
Can I emulate a compass on Android

I want to test a compass app on the emulator. Is this possible or do i have to use a real device. Also I do not want to use gps. ...

how to get nearby city for weather forecast

i am developing one application with map view i need display the weather depends on user place how can i get the weather report depending on the user lat and lon Thanks Aswan ...

How to set my Linear Layout to have the height of an android list item

Hi, I have a linear layout, and I want the height of this linear layout to be the height of an list item (e.g. an entry row in the CallLog tab of Contacts app). I have tried, but the height of this is just 1 line of text. <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" ...

I want to delete a SMS from inbox on an android phone.

I intend to delete a SMS based on a incoming number. Is this possible? ...

Following tab layout android example on developer website & trying to add a fourth tab

Hi, I've managed to get the tab layout example working with the three tabs, albums, songs & artists thanks to other posts on this site. I'm simply trying to add a new tab called, lyrics, following the same procedure by doing the following... Adding new activity/class called LyricsActivity..... public class LyricsActivity extends Acti...

where to find the version information in source code on Android platform

where to find the version information in source files on Android platform? I try to find out some information listed in setting>>about phone. Such as: firmware version, module number, baseband version, kernel version, ... ...

Android: How to catch Intent's Extras if the activity is already running?

Hi, I put a notification in the status bar with a PendingIntent (with Extras info) that points to my main app (main activity). When the user clicks the staus bar, the PendingIntent is fired and my app launches and I can read the Extras info in my onCreate() method. So far so good. But if my app is already running, the PendingIntent s...


[2010-03-04 11:50:15 - AndroidSamples]Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY when i uses the .. please do reply me ...

Timer does not stop in android

I made an application in android and used timer like this.. try { CountDownTimer start1 = new CountDownTimer(20000, 1000) { public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) { TextView timeShow = (TextView)findViewById(; timeShow.setText(" "+" 00:" +millisUntilFinished / 1000); ...

How to show a pop up like login page for facebook connect in an android app ?

I would like to have a neat login page for facebook connect for my android application, like one found for iphone or other web applications(a pop up like login page) I goggled for hours about it in vain. I have registered my app in facebook as a Desktop application. I like to have the login page within my app. Now I am using FBRocket to ...

getApplicationContext() not working for asynchronous event

Hi, I want to toast text entered into a texbox using an asynchronous event eg. press button. It compiles without error but nothing happens when the button is pressed. From what I have been able to gather on the forum, my context is wrong. Can someone help me? Below is the code: mSendButton = (Button) findViewById(; ...

Android. How to package a file and then ::fopen it from JNI?

How to package a static file and then be able to ::fopen it from JNI? I have read about res/raw/blah and R.raw.blah stuff, but when I install app on emulator and do "adb -e shell", cd /data/data/my_app/, ls, the file is not there. ...

Please tell me how to integrate blackberry and androied into the same IDE.

I am Using phoneGap as a environment to develop the code. so i need to know how to integrate blackberry and androied into the same IDE(Eclipse ). ...

How do I ensure that the IME show/hide results in a call to View.onSizeChanged()

Hi I have a View implementation whose parent layout is a ScrollView. I would like to be called back when the IME is shown/hidden so that I can resize the View accordingly. I understand that onSizeChanged() should be called each time the IME is shown or hidden, but in my code this is not happening. I've written a test application in o...

Can android OS push information about network connecting status to application?

I need some advices about the Android OS and application. I wonder if the Android OS is able to push network connecting status to applications. (I found applications can get a network connecting status from android OS. But I can't find reverse cases.) However, I am thinking android OS may push network connecting status to applications....

Android ListView set Number of items to show

How can i set the number of items to show in a list without to scroll? Example: I have a list with 10 items. I want that only 3 items appears and that I have to scroll to see the rest of the items. ...

How to change font size on a button?

I have a button in my Android project that contains two rows with text to the left, and one drawable on the right side. This works perfectly with this code: <Button android:text="Call History" android:id="@+id/accountCallLogButton" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:drawableRigh...

What permission do I need to access Internet from an android application?

I get the following Exception running my app: Permission denied (maybe missing INTERNET permission) How do I solve the missing permission problem? ...

android webview click opens default browser

Hi friends, I have a simple problem, i have loaded an external url in my webview. Now wat i need is that wen the user clicks on the links on the page loaded, it has to work like a normal browser and open the link in the same webview... but its opening the androids default browser and loading the page there??? I have enabled JavaScript.....

android Editext setText should not focused and blinking cursor

in my activity 1 editext field and 2 check boxes i do setText("default text") in oncreate. when my application lods display default text also blinking cursor inside the text field also shows orange border tells it is having focus. i don't want to be text field focus on create instead it should focus on some where else i did request f...