
Access a thread to notify it from another method (Android application)

Hi everybody, I'm developping an android application and trying to deal with threads without really knowing a lot about them... (Yeah bit stupid of me, I know) I'll try to explain it properly and quite quickly. In the onCreate method of my activity, I'm calling an AlertDialog to make the user choose to either load data from the internet...

Animation support for Android SDK 1.5?

I'm trying to add some animations to my application. I've essentially got a few menu screens, that all eventually lead to the main application that is a surface view. I want to add some nice animations between screen like fading in and out between screens. What's the easiest way to do this that is supported by SDK1.5 and above (I want to...

3D polygonal triangulation in opengl es

im looking for any information about a builtin algorithm in opengl es to convert a 3d polygon in a triangle set. is there anything implemented like that in opengl es? ...

Can one programmatically generate the focused image for an ImageButton?

I'm porting an application from iPhone to Android. The iPhone app has artwork for some dozen or more buttons in their normal and pressed state. That translated over just fine to Android. However, we of course currently don't have any images for the "focused" state. Besides the work involved in creating all these focused button images, w...

android : set the menu out / visible

Hi everybody, Maybe this question has been asked already but I can't find any information about that even in the "Menu" section of Android's doc... So does anyone know if there is a way to set the menu out on an activity (to avoid the user clicking on the menu button of the phone)...? ...

Seeking good sources for icons, artwork etc.

Has anyone got a good source for icons that can be used in an application? I'm thinking of things like pushpins, scope sights, house, car, shop, and other small graphics you might overlay on a map or picture. Most people just rip them off from the web, but I'm looking for an honest source. A while ago, I found a website marketplace wh...

android sdk main.out.xml parsing error?

I just started a new Android project, "WeekendStudy" to continue learning Android development and I got stumped compiling the default 'hello weekendstudy' compile / run. I think that I missed a step in configuration and setup, but I am at a loss to find out where. I have an AVD configured, set and launched. When I press 'run', the SDK...

Android Emulator - Having the keyboard display touch input when using physical keyboard to type?

Hello, was wondering if it was possible to use my physical keyboard to type, and have the android emulator simulate it as if it were a touch (specifically- the button highlights, and letter overlay) thanks ...

How can I get an Android TableLayout to fill the screen?

Hi, I'm battling with Android's retarded layout system. I'm trying to get a table to fill the screen (simple right?) but it's ridiculously hard. I got it to work somehow in XML like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TableLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_height="fill_parent" a...

why does this work on android 1.5 but not 1.6 (location manager)

I have this bit of code; lm = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); gpslocation = Double.toString(lm.getLastKnownLocation("gps").getLatitude()) +" " + Double.toString(lm.getLastKnownLocation("gps").getLongitude()); Which works fine on both the emulator and my hero running android 1.5, but it Force Closes...

Android: Populating a listview with array items

I'm new to Android and I think I'm trying to do something really basic: I have a 5 strings in my Array (say 'One', 'Two', ...). I want to add these 5 strings to my list view in my listactivity. My List: <ListView android:id="@+id/android:list" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/...

Objective-C and Android

I've just finished a relatively large project for the Android, and it's left a bitter taste in my mouth with the knowledge that it will never run on one of the most ubiquitous handsets this side of the solar system (the one by that fruity little club). So, for my next project, I want to write it in a way that makes most of the component...

Make Android Activity looks like dialog

Hi, I am trying to open a dialog on widget click. I have solved the problem skinning the activity started on click with android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog". Unfortunately I cannot reach the same look of a dialog. This is the outcome: while I would like to reach this result (except for the but...

How to generate a ListView with headers above some sections?

I want to generate a Listview that has some dividers between some of the entries, like it can be seen in some of the property sections. See the example below. I try to generate a List that consists of some textviews followed by one of the fancy dividers explaining the next part of the list and then again some text views. How can this be ...

Where's the "new" keyword? Android Tutorial Woes.

While working my way through the Android tutorials, I came across something I don't understand. It's probably extremely simple, but I just need an idea why it's this way. In the tutorial: The tutorial seems to construct a new AutoCompleteTextView using: Aut...

Can I underline text in an android layout?

How can I define underlined text in an Android layout xml file? ...

Refresh list of drawables in Eclipse?

When I add drawable resources to my project they do not show up in the list of drawables in the Reference Chooser. I checked the R file and there are references for the files. I have tried refreshing the project, cleaning the project, and fixing project properties and nothing seems to help. Sometimes a couple will randomly show up in ...

how to use the photo picker and specify a folder

I've been looking into the photo picker which I want to use as part of an application I am developing. I have set up the picker to respond to intents and have tested it in my application. However the way I am hoping to use the photo picker is to restrict it to a specific folder on the SD card. Is this possible, I have looked through the ...

Android: Progress bar that shows a countdown?

I a currently using a new thread to create a UI thread and then displaying a progress bar. Can someone tell me how to do the same for a thirty second progress dialog (should do some work and disappear after this duration) that can be done using a handler instead? ...

radio application on android

Hello.I'm trying to build a radio application for Android.I'm an android newbie,but familiar with Java.Could anyone tell me the procedure for streaming audio from an internet radio station onto my android device in detail?Thanks in advance :) ...