
How do I get a Java to call data from the Internet? Where to even start??

Hello oh great wizards of all things android. I really need your help. Mostly because my little brain just doesn't know were to start. I am trying to pull data from the internet to make a widget for the home screen. I have the layout built: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.androi...

View overlapping with RelativeLayout on Android 1.5

I am having a problem with views overlapping in a RelativeLayout on Android 1.5... Everything is working fine on Android 1.6 and above. I do understand that Android 1.5 has some issues with RelativeLayout, but I was not able to find anything on StackOverflow or the android beginners group for my specific problem. My layout consists of...

android canvas.drawBitmap somehow shows up behind the view

hi, i called canvas.drawBitmap to draw an image, but somehow it's showing up behind/underneath the custom view (or it's background). can someone explain this? thanks. ...

Creating a ListView and setting the background color of a view in each row.

Hey Everyone, I am trying to implement a ListView that is composed of rows that contain a View on the left followed by a TextView to the right of that. I want to be able to change the background color of the first View based on it's position in the ListView. Below is what I have at this point but it doesn't seem to due anything. publi...

How to detect when the screen is on?

As mentioned in a previous question, I am having difficulty intercepting all android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON events without a long-lived service (discouraged). I may be able to work around the need if I can simply work out when the screen is on at any given time, in the service. Can anyone suggesting a method call that would return thi...

Should I use multiple ListViews?

Hi to everybody! I have a RelativeLayout with different elements. I was planning to have two ListViews on it, but I have noticed there are some problems with scrolling. Since each ListView only shows a maximum of 5 rows should I try to make some kind of custom adapter to merge those ListViews? Or is it better to replace the ListView with...

Sax Parser Character Array to Integer??

Hello, I am trying to get the contents of tags into variables in my java Sax parser. However, the Characters method only returns Char arrays. Is there anyway to get the Char array into an Int??? public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) { if(this.in_total_results) { // my INT varialble would be nice here! ...

Displaying a table on the Android platform.

Any suggestions on the best way to display this table on an Android platform? The formatting is not necessary but I am looking for a flexible way to do this because there are numerous tables with different numbers of rows and columns. ...

App Install History on Android

Does anyone know if there's a way to access past app installs via the sdk? I want to be able to get a list of all the apps users have downloaded from the Market. ...

Learning Recommendations? Classroom? Tutorials?

Does anyone have any recommendations for a class (online) or tutorial that teaches android programing for dummies? It's frustrating knowing exactly what you want to do and no idea how to do it. Something that uses basic language and explains each line in detail to help a person remember how to do it later. Any suggestions would be gre...

Put together tiles in android sdk and use as background

In a feeble attempt to learn some Android development am I stuck at graphics. My aim here is pretty simple: Take n small images and build a random image, larger than the screen with possibility to scroll around. Have an animated object move around on it I have looked at the SDK examples, Lunar Lander especially but there are a few th...

Puting contact number into field

I have this code that has one button that let's me choose an entry from contacts, and passes that choesn contact to onActivityResult function. My question is how do I select data of that single contact when all that is passed is an Intent in data variable. That data variable, if converted to string shows something like "dat: content://co...

How to add controls to a Tab Layout in Android?

Hi I am following this tutorial and have completed it. Now I would actually like to add you know some controls to these tabs like textboxes(text edit). How do I do this? I go to my mail.xml using eclipse as my ide and go to layout view and I now get a NullP...

How to create a layout file programmatically

I was wondering if it were possible to dynamically create an XML layout file to be displayed to the user. The idea would be to be able to retrieve a layout file from a central server, which could display this dynamic, server driven GUI. ...

Finding the "name" of your Android application.

Is there any way to (programatically) find out what your app's name is? I'm specifically talking about the android:label property from the application tag in the manifest file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.example.test" android:versionCode="1" an...

Including Android Activities (and their layouts) in JAR files.

I'm trying to write a library that can be shared as a JAR file. This library will include an Activity and I'd like to include the layout in the JAR. Since it doesn't seem possible to include resource files in a JAR and I don't want the end-users to have to include these files themselves I was thinking it would be a nice hack to include t...

Multiple Listviews in single Activity in Android?

I want to have multiple listviews in single activity. But only one listview should be displayed at one time. The listviews will be loaded dynamically. So, how can I fill all the four listviews at the same time and display only one? ...

How to resolve Android class issues: android.Manifest$permission and android.R?

I have updated software and ADT in my Eclipse a number of times. I am unable to run projects above than 1.5.I have the following errors showing up in my console window after i create a HelloWorld project with API Level 4 (1.6): [2010-04-04 22:21:53 - Framework Resource Parser] Collect resource IDs failed, class android.R not found in E:...

Gotchas INSERTing into SQLite on Android?

Hi friends, I'm trying to set up a simple SQLite database in Android, handling the schema via a subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper. However, when I query my tables, the columns I think I've inserted are never present. Namely, in SQLiteOpenHelper's onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) method, I use db.execSQL() to run CREATE TABLE commands, then have...

Android read browser history

I want to read browser history in Android phone. I have done some document reading, then I come to know that we can read browser history by android.provider.Browser class. It has : final static Cursor getAllVisitedUrls(ContentResolver cr) ...method which returns Cursor. May I get help to handle Cursor, or any example code to get br...