
SharedPreferences file

Hi, Does somebody knows where the file with the actual stored SharedPreferences is located? ...

WebView and Cookies on Android

I have an application on appspot that works fine through regular browser, however when used through Android WebView, it cannot set and read cookies. I am not trying to get cookies "outside" this web application BTW, once the URL is visited by WebView, all processing, ids, etc. can stay there, all I need is session management inside that ...

how to add Continue String Sign like "..." in TextView?

if i add string in a TextView for example, this is my string and TextView max length is 4 It should look like in activity this... or t... that means string continue sign at the end of assigned string if string size is bigger than Max length. Can any one guide me what should i do or i will have to manually add "..." at the end of str...

Annotation in Java/Android?

what is annotation class. what is the use of it in java/android. In iphone Annotation is used to drop a pin on the map.. java has java.lang.Annotation package... what is the use of it? can i have a examples, tutorials,sample codes, etc? ...

Doing broadcasts with http server push?

We are designing a system with a PC base station and 100 Android mobiles communicating over WiFi. They will use XLM-RPC as the method of mobile to base station communication. However, sometimes the base station needs to broadcast a message to all mobiles. Should we use "http server push" for this, ie, have the base station leave the conn...

callback in android?

in android application development, i frequently go through the word "CALLBACK" in many places. i want to know want it means to tell us technically. and how i can manage the callback of the applications. i would need a guidance to understand about it.... ...

Android Custom Listview

Hi I have created custom listview which contain Imageview+TextView+Checkbox Now my problem is that i have to get which row's check box is checked. Xml row.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout01" android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android...

kinds of animation techniques in android?

what are kinds of animation techniques in android? can u tell me the example codes, tutorials for that? Note: tween and frame animation in the documentation is not enough..... ...

Showing Live Wallpaper in a 1.6 target app by detecting if it's a 2.1 device?

We're building an Android app with target SDK 1.6, so it will run on 1.6 devices and higher. We'd like to support Live Wallpapers, which we know is 2.1+ only. Is there a way to build one app with 1.6 SDK as the target, but detect if the device it's running on is 2.1, and only in that scenario call the live wallpaper API. We're trying ...

Strange behaviour for ListPreferences

hi, Here's the problem I'm facing : In my application I have several preferences stored in sharedPreferences that record different settings of the application. These are some strings. Because I want the application to start with some default values for these settings , in onCreate I construct a "Setting" object for each setting in which...

A basic animation not showing up

I still try different basics with android, and now I'm stuck with animation. I'm trying to implement a simple animation. I've defined animation in xml file like this: alpha android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_interpolator" android:fromAlpha="0.0" android:toAlpha="1.0" duration="3000" repeatCount="infinite" In my main view gr...

When I get the Force Close dialog, I have a Report button. Where did it come from?

I feel a little bit silly asking this, but I haven't been able to find any answers on my own. My Force Close dialog has a "Report" button. I think it's a great idea, and I wish everyone had it. At first, I thought it must be something I turned on without realizing it, but not only can't I find any setting that I might have touched, I al...

How do you design and build your website to make it usable on both IPhone and Android?

Does it have to be pure html? ...

Cursor while loop returning every value but the last

Hello, I am using a while loop to iterate through a cursor and then outputing the longitude and latitude values of every point within the database. For some reason it is not returning the last (or first depending on if I use Cursor.MoveToLast) set of longitude and latitude values in the cursor. Here is my code: public void loadTrack...

Android WebView shows a blank page

Trying to create a WebView but it only shows a blank/white page. I have followed several examples and they all say that work with this code... Here is my code: import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.webkit.WebView; public class PostenWebView extends Activity { public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstan...

What adapter to use for ExpandableListView with non-TextView views?

I have an ExpandableListView in which I'd like to have controls other than TextView. Apparently, SimpleExandableListViewAdapter assumes all the controls are TextViews. A cast exception is generated if they are not. What is the recommended solution? Options I can think of include: - Use some other included adapter. But I can't tell if t...

updating an activity from an asynchronous service

I've implemented a service that does an asynchronous sync between my application and google docs. I want to update the top level activity of my application when the sync is complete. However because of the service it's possible that the app could be be in a unknown state. Is there a way to make the top level activity, whatever that ma...

How do I programmatically add a button into the inflated layout from an adapter?

Im using an inflater inside an adapter for my listview. I need to add in a different button depending in the state of the data for each row, so Im thinking I need to do this programmatically, but how do I make sure its inserted into the correct place inside the layout? ...

Android: Custom view based on layout: how?

I am building a Android app and I am a bit struggling with custom Views. I would like to have a reusable View that consist of a few standard layout elements. Let's say a relativelayout with some buttons in it. How should I proceed. Should I create a custom view class that extends RelativeLayout and programmaticly add those buttons? I w...

Android camera application

Hi all, I want a sample application for camera in android. If anybody developed any application please share with me along with source code. This will be very helpful for me. Thanks in advance Praween ...