
How to disable "Next" button on a EditText software keyboard (replace with "Done" button)

I have a bunch of EditTexts in my Android application, each with InputMethod set to numberSigned. My target device does not have a hardware keyboard and thusly uses the software keyboard for numeric entry. Android attempts to be user-friendly and replaces the standard "Done" button to the right of the entry box with a "Next" button, prob...

Icecast/shoutcast streaming on Android

Is there a way to stream shoutcast/icecast on the android? Passing the icecast URL to the mediaplayer does not work and after researching the topic it seems it is because android can't play raw aac files without a media container. What can I do to get around this? Thanks ...

Android: Create TextView that flashes when clicked

How do I set up a TextView to flash when it is clicked? With flashing I mean that I want to change the background color of the TextView. I essentially want one of the objects that is displayed in a ListActivity, but inside a normal View. I have tried to do this by adding an OnClickListener, but what I really need is something like add...

Typical Search, Result and Detail Workflow Staying Within an Android Tab

So, I've been banging my head looking for a good solution for a few days and am stuck. I have a search screen (Activity) in a tab, and after the user enters a value and clicks "search" I would like the results to come back in that same tab, and then if an item from the results is selected, to show more detailed results, in that same tab...

Android: Making padding dynamic in a FrameLayout

Hi, I'm following an example where the author hard coded a paddingTop to 370px. ... How do I make that paddingTop dynamic? When I run this in 2 AVDs with HVGA and WVGA80 I get the frame floating at different heights. I'd like to say something like paddingTop=80%, but that doesn't work... Thanks! llappall ...

Convert Android project to 'regular' Java project inside Eclipse ?

Ive inherited some code which started out as an Android project but really is just an API to be used by other applications. Hence, the 'build' process usually just produces a JAR file. The problem Im having is that I get errors from the Android build tools in my console which seem to fire everytime I make a change to some files. How do I...

Android - Enter button with finger detection?

Hello, I'm working on a soundboard, however I've got a problem when it come to drag the finger over the screen to play the sounds for the buttons I drag the finger over. Button Button3 = (Button)findViewById(; Button3.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v...

Using blowfish encryption with Android?

I'm trying to use a blowfish cipher inside an Android application. It appears that the Android platform supports blowfish (it appears to be in the source code), but when I try to get a cipher using: Cipher.getInstance("blowfish"); I get a "" ...

android: adding button to the title of the app?

Is it possible to add a button to the right corner of the app title? e.g., adding a "refresh" button to the title of "Feed: my feeds"? ...

Is there any way to post Facebook status using ContactsContent Provider?

I am using QuickContactBadge widget in my application.I want to post facebook status message using contactsContentProvider. ...

how to add multiple widgets in one app?!!

Hello, I've just finished my Android widget. Now I need to have different sizes of this wiget for the user to choose from. for example I need a medium, small and large size widget. so when the user install the app and hold the the home screen then choose widget, in the widget menu I want him to see three widget with the same app name ...

How to set the size of spinner

Hi Guys,I want to know how to set the size of spinner.When i added large values to spinner list,the spinner expands and as result it pushes the labelField to the further left. I want to know the how to set the spinner size to be a constant one ...

Android beginner: Touch events in android gridview

I am using the following code to do things with gridview(slightly modified from I want to replace the onClicklistener and the onClick() method with their "touch" equivalents i.e. touchlistener and onTouch() so that when i touch an element in the gridview the ima...

Handle existing instance of root activity when launching root activity again from intent filter

Hi, I'm having difficulties handling multiple instances of my root (main) activity for my application. My app in question has an intent filter in place to launch my application when opening an email attatchment from the "Email" app. My problem is if I launch my application first through the the android applications screen and then la...

ProgressBar between to activities in android?

when click the grid item, i want to show a progressbar between the time of next Activity shown. then the second activity has a custom listview. there also i want to show a progressbar. how to do that? ...

Need tutorials on Content providers in android

Hi folks, I am in desperate need of good tutorials on Content Providers in Android. I have been searching in the web for the tutorials but none could give me a clear idea on how content providers work. I'll be grateful if anyone can provide me with sample codes of the projects that implement content providers... ...

Delete project based on sample, then sample no longer available?

I created a new project based on the Wikitionary sample. After tinkering with it so much and screwing it up, I decided to delete the project and start over again. After deleting my project, I find that the Wiktionary sample is no longer available as a starting point. Are these one-and-done samples? Thanks ...

custom Progress Dialog in android?

i follow the step in the customdialog example in the documentation. but get htis exception . any idea? 04-03 18:50:28.787: VERBOSE/Bru_Press_Tab(750): Exception in Tabsjava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.brown/com.example.brown.Bru_Press_MostRecent}: android.util.AndroidRuntimeException: reques...

In Android ListActivity, how do you apply layout formatting to footers?

In an Android ListActivity, I am adding a button as a footer in a ListView. How can I apply layout formatting to this button like centering it and/or width=fill_parent? I have tried a few things such as using setLayoutParams(), but have not gotten it to work - the footer always disappears when I try anything. Here is the basic code I ...

How to output LogCat to Console?

Is there a way to make LogCat's output to appear in Console view in Eclipse? LogCat view is much less convenient that Console, because it's hard to see long messages in it (they are trimmed by column border) and there are no clickable highlighting in exception stack traces to quickly navigate to source of error. Just to make clear - I...