me some recommendations on how to make this really an Android thingy? ...

Update content after selecting item in spinner

Hi there, its me again. I tried the last hours, how to change content of a spinner. ok, lets start from the beginning. I have three spinners. They all have initial values. The first spinner is the main spinner and the other two spinners depend on the vale chosen in the first one. So i want to update the last two spinners after making ...

Is it worth waiting a couple of milliseconds on a TextChanged event?

I have a textfield for a filter customers action on a mobile device. I am wondering if I should wait for a few milliseconds before launching my code when the user typed in less then 3 chars, and only execute the code if the text is longer or equal than 3 chars. The executed code takes longer(sql like syntax on a larger database), and th...

Widget: Get data from configure Activity to AppWidgetProvider

Hi, I'm writing a widget where i first have a configure screen where the user makes a selection. Then I want to pass that data on to the actual widget. This must be really simple but I just can find out how to do it. ...

Keylock on android phone.

My android phone (Samsung Spica i5700) got a button on the side which locks the screen. When the screen lock is active, you can still press the keys on the phone which is pretty annyoing. Especially the end-call button, when it's pressed for a while you get an option screen which says "Silent mode, Airplane mode and Power off". And when...

My main Activity launches a new Activity (WebView). It's just a page. But when I click the "Back" button...a white screen appears?

public class Profile extends Activity{ WebView prof_webv; private String selected_username; private static final String INDEX = ""; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); setContentView(

onListItemClick and CheckedTextView not respoding

Hi, i got ListActivity, each item has 2 textviews image and CheckedTextView. i am trying to implement simple multichoiselist... i have two problems: 1. @Override protected void onListItemClick(android.widget.ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { ... } doesnt respond...

How to get light sensor value and battery level anytime for android?

I am writing a program and I am able to get the light sensor value and current battery level, but only the light value changes and when the battery level changes. Is there a way to get these two values anytime? Like when a user runs my program, I would like to grab the current values right away instead of having to wait for them to cha...

Android Cipher problems. InvalidKeyException?

Hello all, I'm trying to create an application for Android that uses encryption to save user information and I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to create an instance of an AES cipher but the application keeps on throwing "InvalidKeyExceptions." Consider the following code: public static final byte[] IV = new byte[] {...

How to select a file from android memory to do some action on it.

Hi all, I want to transfer a file into android dev's SD memory and read the file for parsing it. But i don't know how to transfer a file into the emulators SD Card. Also I don't know which api is to be used to browse for the file from the application. This app provides the user to show it where he has kept the file which the app has to...

How to match android application with droid mobile?

Hi, i have developed the android application screen resolution is 320x480 Px but i want to run same application without any code modification with Droid Mobile(480x854 px). i have installed android application with droid mobile but it's displaying only half of the page in droid mobile( i am using the android 2.0 SDK device). is there ...

Detect a finger swipe through JavaScript on the iPhone and Android

How can you detect that a user swiped his finger in some direction over a web page with JavaScript? I was wondering if there was one solution that would work for websites on both the iPhone and an Android phone. ...

what is the size of High Density WVGA854 launcher icon?

Hi, i have created the launcher icon(48x48 px) for 320x480 screen resolution and it's working fine. but while using same icon in WVGA854(480x854 px) it's displaying small compare to other default launcher icon. i want to know, what is the size of High Density WVGA854 launcher icon? Regards, Jeyavel N ...

Question regarding panning and zooming on android maps

Kindly address the below mentioned query about the zooming on android maps , quite a long time am searching for answer. left a msg in answer field as i dont wanna repeat the same question link text ...

How to disable SMS notification programmatically?

This not work: try { Context mmsContext = context.createPackageContext("", Context.CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY); mmsContext.grantUriPermission(context.getPackageName(), Uri.parse("file:///data/data/"), Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION | Intent....

Android: How to play media player with non-file and non-rtsp source?

We've a mpeg4 source that we would like to play in the media player. Our source is not in a file or on an rtsp server. It is hand coded to generate mpeg4 source on the fly. Imagine the data is coming from an unix pipe stream instead of rtsp or a file. How can I use that stream in media player? ...

Why is Android looking for QVGA resources in the wrong order mdpi > hdpi > ldpi?

Im trying to do some testing with a QVGA emulator and I find that it looks for an image resource in the mentioned order. drawable-mdpi 1st drawable-hdpi 2nd drawable-ldpi 3rd (it does get found only after i change the name of the image in the other two dirs for testing) I would expect it to be ldpi first. When running other emulators ...