
What is best practice with SQLite and Android ?

What is considered "best practice" when executing queries on a SQLite db within an Android app? Is it safe to run inserts, deletes and select queries from an AsyncTask's doInBackground ? Or should I use the UI Thread ? I suppose that db queries can be "heavy" and should not use the UI thread as it can lock up the app - resulting in an A...

Comet without AJAX

Suppose I only had the regular J2SE http libraries but wanted to write a client for comet, say in Android etc, but not limited to that, i.e. not using a WebView. Since there's no browser I'm assuming you'd have to open the long term connections yourself ... is this feasible? ...

Is There a Standard Help Document/Manual in Android?

Hi All, I am writing and publishing my apps on android and would like to provide help document (manual) to users of my apps. I've seen apps open up external web pages as their help, or use html view to open local html documents. Are these the ways we are supposed to deliver manual to our users? ...

Changing the style attribute of a button according to its state

I know you can change buttons background by creating a simple XML file, like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android="" > <item android:state_window_focused="false" android:state_enabled="true" android:drawable="@drawable/button_normal" ...

How to get selected item of a singlechoice Alert Dialog?

I have this code to show a dialog with singlechoice(radio) options. AlertDialog ad = new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setCancelable(false) .setIcon(R.drawable.alert_dialog_icon) .setTitle(R.string.choose_one) .setSingleChoiceItems(seq, pos,null) .setPositiveButton( R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClic...

Creating a questionnaire app: which format to choose?

Hi everyone, I am working on an App which let's a user answer sets of questions from a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be created and published on a web-server. The Android client periodically queries the web-server to check if new questionnaires are available. Each item from the questionnaire will be displayed in its own Activit...

Android Image Getter for Larger Images

I have used all the Standard Network related code for Getting Images of about 45KB to 75KB but all are failing these methods work fine for Files of about 3-5KB size of Images. How can I achieve Downloading Image of 45 - 75KB for displaying them on an ImageView in Android for my Network Operations the Things I have used are final URL ur...

MP3 Decoding on Android

Hi. We're implementing a program for Android phones that plays audio streamed from the internet. Here's approximately what we do: Download a custom encrypted format. Decrypt to get chunks of regular MP3 data. Decode MP3 data to raw PCM data in a memory buffer. Pipe the raw PCM data to an AudioTrack Our target devices so far are Dro...

How to customize the top status bar in an Android app?

Specifically I want to change the text and background colors. Is it possible to change the colors of the 'animated progress wheel' too? Can I use a theme to do this? Can anyone point me to an example theme I can look at? ...

Am I able to run SQL functions on a ContentResolver columns query?

I am wondering if Android's ContentResolver supports using SQL functions over the columns when you query a ContentProvider. Such as SQLite3 date functions, to get a specific date format, or datediff? What do you know about this? ...

Android: how to hide and then show View with animation effect?

I have similar question like this one: Basically: I have one vertical LinearLayout View with edittext, button and then list. I'd like to hide exittext after pressing button to make more space for list (button will go up). On second press edittext should be visib...

ListView: convertView / holder getting confused

I'm working with a ListView, trying to get the convertView / referenceHolder optimisation to work properly but it's giving me trouble. (This is the system where you store the pointers in as a tag for each View to avoid having to call findViewById). I have a ListView populated with simple rows of an ImageView and some text, but t...

How to load a Bluetooth .apk file in Android G1 phone through Linux OS?

Hi, I want to install a Bluetooth Application over my G1 device in linux environment.Please any Body provide me the procedure for this ? Whenever i am installing the application following error was thrown:- adb install /home/parveen/workspace/BluetoothChat/bin/BluetoothChat.apk 337 KB/s (28084 bytes in 0.081s) pkg: /da...

In an android app I would like to show a progress bar on a child tab until the webview loads. Any ideas?

Hi In an android app I am using a tabview for an app and one of the tabs shows a webview. But the page is blank until the web page loads. how would one show a progress bar until the page loads. It cannot be in the title bar because that is hidden by the tabhost ...

Close activity via click on Android notification list. Pendingintent?

Hello Stackoverflow, I'm looking to find out how to stop an activity instead of resuming upon the click of the item on the notification list. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

What kind of icon should I deploy with my Android 1.x and 2.x application?

The thing is this, in Android 1.5 and 1.6 we had the Icon Design Guidelines. In this guide there are specifications for application icons. Every application should conform to this. However, in recent Android versions (2.0 and 2.1) icons have changed from the old to this new flat 2D style. Every icon in Nexus One has this style, so not ev...

About Android IDE

Right now I'm using Eclipse for Android development, but my computer is kind of old and I like responsive development environments. I've tried using VIM, Emacs and TextMate but I'm missing every feature in the Eclipse Android plugin: Auto generate R class Check for errors & warnings on code Auto completion Deploy to device or emulator...

Android: Custom ListAdapter extending BaseAdapter crashes on application launch.

Data being pulled from a local DB, then mapped using a cursor. Custom Adapter displays data similar to a ListView. As items are added/deleted from the DB, the adapter is supposed to refresh. The solution attempted below crashes the application at launch. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, -D @Override public View getView(int posi...

Android on-screen keyboard auto popping up.

One of my apps has an "opening screen" (basically a menu) that has an EditText followed by several Buttons. The problem is that several of my users are reporting that when they open the app it's automatically popping up the on-screen keyboard without them even touching the EditText. As far as I can tell, all of these users are using the ...

Where to get streaming (live) video and audio from camera example app for Android?

Where to get streaming (live) video and audio from camera example for Android? Suppose I want to create some live video streaming service app so I'll have some cool server at the back end. And I know how to do that part. Suppose I have some stand alone app for PCs now I want to go on to mobile devices. So I want to see some sample app g...