
android avd help please

i cant seem to get my avd built and i dont understand why i got all the tools i even have GIT but when i try to do the command avd devices it will say no such command can any on help me please and thank you ...

android: using listpreference and retrieving key string...

I have a settings menu that pops up and in it is a listpreference type menu. It is associated with a settings.xml file where there are 'array-strings' within it. It all works good but I don't know how to retrieve the users preference. As an example, let's say the user picks a color (red, green, or blue). The list that I've made within m...

How to test Calendar Event on emulator?

Hi everybody, I am developing an application which requires to add Calendar event. I have written the code for inserting event to the calendar. But whenever i run my application, everytime i get error that "Fail to find provider info for Calendar" and it also throws me NullPointerException error. So, what it means and i found that emula...

Loading textures in an Android OpenGL ES App.

I was wondering if anyone could advise on a good pattern for loading textures in an Android Java & OpenGL ES app. My first concern is determining how many texture names to allocate and how I can efficiently go about doing this prior to rendering my vertices. My second concern is in loading the textures, I have to infer the texture to b...

Horizontal "tab"ish scroll between views

I'm interested in creating a horizontal scroll view that "snaps" to the viewed item, so only one item is ever shown at a time. The user can touch-drag left/right and will see previous/next views, switching to it if there's enough velocity. This interaction is exactly like what the new weather/news widget that comes with the Nexus One doe...

Android Web View

I am curious if there is a way from within a WebView when a button is clicked it display a new view on top of the current display. I have a web site and when the user clicks the signature field I want to be able to capture the signature on the device. From the best I can tell the easiest way is to write this section in the Android SDK....

Android Release Version and "Waiting for Debugger"

I know this has been asked before but I still don't have a solution. My first app: developed and debugged on my moto droid and then followed all the release steps, (exported from Eclipse, using my key to sign) including removing the debug in the manifest xml. I copied the resulting apk to the droid, disconnected the usb and installed it...

Launching a reduced browser

Sorry for the title, I couldn't argue something better. Here is my question: Is it possible to launch a browser on Android and don't give the option to change page? For instance, if I launch a browser to, i want the user to navigate on the site, but don't give the ability to go to another site. Is this feasible? ...

Can't find my installed application

Greets, Made some app on android. I for the life of me can't get it to install on the phone as a stand alone application. It runs fine when I deploy from eclipse but never remains on the device. any idea whats happening? I put the apk file on a web server, went to the address downloaded and installed but still it wasn't to be found. ...

Getting WebView content, or cookies

Is there a way to get the current content of a WebView? What about Cookies for a specific host+url? ...

Re-tweets and replies with JTwitter

I have not used Twitter enough to become familiar with its terminology or the way it works, so please help me in understanding the problem I have at hand. I am getting last 20 status updates posted by some Twitter user via RSS feed, the feed XML is parsed and the statuses are displayed in a ListView. Which means that I have the original...

Prevent ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button (Android)

In a long-running operation, I'm showing a popup dialog (created from ProgressDialog to prevent other operations from happening). I have made it non-cancellable with setCancellable(false), so I can't close it using the back button, but surprisingly, the Search hardware button dismisses the dialog! More exactly, the global search applic...

TabWidget Height

Is it possible to set the TabWidget height and have the tab labels adjust? If I set the TabWidget height too small, then the labels are hidden from view. <TabHost xmlns:android="" android:id="@android:id/tabhost" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_par...

Replace standard Android JSON parser for better performance?

I know that Android has a JSON parser baked in but I was wondering if it was worth using something that offered better performance (like Jackson - see ? Anybody tried that ? ...

Android 1.5: Asynctask doInBackground() not called when get() method is called

Hi all, I am running into an issue with the way my asynctasks are executed. Here's the problem code: firstTask = new background().new FirstTask(context); if(firstTask.execute().get().toString().equals("1")) secondTask = new background().new SecondTask(context); What I'm doing here is creating a new asynctask object, assignin...

Invoke .NET C# web service from Android, using complex data type

I need to call a web service using ksoap2, from Android! The real problem I am facing is that, I have to use a complex data type. ( a class containing two strings ). Does anybody have an example of passing a complex type to a webservice, preferably, only using SoapObject ? Thanks in advance ...

getSharedPreferences not working for me with concerns to ListPreferences and Integers

I'm stuck at a point where I'm trying to get my project to read a preference value (from a ListPreference listing) and then use that value in a basic mathematical subtraction instance. The problem is that the "seek" preference is not being seen by my Java code, and yet the default value is (I've tried the default value with 3000 and now...

BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set.

Hi! I'm having issues with BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream). When using it without options, it will return an image. But when I use it with options as in .decodeStream(inputStream, null, options) it never returns Bitmaps. What I'm trying to do is to downsample a Bitmap before I actually load it to save memory. I've read some goo...

Android Spinner not displaying list items.

I think I am going crazy right now. I am trying to create a spinner populated by a datatable but for some reason the dropdown list items text is not being displayed. I have looked all over and have seen other posts with people having this same problem. Can anyone help?? speciesList = (Spinner) findViewById(; sp...

Android - Vertical layout only

How do I make sure my app is only for vertical layout? I added this android:screenOrientation="portrait" but that doesn't seem to do the trick. ...