
Android Plugin in Eclipse 3.5 on Ubuntu 64bit got problems with properties

Hi there! I got a huge problem with the Android Development Tools ADT running in Eclipse Galileo (3.5.1) on Ubuntu 9.10, 64bit. On this platform, I do not manage to see any property edit dialogs for layout properties. E.g. the one where you can select a string resource ID for text fields, or a drawable ID for image fields or backgrounds...

How to use ArrayAdapter<myClass>

ArrayList myList = new ArrayList(); ListView listView = (ListView) findViewById(; ArrayAdapter<MyClass> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<MyClass>(this, R.layout.row, to, myList.); listView.setAdapter(adapter); Class: MyClass class MyClass { public String reason; public long long_val; } I want to show this in listView. I have...

error loading dynlib with ldopen() -- no symbol name?

I'm trying to port a CLI app to Android. This app depends on several dynlibs which we already ported, but haven't tested yet. We built an .apk that provides an simple app, the libs and the executable. The app opens the .apk, extracts the libs and the executable and that's it. We took all this ideas from the Mono port to Android[3]. We al...

onclick EditText Stretch problem!

dear friends, i am facing issue that when i click on edittext its width gets changed i want to fix its width according to screen so that it covers whole screen and then button at right side of it. here is the code ...

How to obtain Battery Stats in Android at runtime?

I want to display Battery level stats in my app. How can we obtain such information like Battery Power, Battery Voltage, etc.? ...

Android: AudioRecord Class Problem: Callback is never called

Hello Android Developers! My Android Java Application needs to record audio data into the RAM and process it. This is why I use the class "AudioRecord" and not the "MediaRecorder" (records only to file). Till now, I used a busy loop polling with "read()" for the audio data. this has been working so far, but it peggs the CPU too much. B...

android button bar toggle

Hey, I am looking for a UI view that imitates the functionality of the Google Maps directions screen UI control where it allows the user to pick the type of directions allowed, either Car, Transit or Walking. Like this --> The widget is essentially three buttons laid out horizontally with rounded corners only o...

Delete all list items which are checked

Hi, i got listactivity binding to database with Custem SimpleCursorAdapter. in each of my list item ive got 4 texts, image and checkbox(everyone is focosable:false) in the list itself i have a long button so when i press on it, i want it to delete all the rows which thire checkboxes are 'checked; Now, ive tried many technics in order t...

unable to download my paid application from android market?

Hi, i have published my application in android market but i am unable to download my paid application from android market. i can get my free application in android market. i am accessing from india. how i can access united states android market? Regards, Jeyavel N ...

Android: Looking for an easy way to play notification sounds in a loop manually

Hi there! I am fiddling around with a dialog that pops up and displays an alarm information. (I know, it has been documented that in Android it's "better" style to use notifications instead, but just like the alarm clock I want it to display a dialog on top of whatever you do to really get the users immediate attention - as the user expe...

Android libc version and malloc implementation

Hello. What libc implementation is used in Android platform? What malloc implementation is used (ptmalloc or tcmalloc or anything other)? ...

How to access programmatically what is displayed in an Android lock screen

Hi folks! Today I am looking for a way to mimic the behavior I know from my HTC Hero's lock screen: the calendar and alarm clock can put text & drawables there to inform about an upcoming event or an expired alarm. The lock screen remains there in that it must be dragged down to dismiss the shown event and there might also be a Snooze bu...

How do I send some data (eg. a String) from my Activity to a Service Android ?

Usually, I putExtra inside an Intent to transfer stuff between Activities. But it seems like I can't do this with a Service? Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); That doesn't work for a android Service. How do I send a string from an Activity to a Service then? ...

MapView not working [android]

Hi, i have a little trouble with the android mapview. It simply crashes every time i try to open the app! Code: package; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; public class TravelBuddy extends MapActivity { /** Called when the a...

SQLite, can't delete columns

Hi, i have set a content provider, for some reason I am able to to delete a row this way: getContentResolver().delete(myUri, "_id=" + "3", null); but i am not able to delete a row that way: getContentResolver().delete(myUri, "NAME=" + "chris", null); getting this error: 02-15 15:48:08.197: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3043): android.dat...

How to style text in a string array?

Hi, I have a string array and was trying to style certain parts of the text with tags like < b>, < i>, ... but it doesn't work. The array looks like this: <resources> <array name="hour1"> <item>blabla\n<b>blabla</b></item> </array> The text is displayed in the textview like this: tTite...

Motorola dext and Google maps

I am having an issue with my app, soley on the Moto DEXT. I have tried to reproduce on my Hero and the 1.5 emulator with no luck. The exception (see logcat snippet below) seems to be coming from within the system code, so I may be out of luck. Rough jist is, user presses the button, new MapActivity loads, they see the grid start then ...

DOMException while cloning XML Node

Hi, The cloneNode() method in the following minimal example works on java 1.6 but throws an DOMException with code 14 under android 5. Code 14 according to sdk docs means: "NAMESPACE_ERR If an attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces." Has anybody an idea why this might be? Th...

Using navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition in WebView on Android 2.0+ (PhoneGap related)

I've been working with PhoneGap and it's been great, but I've run into a problem with getting location on a Verizon Droid w/ 2.0.1 (works as expected on a G1 w/ 1.6). GeoLocation API Support was added to Android in 2.0 (Eclair) and it works in the default browser on a Verizon Droid (on 2.0.1). That is, if I visit a website that calls n...

Open App on Car Dock?

Is it possibe to have your app start automatically when the device is placed in the car doc? Like Google Maps, I know it utilizes the magnet in the dock. Where do I look in the API to accomplish this? Thanks Patrick ...