
How can I switch to the Android keyboard "SMS" mode

The default Messaging app in Android (tested against version 2.1) appears to put the soft keyboard in a special mode, where the return key is replaced with an "emoticon key". When you press it you get a selection of emoticons to insert into your message. How do I instruct the soft keyboard to appear in this mode in my app? ...

Where to start with programming Android Applications

Hi, I am a student and would like to develop softwares for Android Phones. Please suggest me where to start. I have alwayzs programmed in C++, Matlab, Javascript. I do not have so much experience in programming Java. Appreciate your support and help. Thanks Kiran ...

On Android/Java, how many bytes has a connection downloaded?

An Android app I'm writing involves quite a lot of downloading of content (think podcatcher/RSS). I would like to be able to give the user an indication of how many bytes they've downloaded, so they can make the decision whether they want to use Wifi or not. To this end, I have found a way of counting the number of bytes read by the a...

Logging on device to file

How to redirect logging on device to file? My application is hang on device but works great on emulator - I want to see logging on my device without sdk and its tools. ...

cant debug android widget in eclipse

Hi All, My eclipse (on a mac) is setup with the android ADT plugin, im setting breakpoints and hit debug button, the emulator is running i can see the widget but no debugging is being ongoing. any insights ?? ...

Is this the correct way to start an Activity?

Intent nnn = new Intent(Hello.this, NewActivity.class); startActivity(nnn); finish(); This would start a new activity, and then close the current Activity forever, right? ...

Android GC - LogCat always showing GC activity

when i run my program, logcat shows a lot of activity with GC like GC freed 10324 objects/ 510376 bytes in 103 ms GC freed 10324 objects/ 510376 bytes in 103 ms GC freed 10324 objects/ 510376 bytes in 103 ms GC freed 10324 objects/ 510376 bytes in 103 ms GC freed 10324 objects/ 510376 bytes in 103 ms with diff in obj, bytes and ms va...

good web resources for learning SurfaceView

Does anyone have good web tutorials or resources for learning 2D application development using a SurfaceView (Or something better if it exists). I am intending on using it for a 2D game but have little experience in this area. It would be good if it had Creating the Surface View Creating movable graphical objects Collision Detection ...

Android Marketplace Error: "The server could not process your apk. Try again."

I have an updated apk - tested successfully on various devices and simulator instances - with the following manifest: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.myCompany.appName" android:versionCode="2" android:versionName="1.0.1"> ...

Best way for Service that starts Activity to communicate with it

I have a service that listens to a socket. When receiving certain input it is to create an activity. When receiving other input, it is to kill this activity. I have struggled for a while to make the service communicate with the activity through AIDL (, but this seems to not be...

Opening dialog activity on creating another activity

Hi, I've got an activity, call it A, that when initially opened I would like to programmatically open a another dialog theme activity, B, over the top. The user would select some info from the dialog activity and return to activity A. When resuming to activity A at some later point the data set would be available, so the dialog would ...

Overlays not working in Google MapView Tutorial Android

Got some errors following the tutorial for MapView when i was going to integrate overlays. package; import java.util.List; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import co...

Andorid TextView to display anchor

Hi, Can you please tell me if/how can I use TextView to display an 'anchor' (a blue underline for text)? Thank you. ...

Complex ListView example with complex data and complex layout of each row?

Im pulling a list of product objects from a database call and I want to build a ListView of the data in my activity with a non-scrolling header and footer. Each row will consist of a product thumbnail, some data and a button arranged horizontally. I understand that using the ListView I can inflate each row using a separate layout. Most ...

Cookie parsing issue w/ date in Android

In my app, I am persisting a CookieStore by writing it out to a file as a long String using SharedPreferences. When reading this String back in, I parse each cookie and its attributes (name, value, domain, path, version, expiry date) from the String using regexps. As I parse these attributes, I reconstruct a CookieStore by making a new B...

Get Cell RSSI(Network Signal Strength) on Android 1.5

Is there any way to retrieve the current cellular Signal Strength (RSSI) on Android 1.5? I know there's a way to listen for signal strength updates through the TelephonyManager, but this seems to only give a "state," not a numeric value. Is using the RSSI field on a neighboring cell fairly accurate? I'm guessing not, but I'm running...

Making a list view like the favorite tab on native dialer in android

Hello all, I am making an android application that shows a list with users, I would like to add the image,name,status,and a button in every row of the list, just like in the androids 1.6 native caller-> favorites tab.Until know I have managed to add the image and name using an ListActivity but when I try to add the button the list become...

Replacing Android's Launcher App before compilation

I want to have my own Launcher Application for Android in other words , I want my own Application to run directly after booting , instead of the Launcher app as I am not running Android on a Mobile phone , and I don't want Android's Home GUI also I want to change the app in the source code , before compilation I have tried to Simply...

How to obtain the current Local Area Code (LAC) of the handset in Android?

I want to obtain the current Local Area Code of the Cell the handset is currently loged in to. How do I get this information? ...

Is it possible to integrate with autocomplete in Android / Mobile Safari from JS?

I'm currently developing a simple Javascript/HTML timetable application for use on mobile phones. The application includes a search facility that I would like to add autocomplete to, but doing so from within the DOM results in a pretty messy experience on Android (and I guess also iPhone). At least on Android, while the user is focused ...