
Is there a Dropped Call Listener

Does the Android SDK have the ability to to trap a Dropped Call event? If so, what is it called? I've been prowling the documentation looking for it. Is there a difference between a hang up, and a dropped call? ...

Android architecture for real-time applications

I'm having some trouble achieving adequate real-time performance from my application and am wondering if I've architected it suboptimally. The requirement is for the application to play a sound and draw a line on a Canvas at a user specified time interval. I have a Thread that sleeps for the user-specified time interval, wakes up and u...

launching mapview from main activity (button)

Hi all. Going round in circles here i think. I have an activity called Locate; public class Locate extends Activity { public static String lat; public static String lon; public static String number; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.locate); ...

Table with editable cells in android

I need table with editable cells for my android app. Something like QTableWidget in QT. So what widget should I use? ...

How to group a 3x3 grid of radio buttons?

As the title describes, I'm trying to group up a grid of 3x3 radio buttons into a single radio group. In a previous question asked I learned that for radio buttons to correspond to a single group they had to be the immediate children of the radio group to which they will correspond. I learned this the hard way when I attempted to encapsu...

Android ListView Data Virtualization - Lazy Loading more than 10,000 items

Does anybody have an example of lazy loading (about 10,000 items) an Android ListView from a Sqlite databse? ...

Is it OK to use Thread instead of Service in Android home screen widget?

I am writing a home screen widget following Jeff Shakey's tutorial, This tutorial uses service to avoid any ANR timeouts. I just wonder, can I use Thread instead of service to do the work of getting data and updating RemoteViews? I don't want to cre...

Updating the launcher icon at run-time

Is it possible to update the launcher icon dynamically? Currently it seems that it can only be set statically at build time using the android:icon attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml file. For example, to display a unique icon based on the device's location? Is this something that can be achieved using aliases? If so, can an alias's ...

got nullpointer exception when click the bubble in the mapview?

i m workin on mapview and put the marker when i click the marker it shows a bubble. if i click that bubble it shows the toast perfectly i want to start the activity there. then it shows an exception this my code @Override protected boolean onBalloonTap(int index) { try{ Activity a=new Activity(); a.startActivity(new Intent(a.getBase...

Recreate "gps" LocationProvider after removal?

Hi. I'm currently having some problem with my application. I accidentally ran the following code: locationManager.removeTestProvider("gps"); And now i obviously can't get a GPS fix in google maps.. have to reboot. But my app need to remove the original GPS provider to create it's own fake one. So im just wondering if it's possible t...

getting system identification code (SID) in Android

Hi, I'd be much obliged for information regarding how can I get the System Identification code of (SID) a phone in android ? ...

Android bluetooth RFCOMM questions

I am trying to get an android phone to look like a bluetooth GPS unit so that a PC or any other device that supports bluetooth GPS can use it. I figured out the whole NMEA thing and have the device spitting out correct NMEA sentences. My problem lies in the bluetooth area though. I have a bluetooth thread setup for listening for a conne...

Android P2P Multiplayer game (with a) XMPP/Google talk b) JXTA peerdroid c) other way)

Hi, I am an android developer and I made some board games. Now i want to make some of my board games multiplayer. I don't want to create and host my own web service, so i thought about P2P. The first thing i found was the XMPP protocol, however it's not real P2P, but if i can use the existing google talk service, i'm ready to go. Is th...

How to get a tables columns arraylist on Android?

I am after a code to get the available column names of a table in Android? I looked around and didn't find anything. ...

Is it possible to for a ServerSocket object to accept a connection request in 3G?

I have been trying to setup a Droid to Droid 3G connection. I can confirm that all works great in wifi mode. The Droid can make connection requests (Http, Telnet, raw sockets) in 3G, but I cannot get the Droid to accept a socket connection in 3G mode. I am using the class. If anyone knows how to program the...

Android GridView with Separator

Hi, is possible to have a separator between elements of a GridView? Thanks ...

Is possible to start seekBar OnSeekBarChangeListener from other view( different than my seekBar)?

Hi! I have a SeekBar(seekBar1) on my layout with a small height (3dp). Because of it's small height is hard to select that view and I want to implement an other way to update the progress for my seek view. For to do that I think at something like that: I have to put an other bigger and invisible(android:background = "#00000000") seekBar...

Android - How do I load a contact Photo?

I'm having trouble loading a photo for a contact in Android. I've googled for an answer, but so far have come up empty. Does anyone have an example of querying for a Contact, then loading the Photo? So, given a contactUri which comes from an Activity result called using startActivityForResult(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,ContactsCont...

Android Layout with ListView and Buttons

Alright, this specific layout is just annoying me. And can't seem to find a way to have a listView, with a row of buttons at the bottom so that the listview doesn't extend over top of the buttons, and so the buttons are always snapped to the bottom of the screen. Here's what I want: It seems like it should be so easy, but everything I'...

Is there any way to reduce the boot up time of Android Emulator provided with android SDK

On my system, i am using eclipse ganymede version along the Android SDK and ADT plugin installed. I have created an android AVD (target android 1.5) with 512MB of memory. Its quite frustrating to see the slow boot up of it. It takes around 4-5 mins to complete its boot-up. Is there any way or tweak to speed up this boot up process. PC c...