
How to create layout like this?

I have a horizontal LinearLayout, inside which I have 2 TextViews. Let's say that the LinearLayout's width is 320px. If the TextViews don't fit into the LinearLayout (they are together wider than 320px), I want to somehow achieve this: The second TextView is fully displayed and is at the right edge of the LinearLayout The first TextVie...

Android soundpool rate range?

Android's [documentation][1] says "The playback rate allows the application to vary the playback rate (pitch) of the sound. A value of 1.0 means play back at the original frequency. A value of 2.0 means play back twice as fast, and a value of 0.5 means playback at half speed.". However, when I set the rate to 1.49f, I hea...

How does startActivity decide whether to start a stopped activity or create a new one?

Long story short, I have a LaunchActivity which is always called by LAUNCHER (i.e. the home screen). It then starts LoginActivity and then closes itself. This is the flow: User launches app LaunchActivity starts, starts LoginActivity and then calls finish() on itself (At this point LoginActivity is the only Activity on the stack) Use...

How to change the title of the Tab Dynamically

I have three tabs in my Application. On an event under one Tab, i want to change the title of an another existing Tab. This is the title that we provide while adding the tabs to the TabHost. Eg: TabHost.addTab(tabHost.newTabSpec("Tab2")).setIndicator("I need to be Changed dynamically").setContent.... In the above example, the title of...

play youtube video in WebView

Hi all, In my android app I have a WebView to display html data from our website. Sometimes the page will have youtube embed objects. This doesn't show up properly in the app. Is there any way to show/play youtube videos in WebView ? Thanks. ...

How to edit accounts & sync settings for a specific account

Hi, Under the 'Accounts & Sync' settings graphical OS menu, there are listings of user-configured Google accounts. Please could someone point me in the right direction to programmatically change the sync settings associated with one of these accounts? Thanks ...

Project has no target set. Edit the project properties to set one

When I import a new existing project into Eclipse, I get the following error message when attempting to execute as an Android project: Project has no target set. Edit the project properties to set one Any help is appreciated. ...

CSS3 support in mobile browsers

What, if any, support is there for CSS3 in mobile browsers? The specific browsers I'm curious about are the ones used in the iPhone, Android, and Blackberry phones. Any links to relevant resources would also be greatly appreciated. ...

Android loading and showing a lot of images in ImageView(frame by frame animation) hangs in certain moments

I've created an application that show around 250 images in ImageView. Images are loaded one after another, 15-30 images per second. Basically the whole thing gives an illusion of a rotating 3D object, at least it should. The problem is next, app hangs when loading certain images(i.e. I see a few seconds of fluid animation and then animat...

Improve ListView efficiency when loading images from SD into the ListView

I am using a custom adapter for my ListView as per the efficient adapter sample by Romain Guy. In the getView() method of my adapter I am assigning an ImageView a jpg image stored on SD using the following code : File f=new File(MovieThumbs.get(position)); if(f.length() > 0) { holder.thumb.setImageBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeFile(M...

SQLiteException while updating record with string comparision

My record: (ID, name, count) (1, 1, 2) (2, t, 10) It works: myDbHelper.updateCount("1", 100); It didn't work: myDbHelper.updateCount("t", 100); It gave android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException:no such column: t: , while compiling: ... Here is the code for updating records: public int updateCount(String name, int count) { ContentV...

Simple activity switch not working. No Errors..

I have a basic calculator app I'm making. Two activities, the main one and ResultView. I've made it where I click a button on activity A to go to activity B. The log says activity B is started and "displayed" successfully, the title for the new activity loads, but the body does NOT show. I added a simple Text view with static text.. see...

Enlarging Textures in Android OpenGL ES ?

Hi All, I have a small issue. I need to enlarge(Zoom) Textures when I hold&drag at the corners. I am using glOrtho() to setup ModelView. gl.glOrthof(0.0f, screen_width, -screen_height, 0, -1.0f, 1.0f); //Map exact pixel to World Co-od I am able to do hit-test and detect corners of the images(Textures) on the screen. Now I need to en...

Are android wallpapers persistent?

I have an application that sets the user's background. Is it possible to remove the wallpaper if my app is uninstalled? ...

mSomeVar names - where from and why?

Variables in Android sources are prefixed with m, like mStream or mHeaderValueIndex. What's the rationale behind Hungarian notation here? ...

Scaling textSize in a TextView

Say I have a TextView of a particular size (doesn't really matter what... fill_parent, 20dip, whatever). Is it possible to tell the text to shrink/grow in size to fit the available space without doing a lot of math? ...

Android Sqlite Database: it couldn't recognize the new column or new table I added in an exsiting databse

I had a working database. I just added one more column in a table. It keeps saying no that column. So I changed the table name. Now it says that no that table name. Then I changed the database name. it still gave error. it works fine after I changed back the table name and remove the extra column I added. Could you please help me figure ...

how to create executable static library in android?

I ask somthing about static library.. " how to create executable static library in android?" and "How to connect static library in eclipse?" Static library is a binary file, How to understand static library in jni? I wondering static library operation method in android.. (such as static library in vc++) I'm exptected your repl...

code for please wait the values are loading statement is appearing when we move from one intent to another intent

Hi,I am move from one intent to another intent,the another intent collects the data from our own data base so,it takes so much time for appearing .In that idle time I want to display a animation like progerss dialogue etc.pleae give me the suggestions ...

show hide image in android

Hi , i have a code like this Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.correct); newImg = (ImageView)findViewById(; newImg.setImageBitmap(bm); but i want after a second, image should fade out or it display nothing or as previous state. thank you ...