
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity?

I have 3 classes in my example: Class A, the main activity. Class A calls a startActivityForResult: Intent intent = new Intent(this, ClassB.class); startActivityForResult(intent, "STRING"); Class B, this class is a TabActivity: Intent intent = new Intent(this, ClassC.class); tabHost.addTab... Class C, this class is a regular Activ...

How does Android Market secure my application against distribution?

Up to now, I've only distributed a few apps by sending .apk files around. I was wondering how Android Market prevents users from distributing a paid application to other people. ...

Using the LIMIT statement in a SQLite query

Hi guys. I have a query that selects rows in a ListView without having a limit. But now that i have implemented a SharedPreferences that the user can select how much rows will be displayed in the ListView, my SQLite query doesnt work. Im passing the argument this way: return wDb.query(TABELANOME, new String[] {IDTIT, TAREFATIT, SUMARIO...

What are subscription applications?

I heard this term recently. What are subscription applications(for a mobile platform). Does this term fall under standard usage? Are there any examples of such a mobile application? Thanks. ...

How to add a Horizontal BarGraph in Android platform?

Hi Any one please help me to build a horizontal bar graph in my android platform ...

Moving views inside a layout/view in Android

. . I have more than one question, but I'll start with the more important and problematic one: . . I have a FrameLayout with a ImageView inside it. . . I need to get the size of the "usable area" of the screen my activity is ocupping, so I set the "onSizeChanged" on my View (I extended the ImageView class). Everything worked fine here. ...

Android:How to get back image set for a button programmatically?

Hello friends, I have setup background image for a button as below. // declarations globally declared... ImageButton sampleButton; int sampleFirstImage = 0; int sampleSecondImage = R.drawable.imageSecond; ...................................... ...................................... sampleFirstImage = R.drawable.imageFirst; sampleButton...

black screen is displaying in android

i opened my application after i am not doing any kind of operation i leave the mobile 5 min after 5 min when i touch the my application it is showing black there any way to avoid this idle state Thanks in advance Aswan ...

Zoom controls not appearing after first click, for later clicks

My problem is that the zoom controls don't appear on the mapview after one click, i.e the first click after the application loads. (I am using the deprecated version.) In my application, on a click I position a pushpin on the touched location and also generate a toast with the co-ordinates. After I click the map, the pin is re-loacated ...

Android, Transparent sub-GLSurfaceView in layout?

I'd like to display some 3d object on top of the normal 2d ui layout screen. The 2d ui screen has background image, and GLSurfaceView is child of the content layout. I tried the same technique of the Translucent GLSurfaceView in ApiDemos sample, but GLSurfaceView clears all and shows black background. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="...

is it possible to display video information from an rtsp stream in an android app UI

I have managed to get a working video player that can stream rtsp links, however im not sure how to display the videos current time position in the UI, i have used the getDuration and getCurrentPosition calls, stored this information in a string and tried to display it in the UI but it doesnt seem to work in main.xml: TextView andro...

Help: 8 X 10 2-dimensional array of buttons in android

hi, i am stuck with a problem creating buttons dynamically in android. This is what i want to do- I want to create 8 x 10 array of buttons. Since declaring 80 buttons in main.xml isn't efficient, I want to do this in the program itself. The biggest problem is placing/aligning the buttons like a grid. I can create button objects but how ...

How to Integrate Facebook Connect with Android

How to integrate Facebook Connect and API with Android Application? ...

Google Search api for Android systems

Hi, I'm trying to build an android app that would do a local search on google. I know there is a Google Search API for Java, and I am able to use it for a desktop application. However, when I use the same jar file (gsearch.jar) in my android project, Some problems arise. When I call the .localSearch() method of my gsearch.Client objec...

Getting EditText field from XML

I have an activity in my app, when i call the line EditText username = (EditText)findViewById(; the app crashes, why is this? ...

How to make a checkers game on Android?

I like to develop a simple 2D Java game for checkers. I want the pieces to move on top of the other. So if a white or a black piece is removed then that piece should be the one below the piece**(jumping directly over)** that is responsible for removing it, just like it happens in the checkers game. This is my core requirement. Any clue? ...

How to create an activity for each tab that is created dynamically?

I am trying to create and remove tabs dynamically. Usually an activity should be set for each tab created in TabSpec. But how to do it when the tabs are created dynamically? Here I am using a frame layout to display tab content. If I try to use the same activity by setting the tab content, the text is getting overlapped. Here I have to r...

Suggest a good Android development workflow

Hello, I'm interested in developing android applications. I've a background of Java/Swing/C++/ajax developer so I think I may find myself at home. As I installed the SDK I noticed that I can't follow my usual java development scheme: building base libraries, then the final app. In fact I'd like to develop libs and test them in a more con...

Problem with Google Analytics for Android : "Dispatcher thinks it finished, but there were 543 failed events"

Anyone know how to solve this problem? 03-23 13:03:20.585: WARN/googleanalytics(3430): Problem with socket or streams. 03-23 13:03:20.585: WARN/googleanalytics(3430): Broken pipe 03-23 13:03:20.585: WARN/googleanalytics(3430): at org.apache.harmony.luni.platform.OSNetworkSystem.sendStreamImpl(Native Met...

How to create PDFs in Android SDK?

Hi, is there any way to create create PDF Files from an android application? So far I've found nothing short of writing all the code from scratch. Is there any API I can use, that works on android? Thanks in advance. ...