
First weekday on android phones

Hi! According to Androids documentation I get the impression, that Android only supports ISO 8601 week number calculation (this is good for me as I live in Austria). So, I think that an "Android Week" alway starts on Monday. This is important for me, because I want to read/write Androids calendar and the recurrence rules are encoded wi...

how to calculate center point of different latitude and longitude in google map android?

dear friends, i have list of Latitude & Longitude of google map now i want to animate to center of these all co-ordinates can any one guide me how to achieve this. in other words i want to calculate middle distance or lat,long positions so that user could see most of the overlay points. it seems to be quite confusing for me. any hel...

how to get bitmap uri in android mobile device using java

hi i am implemented this code image upload device only how can retrieve bitmap uri Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK); photoPickerIntent.setType("image/*"); startActivityForResult(photoPickerIntent, ACTIVITY_RESULT_IMAGE_SELECTED); protected void onActivityResult(int requ...

Customize android?

Question, I have a HTC Hero with Android 1.5. The buggy (speed <= 10 kb) network driver bothers me since a long time. (I saw it can serve 50 kb/s or more, but only temporarely, but then, after a few seconds, it slows down to < 5kb/s and takes about an hour to come back to 50 kb/s...) Now HTC is working on 2.1, but whatever... I don't k...

how get the progress status of loading mapview in android???

hi all, while the map is in loading state i want to put a progressbar at the center of mapview. how to get the progress?? and how to do?? give me some example.. thanks. ...

Android - How to populate Content Provider only once on App install?

I have a database in my application that is used as a ContentProvider. It holds settings values for the application, and when I install the application I want it to add a hardcoded set of values just once. This is how I am trying to do it at the minute. if(settings.size()<= 0){ Settings s = new Settings("voipusernameTa", "xxxxxxxx...

Where do I find API key and API secret for Facebook?

Trying to connect to Facebook to make a statusupdate through my Android application. Got the whole thing running but I need API key + secret. Where can I create/get a hold of these? private static final String apiKey = "<YOUR API KEY>"; private static final String apiSecret = "<YOUR SECRET KEY>"; Tried the same thing with Twitter and...

Android Layout: Is reusable component UI possible?

I'll preface this with, I've just started learning Android so be gentle. I come from an ASP.NET / Silverlight background so I was looking for something along the lines of controls. I want to reuse a layout (a ListView item template) in other layouts. Such that in my other layouts I can just add <myListItem /> to show it. Is this, or a...

Handler fails to deliver a message or a Runnable to the main thread

Hello! I have an app with a two threads - main and data loader. When data loader finishes it posts a Runnable object to the main thread (as described in the DevGuide), but it never gets delivered and run. Here's the basic code: class MyApp extends Application { public void onCreate() { LoaderThread t = new LoaderThread(...

Advice on SOA to drive spring mvc pages, and service iphone/android requests also

If I have a web application that also services requests for iphone/android applications, what is the best way to go about designing the application? i am using spring mvc. Would it be possible (or advisable) to use the same controller action to service both web and mobile requests, or would I have to duplicate things with another set o...

ADB pull command permission

Hello, all I do have a question in using ADB command in console. I know that user doesn't have a permission to access /system in shell without root permission as a default. But when I execute "adb pull /system/app /myApps" in a window console, not shell mode, it works properly. I mean, all apk files is copied into my desktop location wi...

How can I allow a user to re-sort items in a list?

I have an Android app where users can add items to a list, and I'd like them to be able to re-order the items in the list however they want (as opposed to just offering them different sort orders). It's easy enough to add a position setting for the items (they come from the DB) but what kind of UI elements are available for the user to i...

Android HorizontalScrollView scroll by page

I have implemented a slideshow in my Android app using . This works well except that I want to scroll to next image on a scroll gesture (now it just scrolls past few images before decelerating). I have couldn't find a appropriate way to do this, should I be using a FrameLayout instead ? How do I scroll to the next (or previous) image on ...

Don't know whats wrong with this RegEx

Hi! I have to parse a string and capture some values: FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=MO;BYDAY=2TU,2WE I want to caputre 2 groups: grp 1: 2, 2 grp 2: TU, WE The Numbers represents intervals. TU, WE represents weekdays. I need both. I'm using this code: private final static java.util.regex.Pattern regBYDAY = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("...

Writing XML on Android

Given an instance of org.w3c.dom.Document, how do I save its contents to a file/stream? EDIT: As CommonsWare pointed out, there's no such possibility using classes from Android SDK. Can you recommend then a third-party library for saving Document contents to a file/stream? ...

How do I switch from Android AVD to real hardware on Mac Eclipse-SDK?

I am using Eclipse on Mac with Android SDK. I have the emulator working with my code and today I borrowed an Android that I would like to test on. I have run 'adb devices' from the command line, but I think the problem is more fundamental at the USB hardware detection level. What tools do I use to troubleshoot this? ...

Color of the text in TextView changes color

Hi, In android, when I press on a TextView, the text changes color (from white to grey). Can you please tell me how can I disable that functionality? Thank you. ...

How can I package binary files with my APK, and copy them to sdcard

I have 2 binary files that i would like to package with my apk. (/res/raw) i need to copy these 2 files to /sdcard when the application is run how can i do this? ...

Android 2 line AutoCompleteTextView dropdown

I am writing an Android app that uses an AutoCompleteTextView just like the API example. The problem is that my text is too long and needs to wrap when the dropdown occurs. I have a custom list_item.xml, but only one line of text displays. The list_item.xml layout wraps to 2 lines if used with a spinner, but not with the AutoCompleteT...

Android custom listview

Hi i've got a custom listview with a text view and a button in each row. Im having trouble trying to use the buttons . Each button will fire a different intent. This is the xml file for the list view rows. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/widget28" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:l...