
Class Generator for web services against Java/Android

Is there any class generators to process web services in Android/Java? I may have to write my own to generate classes against WSDL but I'm trying not to. Also is there one for REST services as well? If not providing me with discovery service suggestions like disco/wsdl are good enough. ...

Is it possible to pull a webpage or content from the web into a widget on the android home screen

Hi there. I have a php web page that will randomize an image that is 158x154. I was able to get the android application to work, but would also like to get it to work as a widget. How the heck can I get a widget to pull information from the net? I got the widget to work and layout correctly with a black sample image. I have tried to...

Developing Android Applications with an HTC Tattoo Phone

Has anyone managed to develop Android Applications using Eclipse on the Windows platform. I understand the ADB needs to recognise specific models of phone and wondered if the Tattoo is supported. thanks Mark ...

Android adding external libraries to project

I have a project that I would like to add external libraries to (and have them packaged with the application) but I am not sure it is happening. I read on this link: how to, but they do not show up in any of the /data/data/project directories. Does anyone know h...

Android - Array or for statement problem

I making on a app, but I have a problem with for or with a array. When I use this code Button Button[] = {(Button)findViewById(, (Button)findViewById(, (Button)findViewById(,(Button)findViewById(}; ... case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: for (int i = 0; i < Button.length; i++) { ...

android/rails multipart upload problem

My problem is that I try to upload an image and some text values to an rails server, and the text values end up as files, insted of just param values. How the post looks on the server Parameters: {"action"=>"create", "controller"=>"problems", "problem"=>{"lon"=>#File:/tmp/RackMultipart20100404-598-8pi1vj-0>, "photos_attributes"=>{"0"=...

How to print out returned message from HttpResponse?

Hi I have this code on my Android phone. URI uri = new URI(url); HttpPost post = new HttpPost(uri); HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpResponse response = client.execute(post); I have a webform application that has in the page load this Response.Output.Write("It worked"); I want to grab this Resp...

Trouble parsing quotes with SAX parser (javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser) on Android API 1.5

When using a SAX parser, parsing fails when there is a " in the node content. How can I resolve this? Do I need to convert all " characters? In other words, anytime I have a quote in a node: <node>characters in node containing "quotes"</node> That node gets butchered into multiple character arrays when the Handler is parsing it. Is...

Fast way to perform addition of 2 LARGE float arrays in Android. Optional JNI or Opengl ES

I simply need to add floatArray1 to floatArray2 storing the result in floatArray2.. no third array.. all arrays are one dimensional but are very large... probibly as large as the os will let me get away with. Max i would need is two float arrays with 40,000 floats each... but i could get away with 1/10th that i suppose minimum. Would lo...

Removing paths/points from MapView

Hi, I have drawn something like this: How to remove the paths and points? ...

Checkbox 'Checked' in ListView is restored after scrolling

I'm having the following problem: I have a ListActivity, its ListView is composed by an icon, text and a checkbox (using LayoutInflater). The Adapter for the ListView extends ResourceCursorAdapter (i.e. the data source of the ListView is retrieved from a database, also the Checked status of each row) Everything works pretty Ok, exc...

Android - read and delete new SMS of a specific sender only

I'm trying to write the next function: 1) Send SMS to a service number 2) Read the response SMS content (the service's auto sent-back message that tells me if I succeed/failed to turn on the service) 3) Delete the service's auto-sent SMS I know how to do the first step, and I should be able to do the second with both: getMessageBody...

SQLite database creation fails, documentation is unclear

When I add this code to my Android 2.1 Java app, it fails: db=SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase("Locations", null); Do I need a special permission to create a database, or can anybody provide a suggestion how to find out what goes wrong? Here is the LogCat output: 04-04 15:04:28.702: DEBUG/ddm-heap(703): Got feature list request 0...

Does it make sense to have more than one UDP Datagram socket on standby? Are "simultaneous" packets dropped or queued by the kernel?

I'm coding a networking application on Android. I'm thinking of having a single UDP port and Datagram socket that receives all the datagrams that are sent to it and then have different processing queues for these messages. I'm doubting if I should have a second or third UDP socket on standby. Some messages will be very short (100bytes ...

How to send AT command in android?

Hi All, I want to send At command throug my application to modem. Can some one please let me know how to send AT command thr my application?? Do we need Phone object to send AT command??? The ATResponseParser class parses part of the AT command syntax used to communicate with the mobile radio hardware in a mobile handset. This is, in ...

how to show another List View 'B' after clicking List View 'A'

Hi I'd like to show another List View 'B' after clicking a item of List View 'A'. I use onListItemClick event in Android 1.6 project. public void onListItemClick( ListView parent, View v, int position, long id) { Toast.makeText(this, "You have selected " + lv_arr...

r cannot be resolved on ubuntu + eclipse + android sdk

Hi i have erorr "R cannot be resolved" everytime when i create android project in eclipse under ubuntu with android sdk. In windows everything ok. What's wrong? ...

android surfaceview is no longer visible after back from other activity

i have a question in developing some android program... i use surfaceview for camera preview. it works fine, but has one problem when i start other activity (by clicking something) and then back from that activity. after that, surfaceview is no longer visible. (but onclicklistener is working) but when i occur surfacecreated/destoryed b...

is Ultralite supported for Android?

if yes, is there a tutorial available for creating an android app using the same? if no, what db can i use apart from from SQLite, i need to keep the DB seperate from other apps. ...

android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON doesn't work as a receiver intent filter

I'm trying to get a BroadcastReceiver invoked when the screen is turned on. In my AndroidManifest.xml I have specified : <receiver android:name="IntentReceiver"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON"></action> </intent-fi...