
Can't prepare PRAGMA queries on Android

Having this line Cursor c = db.rawQuery("PRAGMA table_info(?)", new String[] {tableName}); and getting this: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "?": syntax error: , while compiling: PRAGMA table_info(?) Do you know why? ...

How to catch fire of onItemSelected of a Spinner, after the interface has been setup?

I am having an Android view with a Spinner on it. I call a populateSpinner() method to add some default values to it. I also have a onItemSelected() event which gets called before the view is completed to print. I would like to run a code inside this block only when the user changes the selected items, not when I add or the form gets cr...

How to set selected item of Spinner by value, not by position?

I have a update view, where I need to preselect the value stored in database for a Spinner. I was having in mind something like this, but the Adapter has no indexOf method, so I am stuck . void setSpinner(String value) { int pos=getSpinnerField().getAdapter().indexOf(value); getSpinnerField().setSelection(pos); ...

How to get the keys from ContentValues?

My ContentValues object has string keys, and I would like to get a String[] result having all the keys in it? How do I iterate a ContentValues object? EDIT 1 After getting two responses I came up with this, do you see problems with it? ArrayList<String> ar = new ArrayList<String>(); ContentValues cv=data; Set<...

Unable to install Android USB driver on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

Unlike some others, my Android SDK setup went smoothly on my new Windows 7 Pro 64 bit machine. However, I am currently hung up on installing the android usb drivers. What is the current state of this issue? There has been some discussion of this problem on the web but no consensus is immediately apparent. ...

Marker Recognition on Android (recognising Rubik's Cubes)

Hi everybody. I'm developing an augmented reality application for Android that uses the phone's camera to recognise the arrangement of the coloured squares on each face of a Rubik's Cube. One thing that I am unsure about is how exactly I would go about detecting and recognising the coloured squares on each face of the cube. If you look...

Android: How to set the maximum size of a Spinner?

Here is my layout <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:id="@+id/LinearLayout01" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <Spinner android:text="@+id/AutoCompleteTextView01" an...

Android: Using html5 to determine geolocation in webview with javascript api

I'm currently having an issue with geolocation in a webview. I have a webapp. I'm currently not using phonegap or any other mobile framework. I've been unsuccessful at getting the built-in html5 geolocation javascript api to work on an application that runs in a webview in an android app. The site works fine otherwise from the chrome bro...

Update doesn't work when using ContentResolver to update Contact Groups

I have this code for update: public Boolean update() { try { data.put(ContactsContract.Groups.SHOULD_SYNC, true); ContentResolver cr = ctx.getContentResolver(); Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(ContactsContract.Groups.CONTENT_URI, Long.parseLong(getId())); int mid = cr.update(uri, data,_ID+"="+getId(), null); // n...

Disable keyboard input on Android TimePicker

I'm developing and Android app using the 1.6 sdk. I'm using a TimePicker and I don't want the soft keyboard to come up when you click on the digits in the TimePicker. I only want the TimePicker to be changed using the plus and minus buttons. I've tried using android:focusable="false" and android:focusableInTouchMode="false" hoping those ...

Receiving VCard through Bluetooth in Android Mobile

Hi, If I want to send VCard from any Nokia mobile to Android mobile means after receiving the VCard where it will stored in the Android Mobile either it is stored in the SMS Inbox or some other location.I never used the Android mobile till now, so please any one knows it help me. ...

How to validate javax cipher key?

I'm an android developer trying to use the javax.crypto package to encrypt/decrypt my SQLite database backups when I put them on the SD Card. That way, they can't be read while they're in the publicly accessible file system. I can encrypt/decrypt the file just fine, but I have no idea how to tell if the user input the right key or the ...

Can i run Android 2.0 application in Android 1.5?

Hi I developed one simple android application targeting the Mobiles with android 2.0 OS.I want to know whether i can run the same application in android 1.5 .If any body knows it please help me out. ...

Android Center Layout Hiding Button

I am working on a fairly basic screen layout for my first Android application and running into some issues. My goal is to have a TextView in the top left and top right corner, a large "hello world" TextView in the exact middle of the screen, and then a button at the bottom of the screen. My issue is, to center the "hello world" TextVie...

Launching Google Finance and display graph on a particular Stock, is that possible ?

I would like to do two things within my Android app : Check if the Google Finance app is installed on the device. Should be pretty straighforward, isn't it ? If yes, launch an intent to Open up Google Finance, displaying a graph on a particular Stock. So I also need to pass the stock ticker to Google Finance in some way... but is this...

Set background color for Dialog titlebar?

Hi, I'm creating a class derived from Dialog. The titlebar of the dialog looks really nice, it's a dark grey color that is somewhat transparent. Is there a way to set the color used for the background of the titlebar? The grey is cool, but I would like to set it to some custom color. I don't think this is possible, I think I'd need to s...

Can't dispatch DDM chunk 46454154: no handler defined - Eclipse - Android SDK

I'm working on a Windows 7, 64 bit machine, and just downloaded and installed the Android SDK and am using Eclipse with Android plugin. I was just going through the "Hello Android" guide here: Hello, Android I also did the suggestions on this page: Droid FAQ Before following the FAQ, the program would compile and run but wouldn't regi...

ANDROID: how does addProximityAlert() work exactly?

I'm looking for information about how "addProximityAlert()" exactly works At what intervals does it check? What happens if we use more than one addProximmityAlert(, do they work independently(do they check individually)? ...

Which GUI framework to learn when you know scripting and HCI

I have some knowledge about Human computer interaction and some basic knowledge programming scripts (Python) that run from start to finish and automate some tasks I want to do or calculations. In the past I built interfaces in HTML with PHP behind it. I would like my python scripts to evolve from the command line and build some applicat...

Upload a library photo with Android web browser

As is disabled on Android, is it possible to upload a photo from library, in Browser somehow? Camera/Photo Library JavaScript API? Thanks ...