
How to display a special message if a filtered list view contains no results any more?

Is there any way to show a message such as "No results" when i filter a list? ...

Android custom dialog force close

I am implementing a custom dialog to form an about screen with a simple look and feel (which may become more complex once I get it working). I have a xml layout that loads some text and an icon from R. However when ever showDialog(int) is called I get a force close. I followed the instructions as per the dev guide: http://developer.a...

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError on Audio Buffer

Hi all, I am currently trying to create an Android application that loops Audio from the mic to the earpiece, I can do that perfectly but when I do it over and over again in my application I eventually get an Out Of Memory Error. Here is the code I use to create the Audio Loop: static final int bufferSize = 200000; final short[...

Scrolling in a ListView with automatic "snap-to-grid"

I'm creating a list with ListView where each element in the list is a fullscreen picture. When I scroll/slide from element to element - I want the application to automatic show the picture I scrolled to in fullscreen. Kind of the same way that the Android Album does, when it shows pictures in fullscreen. It automatically detecs wich item...

What is the significance of 'context' in various constructor of Intent class when starting an activity

I had come across a code snippet which calls for an activity without referring to any context. Before, i was considering that context is used to tell about the calling component. But as i came see that another component can be called without any reference to context, it makes me wonder what purpose it might be serving. please put some li...

Android AsyncTask in external class

I've been working on an app and I've managed to get the AsyncTask to work fine when it's an inner class, am refactoring the code so that the AsyncTask is a separate class on its own but am wondering how do I kill the ProgressDialog and start a new Activity once the task is completed successfully? I've tried starting a new Activity in the...

Android with SQL Server 2008

Does Android supports SQL Servers? If so how to connect to SQL 2008 in my Android Application? ...

touchscreen keypad

I am developing an application for Android. I need to display a numeric keypad on the screen. How can this be achieved? ...

Global search box extension - how to make browser to start when suggestion picked.

Hi, I'm implementing global search box extension (sth like SearchableDictionary sample in android sdk). Everything works fine - suggestions are displayed properly. Problem is that I want browser to start when user picks a suggestion. (each suggestion is a link) Columns of my cursor contain SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA, and I...

Android: How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons?

I want a group of buttons where a user can choose one of them as option. It has to be a radiobuttongroup like behaviour, but I don't want the radio circle to be present. I just want the user to be able to toggle only one of the buttons. I think I would need someting like a togglegroup. Does something like this exist in Android? ...

Android record exists() in database?

I am looking to the fastest and the correct way to check if a record exists in the database: public boolean Exists(String _id) { Cursor c=db.query(TABLENAME(), new String[] {"1"}, "_ID="+_id, null, null, null, null); if (!c.equals(null)) return c.moveToFirst(); return false; } Do you see any problem with it? ...

how to show group tableview android?

i want to bulid a table layouts like ...

Is it necessary to include application package prefix when defining a Custom Action string

Is including a application package prefix while defining a custom action string is convention or mandatory? ...

How to show pop up on clicking map overlay?

I want to show a custom image with some data in it while clicking map overlay that i have added to google map in android. Can any one guide me how can i create that custom image or thing to be displayed on google map with some data on it? some body told me to go for custom view but i have no idea about them. ...

Problem with Media Cutter,Android

I am developing a "Media Cutter" in Android.This app should be able to cut an audio or video file,once we have provided the input->filename,startpoint and endpoint.I am not able to do this editting.Can anybody help me please ...

Android NDK - does it support straight ARM code or just Thumb

All, I have been asked to evaluate the Android platform for our product and I am looking at various options, I am only just scratching the surface just now and the one thing that is bothering me is that I cannot see how to compile code as straight ARM code (no Thumb), I know that Thumb runs slower and we will need the performance in key...

Is google gson running on android?

I'm playing arround with google gson for communication with my web back end at the moment. This and this older posts indicate that there are some problems with gson on android. I did some easy tests on the device already but maybe I just missed the bug. Edit I'm now parsing a lot more data. Generic lists etc. still not encountered t...

Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing

Simply put: What is the most effective way to share / reuse code between iPhone and Android builds? The two most common scenarios I think would be: Blank slate new project, knowing ahead of time there is a large chunk of reusable logic that needs to run on each device. Existing iPhone code base, porting of C, C++ and Objective-C to th...

Time Steps in Android OS 1.6 using OpenGL?

I'm trying to port one of my OpenGL/Glut programs over to Android 1.6. I used GLut extensively due to my classes teaching glut. Is there an alternative to glutTimerFunc or replacement for using glutTimerFunc? Also, any ideas where I can replace glutMainLoop? From looking at a few examples, onDrawFrame what I should be looking at? ...

What does COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC stand for?

private Cursor getContacts() { // Run query Uri uri = ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI; String[] projection = new String[] { ContactsContract.Contacts._ID, ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME }; String selection = ContactsContract.Contacts.IN_VISIBLE_GROU...