
How do I create my own resource names?

Can I use my own resource names in themes.xml? For example: <item name="headerBackground">@drawable/header</item> In this example, "headerBackground" is not a valid resource ("No resource found that matches the given name...", says Eclipse). Where should I create/declare these resources? Is this a bad idea? ...

Android and JSP - Working with objects

Hello everybody. I'm a student trying to dive into the world of "complex web-enabled applications" for Android. I had good tries making Android applications that call php functions, have JSON or XML responses and results, serialize objects and so on... It really can work for simple projects, IMHO. For projects that require an increased...

Videoplayer in Android?

give me some simple example for streaming video player. i got a error in api demo. Error is: Command PLAYER_INIT completed with an error or info PVMFErrCorrupt android thanks... ...

JavaDoc in an Eclipse Android Project

In our Android project, our code is JavaDoc'd and that generates everything properly. However, any reference to the Android API classes/functions results in a JavaDoc error and a link to the relevant information is not generated. Instead we get plaintext class names. How can we set up Eclipse to turn these into links to the online Androi...

Why is my Android emulator keyboard in Japanese character mode?

I'm debugging my Android application using the AVD (Android Virtual Device). When I try to enter text in a text field, my characters are being interpreted as Japanese (or Chinese?) in the IME. I don't know how I got into this mode or how to get out of it (I just want to enter alphabetic keys)? Here's a screen shot:

Android Bluetooth Cross Platform Interoperability

Hi, I have a Bluetooth service that I programmed for .Net on a Windows machine and I would like my Android 2.1 phone to connect to it. The server is listening for the same UUID which the Android is using to connect. But the connection is failing. When I try to connect to devices that are not listening for that UUID, I get an exception w...

Android floating view (over other views)

I've been messing around with this for a few days now, hopefully someone here can lend me a hand. I have a simple two-column layout, the left side is a navigation bar with buttons, the right side is a content panel. When the user taps one of the buttons (say, the third one down), I'd like to have a floating view aligned to the right of...

Android Services

Hi, i have a question. I'm developing an Android Application. Actually, i have a thread in background that makes request to an external API in order to get data when the users clicks in different parts of the app. My doubt is if this "thread" would be better if i implemented it as a service instead of a Runnable class. Thanks ...

Parsing invalid ampersands with Android's XmlPullParsers

I am writing a little screen-scraping app that consumes some XHTML - it goes without saying that the XHTML is invalid: ampersands aren't escaped as &amp;. I am using Android's XmlPullParser and it spews out the following error upon the incorrectly encoded value: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: unterminated entity ref (position:...

Android check connection without context

Hi, i would like to know if it's possible check connectivity in android without having a Context, because the thread i have running in background doesn't know the context. if there's no way, is a best practice passing to the thread the context? thanks ...

IOException everytime I try to upload anything to android emulator

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition and Eclipse 3.5 with the Android plugin. Every time I create a new project and try to publish it, I get an error like this: [2010-02-15 22:48:10 - EPG3]Uploading EPG3.apk onto device 'emulator-5554' [2010-02-15 22:48:15 - EPG3]Failed to upload EPG3.apk on device 'emulator-5554' [2010-02-15 22:...

checkbox in List being checked unexpected

I have list of checkboxes in list binded by Custom simpleCurserAdapter. in my Custom simpleCurserAdapter ive override the newview and binview with my modifications. ive managed somehow to do multichoice.. wierd thing after i delete any item from my list , the first item's checkbox is being checked all of a sudden.. how does that happen? ...

Android Bluetooth crashes after orientation change

Hi, My code is based on the BluetoothChat sample from the API. I connect to another device just fine and I can read and write to the connection no problem. But then if I turn the device the orientation of the UI changes automatically. After this, if I try to write to the Bluetooth connection, my application crashes! It seems weird that...

Android alarm manager

Hi i've been researching the alarm manager in android and was wondering if there how to set a specific time for an alarm (or could use notification manager)to go off at a specific time for example 12pm tomorrow . The code below sets the alarm for 5 seconds from now so to set it for something like 12 pm could you do something like 12:00:...

How do I get a Broadcast Receiver to automatically fire an intent?

Toast.makeText(context, "Alarm Worked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); NotificationManager manager = (NotificationManager)context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.icon, "Wake up alarm", System.currentTimeMillis()); notification.defaults |= Notifica...

Android Bluetooth Crashes Application When Remote Device Closes Socket

Hi, I have connected my Android application to a Windows desktop machine via Bluetooth. The application interacts with the machine. At the end of the interaction the application on the desktop closes the socket that was opened between the Android and the desktop application. Right when socket.close() is called on the Windows machine m...

How to clear the mapview overlay drawing in android?

Hi Friends, I am doing one small GPS application. I have to show multiple palces . I can able to show multiple places using custom overlay method.Now i have to show route between two points , while showing route i have to show only that two points. remaining all points should disappear but i dont know how to disappear the other points. ...

How to get HTC Eris to show up as a device target on Eclipse 3.5 running on Mac OS X?

My Motorola Droid shows up just fine in this configuration and appears as a deployment target. Works like a snap. How do I get the HTC Eris Droid to show up as a deployment target? Is there some special driver needed for the Eris? ...

Displaying thumbnails of images (present at different locations in the sdcard) in a listview

Hi all, I have several images present in different folders in my sdcard. I would like to display a list of thumbnails. So what I have done is while rendering any row in the list I read the file in an input stream, get the byte array, decode it to obtain a bitmap and set it in an imageview. So far so good. But when I scroll the list...

I am writing media player application using the video streaming through RTSP protocol.

Hi i am writing a media player application in android when i calling a mp.prepare() it is giving a IllegalStateException. The same rtsp url waorking with vlc or quick time media player. ...