
Programatically scrolling an EditText

I'm writing a simple caesar-encryption-activity. Two EditTexts on screen, one clear-text, one crypted. Here's an example for the crypted EditText - the cleartext one is similar. <EditText android:layout_below="@id/Caesar_Label_CryptText" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:id...

Android SecretKeyFactory problems. Implementation not found?

Hello all, I'm trying to create an application for Android that uses encryption to save user information and I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to create an instance of the SecretKeyFactory using the "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1" algorithm, but the application keeps on throwing exceptions at that point in the program (it doesn...

Android Device Chooser -- device not showing up

I'm using the android plugin for eclipse, and when I try to run my program using a real device through the android device chooser, my phone is not listed as a device. I have updated eclipse and all of the android packages, but it still isn't showing up. My phone is running 1.6, which is also the target version listed in the eclipse proje...

how to get mysql database connection in android emulator

How to get the MySQL database connection in android emulator? I try to connect using java.sql.* package like this I get the exception: java.sql.SQLException:no suitable drive How can I use sql packages in android mobile? ...

webview.loadUrl() problem in android?

Hi guys, I am loading a URL whose datatype is String in a WebView. Using something like: webview.loadUrl(string_variable); but it is automatically redirected to the browser. I got this in my LOGCAT, 02-13 14:11:08.586: INFO/ActivityManager(5Cool: Displayed activity com.example.brown/.Bru_Press_MostRecent_ArticleView: 2583 ms (total...

Accessing a SOAP WebService

I have not found any convinient way to create something like a jaxws wrapperclass for an existing Soap Webservice - like in full Java. Jaxws is unfortunately not avaliable in the sdk. Is there any was to do this without using any external libs? Are there any external libs at all yet? ...

Real-time audio processing in Android

I'm trying to figure out how to write an app that can decode audio morse code on the fly. I found this document which explains how to record audio from the microphone in Android. What I'd like to know is whether it's possible to access the raw input from the microphone or whether it has to be written/read to a file. Thanks. ...

Authentication Problem in Android

I have to send requests to a server in xml format.I did this using DefaultHttpClient and HttpPost(i have to do post request) using StringEntity to send the xml request but i got "401 Authorisation required" errror.I searched and i found out that authentication is required(i have username and password),but how to do is a problem for me.C...

Effective activity List

Hi, Iam trying to make my Activity List more effective. I have an Activity List in my app, on every call its going to the database collecting some information and show it on the screen(as List). so basiclly everytime you finish and re-call that list, it's calling onCreate.. again and again.. my problem here is with the allocation i am t...

how to reload or refresh the webview in android?

hi all, when i load a url in a webview. it loads perfectly. but i touch anything in that webview its redirected to the browser by default. how to set that link will load in the same webview itself. thanks. ...

Android MapView Overlay that does always keeps an OverlayItem selected?

Hi, I want to add an ItemizedOverlay to a MapView that always keeps one OverlayItem as the selected one. I indicate this by using a StateListDrawable with two different marker drawables. But right now, whenever I tap on the map and not hitting a marker, the last selected item will get deselected. But I always want to keep the last item...

Android How to show dialog to confirm user wishes to exit Activity

I've been trying to show a "Do you want to exit?", type dialog when user attempts to exit an activity. However can't find the appropriate API hooks. Activity.onUserLeaveHint() initially looked promising, but I can't find a way to stop the activity finishing. Thanks ...

tab content handling.... how in android???

hi all, i have a tabactivity with two tabs. in this tabactivity i have edittext and button to search the local database. i have a listactivity class as a tabcontent. it shows by the framelayout. i want to refresh that listactivity based on the text entered in edittext which is in the tabactivity. how to do that? i created a method ...

Android can insetDrawable be inside a layerDrawable?

Hi im trying to get my background by having a white color background with a image. So far, i've searched through the web and resources pointed me to layerDrawable. However, i do not want my image to stretch across the parent view. Does insetDrawable in this case work inside a layerdrawable, and if yes, can anyone show me how to do it w...

Accessing Google Account Id /username via Android (pre 2.0)

How do you access the user's Google Account Id / username in code (pre-2.0)? I am building an application that will call a web service to store data and I want to identify the identity of the person sumitting the data. If no user identity information available (pre 2.0) how about the ability to access phone identity (pre 2.0). Thanks i...

android developer question

I am looking the file and I saw this under the app_name 0x7f040001. I know that is some kind of encryption because it displays hello world i believe. There are other ones there but I was just wonder what encryption that is. Thanks for any help ...

How to make a request from an android app that can enter a Spring Security secured webservice method?

I have a Spring Security (form based authentication) web app running CXF JAX-RS webservices and I am trying to connect to this webservice from an Android app that can be authenticated on a per user basis. Currently, when I add an @Secured annotation to my webservice method all requests to this method are denied. I have tried to pass in ...

Best database for mobile phone development

I am writing an application that initially will be developed as web (probably Silverlight) and Android application. I found on Android website that SQLite is supported, but I plan to release the same app for Windows Mobile, Palm Web OS and iPhone as well. Could you please advice me on which database would be the best to work with for al...

Android: Have an arbitrary View slide under another View like the software keyboard does

I want to have a View pop in at the bottom of the page exactly like the software keyboard view does in the compose section of the Mms app. It slides in from the bottom, as if it's being added to a vertically oriented LinearLayout, only making the ListView smaller. It becomes a part of the current layout instead of popping up over the t...

How to connect Android to PC

I'm trying to connect my Samsung Galaxy to PC but ddms tool does not recognize my phone. USB debugging is enabled. What can cause a problem? PS. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 OS. Thanks. ...